It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Few Good Men Morals sends officers to peel their onions

In the evening of June 28th after Flores was finally gone and not coming back the Officers were coming back and the two swat officers who spent 6 weeks keeping me alive are back I didn't understand what was happening. Before they were there I could hear men stopping around outside and they were trying the windows to see if they are unlocked so they could get in. I of course asked Dech because I believed that they were coming to kill me of course I would think that I just spent the last six weeks of Flores trying to get in with a loaded weapon to kill me. Dech corrected me and told me they had been ordered to come to the house and take me by force to the Chief's Office. Of course after I saw Gilliam's insane behavior of taking me to behavioral health on June 13th I pretty much knew if I were taken into any part of headquarters or SAPD I was never coming out again I was never going to see the light of day and I certainly would never see my sweet children again my whole reason for existence. So I refused to be taken by force but I will tell you what if I was being taken kindly and I was going to talk to someone other than Gilliam I would not have had a problem with debriefing and negotiation.
So everyone what's wrong with this; knock, knock, Miss Neering the Chief wants you to come down town so we can all talk like adults. I would have said sure the sooner the better but apparently it's not adults I was dealing with.
So anyway I have established that they are gonna take me with force and not kill me with the help of my babycakes. I was not happy at all I have been torched and starved to death I can deal with a lot and still stay positive but at some point these SAPD men need to start treating me like a human that matters and they need to stop acting like animals. I am so very upset to see these officers obeying unlawful orders and they are clearly violating the oath they took and I have indeed lost tears and sleep. When I was told that it was Chief McManus was the one who threw me under the bus and allowed my life and my chances to be with my babies I cried hard as I am now. See i put that man on a pedestal, I thought he was such a great guy I thought he cared about people and the constitution. I was always told that he went in SAPD and cleaned it up and he got the corruption out I didn't want to believe that all these harsh and unlawful orders came from him I kept believing he didn't know and I kept saying out loud you just wait until the Chief finds out your in trouble mister. I know it sounds funny; you just wait brother I'm telling Daddy and then your gettin a wuppin hee hee. Kinda the same concept without biological relation. When I talked to the Chief in person the first 6 months I was back in Texas that is when I developed that belief system to me I saw an attractive man who cared and such a strong grip on his system but still cared for the under dogs and isn't that what his job means, isn't that his job description?
When the officer were in the back waiting for me to open a door or window so they could rush me I decided that I was going to talk to them because these are my protectors my guardian angels for six weeks. Remember I really thought the FBI was lurking and doing an investigation and when I was told that, that's when my image of the chief was crushed after all if the FBI had to come in that meant he was dirty or unlawful. Anyway I wrote on the windows moral messages like in a few good men   Col. Nathan R. Jessep was taken from the court room because he was guilty and those soldiers were dishonorably discharged because they followed unlawful orders and they were suppose to stick up for the under dog. You see we all memorize our code of honors and we say them over and over again sometimes while we are doing push ups when we recite them. In our code of honor it clear states that we do not follow unlawful orders and we don't attack those who are weak. I take this to heart and these SWAT Officers took it to heart too. There was a few other messages like no one owns your life and you make your own decisions and we can use our moral compass to tell us if orders are right or wrong; lawful or unlawful. 
So I filled all my windows and I could see the officers reading from a distance and then I went to east side and wrote and then I went to west side and  wrote. I heard foot steps to east side and I heard foot steps to west side and i heard foot steps to the back and ten minute pause. Then I heard the dogs at the south end of the home that's when I knew my guardians were arriving or leaving the dogs. When Flores was coming it was the dogs at the east side of the house. So my guardians read the messages and left. About an hour later I hear the church dogs going off and I mistakenly think it is the FBI field agents because this is a whole spot being used. Long story short I thought I was talking to Dech and I was actually talking to Officer Bird Caller, he convinced me to go outside then he directed me to walk to the back of the house. He thought the SWAT Officers (OK I may be faultily calling them SWAT Dawn says they get a promotion or something like that lol), anyway I knew they weren't back there but Officer Bird Caller doesn't know how to pay attention to details. I walked a block around the house and the plans of Bird Caller were foiled, now that is my GOD's will because I still firmly believe if I am taken I will never come out again. Finally Dech sees I am outside and tells me we have been invaded by a false profit. I go back in the house and lock myself in the house again. So soon my SWAT guardians show up again. My guess is that Bird Caller and Gilliam yelled at my guardians and oh no that's bad for your health yelling at my guardians we are gonna have words how darn you. My three guardians are three times the men you are Gilliam and Bird Caller and I will not be letting that go there will be retribution NOT  on my watch you back off my guardians.....

Bird Caller and Gilliam you best remember this I say onto you because it won't be said again..........My wrath is coming

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