It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, August 25, 2017

John remodeling the Bitters rd subway

I was walking from the Alamo Cafe to the Library, I was writing a summary of my story so I could give it to attorneys whom i was hoping would help me. I was approached by a man claiming to need labors and helpers while he remodels the subway on Bitters he claims he has several people bail on him or that they are unable to do the work he has requested them to do. So why would approach some woman walking through a parking lot. he claims to be staying at the apartments here, really? The apartments he is pointing at are not temporary stay apartments what a load of rubbish. The man can barely keep his eyes open as if he had woken from a sound sleep when being asked to approach me. I agree to meet him at Bitters Road Subway at 5 pm. Then I venture on to an attorney's office I spotted earlier. Two maintenance men are working all these business offices cleaning and doing repairs. From past experience I know if I simply leave my papers and story taped to their door my predators will come along and grab them and the attorneys will never see my story at all. They did this at the campaign headquarters of our new mayor which you will see listed in the blog. So I ask the maintenance men to put the three pieces of paper directly on the desk of the attorneys office and they agreed to do so. Then I went on to the library and surprise, surprise I see a lot of familiar faces walking into the library at the same time I am. While at the library I got the gut feeling that my attempts to get the help of these attorneys is being sabotaged at that moment, so i quickly go back to the attorney's office and what do i see. A woman with shoulder length dishwater blonde hair driving a older model gold jeep Cherokee talking to my maintenance man helper at the door of the attorney's office saying thank you very much. OMG no thank you very much geez louise how am I gonna keep myself going. So I go collect my bag that I left somewhere and I walk to the subway. I don't know how just a gut feeling I guess but something tells me this woman has no affiliation with the SAFC. But she still grabbed my story from the attorneys' desk ugh.. August 23rd I see the same woman at trinity college this time driving a red car she drives by with big smiles of approval. My gut says she is friend and not foe can i trust my gut? Lord hear my prayer. Hey lady how many autos do you have? Want to share?
I am writing in my book sitting at the subway waiting for john and when he pulls in I put it away. Earlier today it has become clear to me that they are hyper to get those statements of my hands with the plate numbers phone numbers and addresses. I was sitting at a gas station picnic table today next to the Walmart. I was talking to myself loudly because me, myself, and I are good friends we talk all the time and if Zig Zigglar says it's OK to talk to yourself then gosh dern it, it must be OK. Unfortunately there was a lot of traffic in and out of that gas station hearing me. And when I get on the bus and the drivers are acting strange watching me I know that the wrong people heard me talking to myself, noisy eavesdroppers LOL. So John keeps starring at my back back when we are trying to work together and I become very nervous that he has received instruction to take my back pack so i won't contact organizations with the details of my story (or case or whatever it is), I eventually hide the bag to ease my mind. We are working for about 40 minutes when he discloses to me that he has a puppy sitting in his truck and it has been there this whole time in this extreme heat. My body is cringing at the idea of the dog being put in harms way but I manage to keep my mouth shut. So John brings in the dog and puts it in a box on the floor and keeps telling me over and over again that he will loose his job if anyone finds out the dog is there. We are doing this project for three hours or so and he says this more than 4 times. Clearly the simple minds of SAFC think I will be causing this man to loose his job. There are attempting to set me up for failure. Did John violate my body? NO. Did John become aggressive and make me feel fearful of harm? NO. Do I feel that John will later go into a court of law lying about my character attempting to slander me? NO.  So why would I cause the man to loose his job? I wouldn't you simpletons.

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