It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 21, 2017

June 13th 2017 Sargent Gilliam abusing his position and throwing a mother fighting for her kids under the bus

June 13th 2017 locked in my house for nearly three weeks and I have run out of food and money. I lost my job and my yellow cab is gone. Officer Dech told me that my boss, landlord, utilities, and my parents have all been told what is happening to me and I would be all right and everything would be restored in my life when all this is over. I trusted him and had faith in him and in my God. Come to find out my yellow cab boss was never talked to he was never told what was happening to me and that i was locked in my house and I could not work because there was a SAPD officer outside my windows trying to kill me every night and sometimes he was at my house during the day as well. The last few times I drove my yellow cab I would only get two blocks down the road and there was SAPD officers circling me and following me I didn't know what there intent was but several other officers were attempting to pull me over due to what ever Officer A. Flores had told them, I got lucky someone told them they had been lied to by Officer A. Flores and they would change their minds about pulling me over and giving me a ticket.
It's June 13th and I have gone ten days without food, I keep yelling at Officer Christopher Dech to give me food and be a man with a moral compass and he has not done the right thing yet and gotten me food. I am more hurt than anything else by Dech's lack of action and demonstration of not caring at all about my well being and quality of life. Over the years he has never come to my aid with foo- or a auto that is broken down, he has however helped me in other ways and i am grateful for those things and thankful i have him, and as most women would say I need more.
I called the Chief's office at about 1100 am I ask for Sargent Gilman because I know he is the one in charge of the investigation with Flores, if that's what you can call this thing where I am locked up and the bait like the lamb in town square. Actually I suspected that he was the one in charge and after this day ends I am absolutely positive he is the one calling the shots in this case.  I had to use 911 to call the chief's office because i have no money and I no longer have a job I was unable to pay my bill. I got Sargent Gilman on phone I tell him I haven't eaten in ten days and I desperately need food I told him I was asking the SAPD officers working the case for food and they wouldn't help me. I wrote on my back window so the swat officers in the back yard could see it asking them to get me some food, then i wrote a note on a piece of paper and attacked it to a tree in the back yard. OK I will be truthful I was really mad at Dech so the note started with Dick Dech won't get me food, people get mean when they are starving to death and of course I was starting to wonder if this flores crap was ever going to end. (sorry dech I know they gave you a hard time about that), I told Gilman all this and he sounded very angry in that moment i thought he may be angry because the officers should have just got food so he didn't have to deal with me. He said fine I will send two officers over to help I said are they going to bring food he said "PROBABLY"  What the heck is probably suppose to mean? Oh he didn't want to deal with me all right and he could have cared less if I had food or any other life sustaining necessities. I came to the reality very quickly that this is a non-human exactly like my ex-husband. Now I want everyone to sit back and think for a moment the second in line to the chief has no human qualities..isn't their whole careers based helping people, keeping piece, justice, defending the under dog. I tell ya what after I went through on June 13th not only does someone need to check for a pulse because I don't think he has one but this man is in the wrong line of work no empathy no compassion no moral compass. When he sent those officers over he was telling me loud and clear that if I ever said anything to anyone about what was happening to me in this house he would ruin my life, of course his attempts to convince the medical community that i was insane failed miserably.
But lets all think about this mans lack of leadership skills did it ever accrue to him to establish those set of boundaries before we got to this point no he did not. Did he ever say Dawn no media attention no calling me and tell anyone that Officer A Flores has lost him mind and is trying to break into your home. We got ourselves a real smart one here people he thinks i am suppose to know these things without being told? Was it really that difficult a task to establish those set of guidelines? this man is in charge of how many officers and how many cases? Is this how he does it he actually had the audacity to become angry that I did something I wasn't suppose to do and sergeant how on earth did you expect me to know I wasn't suppose to do that? Telepathy? By the end of this adventure with Gilliam I will be completely convinced that Chief McManus knows nothing about what is happening in my home and I will be convinced that the man does not even know I exist, if you can't see the huge issues with Gilliam wait until I tell you the rest. This whole time Dech is telling me that I will be reunited with my children and all those who have wronged me will be brought to justice.
Officer W. Kasberg 210-563-6829 and Ram Martinez  -210-819-3328 show up at my home they are talking to me while they stand outside until they become forward and want in the house I had no intention of bringing them in the house because I had packed it up and I had tied up some the door knobs in case Flores got in the house before the SWAT boys got a hold of him. So they come in the house and they start walking all the way threw with out even asking just push me aside and they are walking through. They are talking to each other as if I am not standing there they look at each other and say the rope tied to the door knobs is very strange she is insane, oh really boys that makes a person insane? These men have been lied to by Gilliam they were given my blog this blog and told I am insane based on this blog, that's funny I was told that an investigation was conducted that proved everything in this blog. The SWAT came in a couple of times and looked at the rope and said "that's smart". These two officers say strange odd, we don't understand this, even after I explained it to them they still don't understand. The entire interaction with these men would prove to be very painful it is almost impossible to bring them to a level of understanding to have a intellectual conversation. Kasberg kept saying over and over again we are Chief McManus' right hand men we are his go to guys. I listened and studied, OK so someone feed them this line to get them to do what they wanted them to do. They asked me a series of text book questions that were designed to establish a base line of someone's LOC and stability. After answering their questions which took forever because they kept asking the questions over and over because they weren't getting the answers they wanted. They went to their police Cruzer and called someone then they came back in. They came back in and told me they were going to take me somewhere that had people who do documentation. WHAT? Food all I need is food go get some food I know how to document and I will document how simply your minds work too.  They stepped over by the front window and Martinez said "We can't take her she didn't answer the questions right", then Kasberg responded with we are taking her the Chief said we have to take her we are taking her. OK at this point who wants to guess Gilliam said "the Chief said"? They tell me to get all my meds. What? I don't take meds what are you talking about. We were told you take a large amount of meds and have a medical diagnosis. Well Gilliam and the Chief set you up for failure and his lies aren't even unique either he is repeating Flores lies, non-human with no imagination.

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