It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, August 31, 2017

At SAC August 31st

I arrived at SAC bright and early on August 31st to use the library and when I was sitting in a chair across from the bathroom a member of the maintenance department received a phone call he was speaking Spanish to whom ever it was. Just because I don't speak Spanish doesn't mean I don't understand what is being said.  I watched the maintenance man get off the elevator with the phone in his hand he passed me and the bathroom in question he even went past the escalators and turned around and came back it surly took me a minute to figure out what he was doing, the frustration he was experiencing was a dead give away. The man kept lifting his arms up to his co-worker saying I don't know what they are talking about. He walked over to the bathroom and opened the door and looked at the floor, then he held up his hands again and said to his co-worker "this is crazy what are they talking about someone asleep on the bathroom floor crazy local". Yes it absolutely is crazy and it's this crazy non sense I am forced to deal with day in day out 24/7. Clearly they were talking about me and there I sat watching and listening wide awake, good job pinpointing not only my location but the bathroom location.
Look how selfish you people are you took that man away from his work and sent him on a wild goose chase, how many floors did you make him travel because I started playing with your head on the fourth floor, then I moved to the fifth floor then I ended up on the seventh floor where I belong. You think I don't know your tracing that IPOD I have on me, really do I look new we have been doing this for more than three years. They would assume I would do that I was forced to lock myself in a bathroom in Waco in an effort not only to sleep but also to hide from Officer Bird Caller (5056 white pick up with gold strip along the bottom), so now they are foolishly walking around telling people I am asleep on bathroom floors. So who is crazy? You won't see me do that trick again boys that would make me predictable and only your minds work that way and there you go walking around foolishly thinking everyone in this world thinks just like you. I am guessing that was the SAFC Greg and Frank, but if it were an SAPD Officer how embarrassing would that be?
The folly of a fool is seen by all, if that was an SAPD Officer making that call how embarrassing for the Chief. You think the phone records can't be retrieved your not that slick just like taking the phones of paid minions, maybe a step in the right direction but it simply isn't enough.
SAFC are grasping at straws now trying desperately to make me fall apart or have a nervous break down. I know how Greg Marshall's mind works he thinks that every person in this world becomes emotionally unintelligent just because they are suffering sleep derivation simply because he becomes extremely dysfunctional when deprived of sleep.
1100 am I stepped outside and the three bike cops that have been parked at the bottom of the steps since 0830 recieved a call from dispatch telling them there is a problem in the library could I be that problem how funny really? Tax dollars at work. 1135 the bike cops are gone that were watching for so many hours, hey where'd they go I feel lonely. Don't you guys love me anymore??????

1230 a bike patrol has returned to me you do love me awww...OMG I just saw a student asleep on a sofa oh no send more bike patrol get her. Wait there's another one curled in a ball in a chair more bike patrol OMG I hope those girls don't sleep walk to the bathroom floor stop my ex-husband will call maintenance you will get a bathroom floor penal code ticket watch those girls this is scary stuff.

Two days I waited to get food and it went right in the toilet geez I was hoping I could hang on to it those darn bike cops sacred the poo out of me .....I act different when sleep deprived what? your wrong.

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