It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Rell and Betty Rice paid and received a block of instruction to keep me out of Austin FBI

I have no idea who paid Mr. Rice, he was a very nice man who seemed to have a solid character. Mr. Rice unlike all the others who were sent at me did not violate my boundaries,  he did not make sexual advancements on me. I made him nervous at one point when i insisted on going into FBI and that was approximately 1300. I saw him texting someone moments after that. Oh that was my son! I didn't ask Mr. Rice it's none of my business you would not have heard me ask you either. It was then that I knew this man was not what he originally seemed. People don't volunteer information and shove it down your throat unless they are hiding something. See I still don't know who paid him. I do know this he knows two federal judges whom he is friends with and he has personnel relationships with. He stated that he knows some agents in Austin, he did give that info on purpose and he probably doesn't realize I figured it out. He was telling a story about some sting or some investigation he had a distant dealing with and some of the things he described as happening could only be FBI it could only be things done by the federal government. Who hired and paid Mr. Rice? Agent Mcsneaking are you there? Maybe it was Frank Castro Jr. but I can't imagine Mr. Rice enjoying the company of Frank Castro Jr., Rell has an intellect well above that of Frank Castro Jr. now Mike was paid by Frank and there is no doubt of that and when you interact with Mike you can hear his lies you can see him going too far to prove to people he is something he is not and this is the type of people that make up the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign but I am having trouble putting Mr. Rice in that square peg.

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