It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Woodway Officer guilty of harassment asked to do so my bird caller

I was back tracking my way through and out of Waco texas collecting addresses and other details of very thing i had been through while in Waco I was advised to do so by a professional. I hate it when they are mistakes in here like whI walked 9 miles and then someone stopped to pick me up and give me a ride. He kept saying it was the will of God and the Grace of God that our paths crossed I wanted to believe that and I did in fact agree with him but soon I would learn it was in fact the deviant nature of Frank Castro Jr. and his willingness to pay people to attach themselves to me.
Mike is driving me to Temple and he has convinced me I should stay with him until Monday morning and go to Temple VA at that time. We go to a gas station and he is in the bathroom for a very long time when he comes out he kisses me. Well sure that makes perfect sense after all you have known me for a whole 10 minutes what took do long? He obviously been on the phone with Frank Castro Jr. receiving a block of instruction as to what to do to me and with me. I wonder who it is in the parking lot of the gas station taking pictures of that hideous kiss?  When we get in his truck his enforceable held my head for another kiss, I was able to break free and then started to wonder if I was safe with this minion. He took me to Target because he wanted to buy me clothes I never asked for clothes this is very strange behavior for someone I have just met. We were standing outside of the Target and he was looking through his phone to find a picture of some accomplishment or some such thing, I cant remember because I was only pretending to be interested. Then the light bulb Mike scrolled past a picture of Frank Castro Jr. he became really nervous and nearly had a panic attack I never let on I saw it but it is refreshing to know who is sending these people and paying them. Non-profit must pay well because most of these minions are getting a 150 and chuck got 500. Wow you boys are sure shelling out the bucks I really don't think that your resources are never ending how far you willing to go? I finally was able to get Mike to stop the disgusting kissing thing without getting mean. GROSS
He talks to his daughter on the phone and she wants a burger from whataburger. I can't believe he is taking me to his home where he lives with his daughter-Father of the year I tell you. He really doesn't know me and if he is basing his knowledge on the lies told to him by the members of the SAFC then he will never know me. In our three day interaction Mike will ask me over and over are your joints OK are your muscles sore? It was so strange I kept looking at him wondering if that loose screw could be tightened. He was offering me IBprophin  and Advil. It took me back every time. It wasn't until I took my Forest Gump walk that I figured out what Mikes malfunction was in this area. My ex-husband is a pathological liar he is seriously walking around telling people i have some sort of disorder that causes my joints to lock up and muscles to stiffen. I think he believes his own lies too and better yet he has gotten these not so smart people to believe these lies. They don't have any common sense, they have been watching me for years i walk many miles each day, i go to the gym, i go dancing, i work sometimes 16 hours at a time, and never once had i gone to the doctor or hospital. Where are you not so smart people seeing signs that I have some disease that causes my body to lock up? Do any of the members of the SAFC have an ounce of common sense? Better than all that I walked 52 miles from Temple to Waco, does someone with a joint locking disease walk like that? WOW I am dealing with some real geniuses here.
Mike goes to whataburger and he is going to get me the same burger he gets his daughter and i tell i would rather have a different burger. He says shortly after that, that is a sign of a strong woman and that is a good quality. The truth is that Mike is offended and he is looking for me to be submissive. He continues to say it over and over again that, that is a good quality and strong character obliviously he is just trying to convince himself because I could careless what his opinion is of my character is. The fact that he is saying it over and over again is reinforcing the fact that he was highly offended and he is angry I am just nodding hoping he can get a grip on his anger.
When Mike shared with me that he had been to jail three times because he struck his wife it didn't surprise me at all. I have already seen his anger and that was pushed down and if I spent more time with this man more than 3 days those emotions he did not deal with properly would turn to resentment quickly. During our time together he was sharing his take on relationships and what it takes to make them work. I have learned the hard way and will always stand hard on no expectations. Mike wanted me to side with his belief systems that minimal expectations were the answer. I refused to agree and stood my ground on no expectations is the only way and I was seeing another angry outburst work it's way to the surface. I see clearly why this man and my ex-husband are friends they see eye to eye on a lot of things, for example the belief that there is no reason to clean and scrub your dwelling. I won't even speak of what I was there because I this blog will be filled dirty details lol.
So he bought me all those clothes i didn't ask for then he bought food and he bought me some ink pens, it was adding up profoundly. I could sense Mike trying to compete with Dech he read a notebook had a couple things listed that Dech had done for me and Mike started to tell me stories of how he helped his ex-wife and the mother of his child. I wasn't really sure how to handle this I use to say over and over again that I never wanted to be an actress, the universe doesn't hear don't and now look what I am becoming. I have my own resentment to deal with in this situation, I know who he is and who he is working for, when I found out he is a Coldwell banker realtor I realize he is the one who kept me from renting that house in the medical center I wanted so badly I am very upset about this and am dealing with it the best I can. When he drives me to Temple on Monday morning I try to have a conversation with Mike regarding the home I tried to rent in SA. Mike said out of the blue--pulled it from no where, "VA vouchers are hard to get". WHAT? I don't care how hard they are to get I had two of them and I was going to take both them and rent that house, what is talking about VA vouchers are hard to get. Obviously I can hear him telling me that when he called the stoneoak coldwell banker he told them the lie that I didn't have my vouchers because they are hard to get he lied. I just really wanted Mike to know I knew what he did to me. I wanted him to understand the reason his world was about to fall apart. Of course it isn't the sole reason but truly it's the main reason.
He said and did something on Sunday that made me so upset I wanted to argue and yell but I decided some people are not teachable and that one I would turn over to the experts. Mike told me his daughter is 14 going on 12. Yep no joke that is what he said. That is emotional abuse to keep a child sheltered and refusing to allow her to grow-up. She started High School today and her father has not given her the proper guidance and knowledge to deal with her peer group and to keep herself safe. She is over here watching disney movies pretending that there is no bad in the world and what happens when she comes face to face with drugs and weapons she is not going to know what they are. Some new friend could tell Megan that this is the way my family takes aspirin and Megan will believe her and before you know she will be hooked on cocaine. I know you think I am over exaggerating but I am not I was sheltered child and when I went in the military I ended up in situations no one should come across and had I seen it coming seen sketchy characters for what they were then I would not have had to fight my way out. I don't like seeing someone do this to their child she needs to know monsters do exsist and you need to stay away from them--I.E. San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign.
en I said Flores kept me from renting the home on Fallen leaf and it was actually Mike Luscier that did that.

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