It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, August 28, 2017

Mario Maldonado

and a story about Mario Maldonado a Detective that thinks it's OK to run his hands all over my legs trying
In May of 2014 I went to SAPD headquarters to see if an investigation had begun into the crimes my ex-husband had committed against me. I waited hours in the lobby and I had already filed several police reports regarding the fact that my ex-husband was writing checks in my name, using my San Antonio Library card and opening credit cards in my name and the entire time he did all this I was not even in the state of Texas. His name was never on my San Antonio Library card and he was never an authorized user of this account and there is good reason for this. He has a long history of being irresponsible and stealing library property from michigan all the way through texas the trail is easy to see for someone who can lawfully access those records and history. I have shelled out an enormous amount of money clearing up old library accounts and I have even had to march into his various places of employment so I could retrieve Library property and get it back to the Library where it belongs. So Gregory Marshall was no longer allowed to use my Library account and he was an unauthorized user when he charged a thousand dollars worth of library merchandise and I was in the state of Michigan when he did this. He did it on purpose he took the most expensive items the library had with no intention of returning them and this was his effort of revenge.
When I was at SAPD headquarters after waiting for hours I finally talked to Mario Maldonado. I had not gotten his name at that time. Later I found out this detective was talking to me about an area of law enforcement that he does not even work in.  I began to cry when he told me there would be no investigation at all into the crimes my ex-husband had committed and he would not be held accountable for the things he had been doing in Texas while I was in Michigan. Mario stepped about two feet from me and clearly he thought I could not hear him and he got on his cell phone and I could hear he was upset. He said, "What are you asking me to do?" "She was not even in the state of Texas when he did this." "She is not lying people who are lying don't cry when nothing is done about their lies." So that was that nothing was done and Mario may have started with a moral compass somewhere but soon it would be lost.
In July 2016 I was at the gas station across from my gym changing a tire for a little old lady. Mario drove past twice and then he stopped. I am pretty sure he was waiting for me to finish the hard labor he didn't want to mess up those freshly manicured hands of his. There's something unsettling about a detective that knows nothing about hard labor and goes out of his way to avoid it. Haven't put my finger on why it is just wrong but I get back to you on that. Mario was talking to me when the tire was changed, I had gone in the store to get a soda and was praying he had left the gas station. No such luck he was still there. We had a short conversation and before I knew it Mario had his hands on my legs and he was moving his hands up to where they should not be. I had no phone because my phone had been fried when someone got mad at about a fax to the Chief's Office. (And I am gonna say one more time, the CHIEF told me to fax that, he told me face to face BRAT). Anyway Mario kept saying I like what I see and I kept pushing his hands off my legs the man talked to me for a whole 15 minutes before he started touching me in an inappropriate manner. Mario sent me several e-mails entitled I like what I see. I wish I would have kept those e-mails but I figured it is difficult maybe close to impossible to trace an e-mail to a particular individual.  Mario showing up at that exact moment was no chance encounter it was a set up and now I see that they have actually been sending people at me for years and this is the directive the very sick Officer A. Flores. So I still don't get why they are instructing people to violate my boundaries and touch my body in highly inappropriate manner. I have a test for all of you out there-how many careers have ended because men thought it OK to touch women in highly inappropriate manner.? Bill Cosby is going through what right now? So Mario does your wife know what you are doing on the job and who you are touching? She is going to know I promise you that.
Ladies please don't be mistaken to think you are safe or in good hands if you are standing to close to SAPD detectives because it isn't true. This is just stupid. Don't loose hope I have interacted with many bike cops including park police and they would never dream of doing anything like what detective Mario did, I will comply a list of officers who are safe and have displayed a sound moral compass, us girls need to stick together. And with that said Ladies stay away from Detective Mario there are some serious issues there and I don't want to see another woman suffer as I did.

 (Yes I am aware that Gregory Marshall walks around saying I am a thief, There go I), It's necessary for you people who are suffering from damaged reputations and loss of job to refer to the page outlining how much lying this man does you didn't have enough sense to see he is a pathological liar and now your lives are being ruined because you believed him.

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