It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Metro PCS store fraud

The MetroPCS owner required that I have my Social Security card drivers license and bank ATM card then he took all the information and shared it with Joaquin Castro and my ex-husband I was purchasing phones for my children two of them and one account. I had to work hard to get one of those phones in my children’s hand I took it to the school and gave it to the vice principal Miss Martinez she told me that she was going to put it directly in my sons hand in front of his father and that is exactly what she did. My ex-husband ripped the phone from my sons hand and told him that he couldn’t have the phone because it was from his mother and it may harm him. He then accessed that phone an app  and accessed the connecting phone sending me nasty messages on my daughters phone that was connected to the phone that he had it ended up in Joaquin Castro‘s office when I was contemplating filing a police report because he had stolen it from our son him and Joaquin Castro decided they need to throw the phone away. Then they access my bank account and I had money missing and I was going broke for charges that weren’t mine. They claimed it was child support the child support office is not supposed to be collecting child support from me because they are supposed to be doing an investigation into the child support claim.  My credit report is hit every month sometimes twice a month taking 19 points from my credit score each time they do it this is something else and I supposed to be doing each month money is disappearing from my account each month Joaquin Castro threatens me and tells me my income will be shut down completely and I will be broke evicted and put back on the streets where I came from where he put me to begin with. The phone is now gone my son doesn’t have a phone I didn’t pay for service because first of all the MetroPCS store is owned by a criminal and Gregory Marshall refuses to allow our children to have the presents that I take to them immediately takes them to Goodwill allows the children to see the presents  letting them know they have presents and then forcing them to give up those presents to a donation center this is child abuse it is mental emotional and psychological abuse. He is feeling their heads full of lies about whether or not their mother is saying whether or not she’s a drug attic and he is claiming that their mother is trying to harm them with presents is completely ridiculous Gregory Marshall is delusional he’s insane he needs medication he needs a doctor. In the other picture here you will see employee of Starbucks I can’t remember her name but she is friends with Walt Smith and she also attends the San Antonio community college.  She’s a psychopath that follows me all over the city and I think her name is Andrea. She instructs people to poison me at the Starbucks on San Pedro the Starbucks in the river center mall every Starbucks as a matter of fact. She enjoys showing up when I’m helping waltz mess with his jewelry vending business. This is Andrea the big mouth on the left complete and total psycho that likes to pretend to be my daughter forcing me to spend more money than I should be spending dreaming of the moment that she can help me evicted from this apartment and put me back on the streets. This is the international spy the killing machine that likes to kill people with cyanide and coffee she is the one participating in the euthanasia of the homeless and needy see the water she’s serving she’s adding poison


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