It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Hubert Robertson forging documents

 This document was sent to me at Haven for hope I received it during New Year’s. When you stay at a homeless shelter they are not supposed to disclose your information nobody supposed to know that you’re there not the city officials of that city and most certainly not the city officials of another state. I shouldn’t have this court order for child support Hubert Robertson and I had an agreement with the front of the court in Bay City that we weren’t going to use the friend of the court and we were going to agree on a payment between the two of us. He never had to make a single child support payment the first 14 years of our child’s life and I am The custodial parent and it was never changed in a court of law the custodial parent does not pay child support you moron. You can’t just go down to the front of the court demands of support without a court order for being the custodial parent you never paid child support but yet I was going to be required to pay child support the last three years of her minor life. This is an out rages amount and the case number of this court order matches that of Carrie Robertson this is a case against Carrie Robertson they cut copied and paste did my name in there this is an even my court order now of course Governor Gretchen has been helping to attack me so I don’t doubt that she push this through even though it’s not legal I don’t doubt that for a minute. But I’m telling you this is not my court order I did not get served or notified about the Bay County friend of the court having a case against me for child support this doesn’t make any sense you don’t go in there and demand child support unless you have a court order that states you are the custodial parent I don’t know what Hubert Robertson seems to think he’s doing other than building a bigger case for his indictment. The only reason he knew that I was at the homeless shelter was because he was pulled into my phones my social media and now my head. None of what he has done is legal and now we’re going to spend a whole Lotta time listing all of his crimes and it’ll take the rest of the damn day

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