It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blue pick up truck police officer

I have a video of talking to this police officer after the blue pick up truck has been chasing me all over the city and 2017 I was driving through this neighborhood looking for a house for rent. I had veteran vouchers and I needed to find a house that was suitable for my children and I there was a house for sale in this neighborhood. As I was driving through looking at the homes and taking pictures of the homes and the real estate signs somebody decided they were going to call off the police and have them start and harass me chasing me down some of the police officers were directing traffic at the church on the corner Wurzbach and Vance Jackson. As I drove past those police officers I could hear them saying that's the one that's the one she has A crush on a police officer they were pointing at me and laughing. Several other police officers in the police cruisers were chasing me down and terrorizing me and I was genuinely terrified. When I stopped in this neighborhood a couple of months ago I talk to this police officer who was outside working on the outside of his home and he was on a ladder next to his blue pick up truck I talk to him for quite a while and he talked about driving around looking for homes that were for sale it was a code message apparently that was the police officer that called the cops and told them I was driving past the house the police officer I have a crush on I thought the code man make sure you have an excuse when you're driving through these neighborhoods like looking for a house make sure you have a reason every time you're driving through these neighborhoods Dawn. now of course that's the message I thought he was delivering but now I'm being told that he was hinting and kicking around the fact that he's the one that called the cops when I was there looking for a house that was suitable for my children and I. When I drove through this neighborhood my phone was receiving messages telling me to go back downtown to go to work get out of that neighborhood I would've never known that the neighborhood was significant for any reason if the carts had not been sent to chase me around. I went over to the Prue Road substation after I drove through the neighborhood when I was driving through the neighborhood and exiting I could see somebody that looked like deck he was leaning over The back of a silver pick up truck he had his phone in his hand and it look like he was sending messages on that phone coincidentally I was receiving messages on my phone. There were couple of kids running around the garage at least I thought that's what I saw because I drove through quickly it looked just like Officer Christopher deck. I visited the Prue Road substation and I talk to a female police officer behind the desk who had an ear lobe that was ripped clean through she said the most astronomically stupid things when I was trying to inquire as to why they would be stocking and harassing me she never allowed me to file a complaint against the police officers she just said they're making excuses one of the excuses that she had made was maybe they were off duty. So apparently her police officers are in their uniform driving their police cruiser while they're off duty. And she also wanted me to believe that stocking and harassing and chasing someone down is OK as long as they're off duty. Does that make any sense as long as they're off duty it's OK to terrorize someone and chase them down? So that evening and the next day I went to the Library to use the computer to search for everybody in that neighborhood to find out why I was being chased down why was I being attacked who was in that neighborhood that would cause me to be attacked why was it such a problem for me to be in that neighborhood. I didn't recognize any of the names and I continuously said Christopher I don't know why they're attacking me I don't see anybody in the neighborhood that I know. I did however get one name out of that neighborhood and it was the name of Jessica. That's when I started to poke around and search and I found out that officer Christopher Deck is married to a woman named Jessica and they went to high school together

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