It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 20, 2020

Redhead tattooed dirty officer

First thing this has to be edited because I have dirty police officers in my phone who are manipulating what it goes in whether or not it's spelled correctly whether or not it's the words I'm actually using.
And before you read all the monstrosity below I want to remind everybody that there was a dirty sapd officer Named Dave who was telling me that I had to take the pictures of the plates. I was crying I was falling down my body was full of hives I had near heart stroke heat exhaustion and I had some severe edema. I was begging to be pulled to safety. Dave was screaming at me I need those license plates and you're not getting pulled to safety until I get all those license plates. I had no money no food it was as hot in the summer of 2017 as it is now I cut myself going because Dave told me if I didn't get it done I would never see my children again. You made me believe that I would be pulled to safety and reunited with my children he was playing with my head because as far as he was concerned I was never going to see my children again and I wasn't going to live through this either. It was a dirty police officer telling me to get these license plates telling me this is what I have to do. I'll be other dirty police officers on the force are chasing me around like I'm doing something wrong that's funny I'm doing what a police officer told me to do. They're trying to arrest me for it every time I walk into a parking lot. Trying to get give me Criminal trespassing in a public parking lot

Here are the two dirty cops the fat officers the Ireland that have me in handcuffs telling me that I wasn't going to get those handcuffs off unless I signed a citation a citation written about a crime that I did not commit I stepped into the street because they were chasing me down and I was scared to death officer Garcia pulled up in his pickup truck he was off duty he had street clothes on he jumped out of his vehicle he grabbed me and your Lee broke my arm twisting my arms behind my back I didn't know who he was because it all happened so fast but the fat ass has a rest of me before and he did it wrong then to violating my Miranda Rights violating my civil rights and human rights and apparently there's a lot of me out there. I was in the parking garage taking pictures of all the people who have been stalking and harassing me it was dirty cops when I got all the license plates he was in the parking garage and I got his too he was sitting in his vehicle I saw him I do not care I do my job anyway. They were sending me in there on purpose they actually thought that that this was going to stick and that I was going to be arrested then he called down to the substation and there was a sergeant idiot who came out I want to talk to you I want to talk to you I don't care what you want you stupid son of a b**** if I don't want to talk to you I don't have to I have rights at this time I was extremely scared of all cops I have been locked in my house with a cop trying to shoot me in the head trying to break into my house every night for 2 months then I went to Waco Texas I and I had to walk 35 miles of that trip so that I could go see the FBI and get help and there was sap D officers that followed me the whole way taunting me circling me terrorizing me I didn't know what their intentions were do you know how horrific an heinous these crimes are against me by all of these dirty police officers and eat town that I walked into they called police officers to stock and harass me Circle me and chase me down do you think I want to have a conversation with any piece of s*** police officer no I don't it's hard to decide which ones can be trusted I have a selection but it took me a very long time to get to that place. Stupid officer Garcia did not identify himself as an officer the only thing I could see was fat rolls and cottage cheese coming at me. He twisted my body around in yearly broke my arms putting them behind my back and there is no reason to use that kind of force and here's the clenched ER I didn't break any law I didn't do anything wrong and then they tried to say I was trespassing in the parking garage the parking garage is open to the public you doorknob don't even know the law. Officer Garcia's mouth was running the whole time I can't have you taking pictures of my plates and endangering my family you're going to take all these plates and run them. First of all I'm a homeless woman that can't even feed myself or shelter myself because of the mayor and the chief of police. Second of all I don't know how to run plates I don't have that or 40 or ability I don't even have a computer. If I went to an attorney's office and ask them to run the plates it would cost money if they ran the plates in it was a police officer they could not give me the information by law. Do you see how stupid officer Garcia is that is so astronomical Lee stupid you're going to be running these plates and endangering my family the fuk are you talking about you stupid motherfuker what do you think I'm doing with the license plates apparently all of the dumbass is in the Chiefs office aren't communicating with all of these patrol officers and making them understand that the plates are going to them. Oh they're going to several other people too but the idiots in the Chiefs office don't know that. So apparently officer Garcia thinks that every civilian resident out here in San Antonio Texas wide can run plates whenever they feel like it no stupid it doesn't work like that there's an app you can put it in no that's fake it doesn't work it doesn't produce anything it's deals people's money and that's what the app is designed to do it makes you think that you can run plates of people or chasing you around but then when you put the plate in sorry we don't have any information but we did get your money.
Even if there is a genuine app out there I don't have any money I don't have any phone service my phone are being controlled by dirty cops and dirty FBI and dirty NSA and dirty CIA yes officer Garcia has no brain just asked his former partner from 2018 I don't know if that kids still has partner but that kid knew exactly what he was doing exactly what he was doing wrong he sat there looking at me going he's not very good at paperwork he's not very good at anything never good at thinking is not very good at speaking he's not very good at memorizing laws he's not very good at abiding by somebody's Miranda Rights civil rights and human right he's not good anything home my God I'm sorry he's really good at eating.
Okay so we get to this point right the sergeant chasing me down Chase's me and to the road after Garcia rides up jumped out and the fat flapping all over the place in the cottage cheese and gross grabs on to me then they got me pinned up against the smell trailing right there 6 other police officers show up after doofus was one of them he was the last one there. Remember that that's important sergeant dish it runs my name in the system and sees a note in the phone or computer whatever he was using that they have to call the chief office and talk to Sergeant a****** so they do that and I can hear them talking on the phone and all the derogatory things that he saying about me and then I can hear the derogatory things that start an a****** saying in the Chiefs office she's crazy she's nuts and they kept calling me a chick don't call me a chick no professionalism whatsoever you can search through s APD you're not going to find very much professionalism. At one point in time the sergeant from the Chiefs office was calling me abroad which he's giving away his age it's derogatory talk at slang it's disrespectful and I do look forward to your indictment and I will not stop until you are behind bars.
He gives them instruction he wants to know if there's any reason they could possibly arrest me needs to have me arrested I didn't do anything to be arrested I was all arguing with the two sergeants that was standing there before the red-headt showed up. As officer Garcia was saying that I was trespassing and said that I should be arrested at on Criminal trespass I had to explain to them spoon feed them with the law it that's a public parking garage it's open to the public they kept arguing that it's a private owner it doesn't matter it doesn't make a damn bed a difference if that private owner opened it to the public that means all members of public you can't be selected I'm a member of the public unless I have been formally banned from the property which I have not I'm not trespassing on property open to the public whether it is privately owned or not. He these morons I've been using that line over and over again for years because the mayor doing Castro and we can catch her other ones feeding them this really stupid line and they keep repeating it and when they do I know exactly who they had been talking to on the phone before they came to give me a hard time. So one Sergeant looks at the other and says well I guess Walmart is privately owned anybody can go in there it's open to the public we can't arrest them for walking into Walmart. Now you finally get it but I don't understand how you got the rank of certain it took you that long to get it that's your job to know it and me all a person is civilian with no education in the law had to teach you this yet you're a sergeant how the hell did you get your stripes who did you blow?
Hey masturbate McManus I hear rumors is bisexual
Let's wrapping up she put the handcuffs on me that redhead in the picture and then officer doofus decided I'll write the citation for obstruction of traffic or something like that stepping into the road with oncoming traffic or some such thing there was one vehicle a block away I stepped in the road because they were terrorizing me and I was trying to get away from them I was terrified that's not legal. When I saw the car block away I step back on to the sidewalk and decided I was going to argue with him in this time I was going to win the argument that's when Garcia showed up all of this happened before doofus got there he didn't see any of it. I don't know how things work here in Texas but in Michigan where I come from I am well-versed on the fact that a police officer cannot write you a citation unless they saw it with their own eyes. Many of my friends have said that to me over and over again yeah sure they might be doing that but if I didn't see it I can't write the ticket. One particular police officer I had to call because someone pulled in my driveway and was ramen my truck he finally got to her house knew that she was drunk but he didn't see her driving while she was drunk so he couldn't give her the DUI. But here in Texas apparently you police officers can do whatever you want whether you saw crime or not you're going to write the ticket you didn't see it with your own eyes but you're going to run up that ticket claiming that you saw it that's a lie honey those Kolb and recording systems better have been on my word against years of my word is so much better than yours.
To the redhead told me to come down she's got me in handcuffs and there's no reason to have me in handcuffs I wasn't combative I was the one that was assaulted by dirty police officers I'm the victim.
After doofus wrote the ticket nobody asked me if I was going to sign it or if I wasn't going to sign it nobody even bothered to find out whether or not I was going to exercise my rights not to sign it she immediately said to me I'm not taking the handcuffs off until you agree to sign that citation does everybody see the Dozen reasons why I should not have signed it why I didn't have to sign it they're probably more than a dozen reasons. One of them would have been the fact that a fat police officer was off-duty in his vehicle and that's entrapment. I should have said you were I'm not going to sign the citation just so I can see how many hours you made me stand there in handcuffs. At this point in time I knew that they would throw me in jail for not doing anything wrong because they had done it before I knew that they thought they were above the law I knew that they were not above breaking the law I know how it works here in San Antonio so I agreed to sign the damn ticket a crime I wasn't guilty so that I could get the hell away from them. Don't the judges ask where Euchre Hurst to sign this ticket were you coerced Andrew admitting that you committed a crime you weren't committed.
Then I saw green eyes. She was standing there talking to some guy the whole reason they were at 7-Eleven the whole reason they kept circling around and around b was because of green eyes now I learned about the sap D white vans because of green eyes told me all about it how they follow were all over the city watching her sometimes they open the door and ask her she's alright. What she failed to tell me is there's a court order so when I took her pictures she got angry and I know that she will get angry because she's proud anger. And after everything that she's been through in her life who could blame her. Green eyes is the one a police officer either had sexual relations with or forced hurt is have sexual relations she said it was not a consensual relationship. So when she finally got in front of a judge after many times to being arrested for doing nothing wrong being taken to Behavioral Health when it really wasn't that big of a issue the judge signed in order that all of these police officers are supposed to talk and harass her Circle her these two police officers turned around Road up sat next to the outside fender and watch her she knew they were there but they were hiding anyway that's entrapment it's talking it's harassing it's not legal a judge signed an order this is what they have to do she said it's because I'm mental. Apparently she is willing to become a comparison give up all of her rights. She has given up all of her civil rights her human rights her right to privacy and she tells me they're not going to get in any trouble oh yes they are honey they are going to get in trouble and that judge that sign that order he's going to fry. I look forward to this. They have literally been doing this to her for years because of the officer that sexually assaulted her that's talked in harassed her was so in love with her trying to force her into a relationship and a hide and cover up his crimes of sexual assault of harassment talking and I think we can call it right her life is been ruined and a stupid judge decided on his own that she's mental. So if somebody has a mental to disability or if they have some sort of mental diagnosis schizophrenia or whatever I want everybody to sit back and think about somebody that's not completely mentally healthy being stalked and harassed by dirty police officers constantly I asked her if she got used to it she said no you never get used to it but I know it's happening and I know there's nothing I can do about it I know they are monitoring me know they're not mine during you there's talking and harassing you there terrorizing you do you think that's a solution for somebody who has an emotional disorder or a mental disorder what do you think would happen to a person that is not completely mentally or emotionally healthy if these things are happening to them to the extreme there happening to me that would make their mental disorder 10 times worse they're not helping this person they are trying to drive her insane so she no longer has a case against the rapist police officer do you understand what these monsters are doing?

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