It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Donald Trump jr. Rally in San Antonio

 Donald Trump is here last year for rally for his father's campaign. At the last minute they said that the convention room that he had reserved was otherwise occupied a head double booked it. That was a lie that was for an agents here in San Antonio playing games with the Trump Administration. They move Donald Trump's you and your to the Henry B Gonzalez convention center and put him in a very small room. It held somewhere between 50 and 80 people there are people lined up outside the room but we're not able to gain access. There was a fire marshal employee out there making sure not too many people entered that rally. They were going a bit overboard with this there was for sapd officers that claimed they were sapd and Secret Service. There was a secret service officer that came out and was with the campaign director. I was standing out there trying to hand out my letters to as many people as possible and I gave it to two secret service members who seem to know exactly who I am. I'll tell the story as to why the Secret Service knows who I am in a moment. I was hoping they were going to give it to Donald Trump Junior I don't know whether or not that happened. The fire marshal employee that was there refused to take my letter she knew who I was. It is the same Fire Marshal employee that was with the leccino fire marshal employee at that coffee and donut shop on the corner of st. Mary's and mulberry. That was the particular day that the fire marshal employee said that he was going to call sapd simply because I refuse to answer him when he asked how I was doing. It's none of your business I said and that's when he threatened to call sapd this is the same Latino Fire Marshal employee that stands more than 60 that was chasing me down the sidewalk threatening me to do me bodily harm because he claimed I flipped him the bird I happened to be scratching my forehead with my middle finger how dare I? I promise you when we reach court of law I'll be doing the same thing and you can watch his Outburst in a court of law he cannot contain his anger is out of control. There was a second employee with him that's the same one that was at johnald Trump juniors rally I got a picture of him and his plate you'll be able to identify him he's white has Sandy blond hair with blue eyes. He's not nearly as vocal or rude as that Latino fire marshal employee. He appears to be let you know I don't know who he is.
On that day at Donald Trump Junior's rally there was a tall man with Sandy blond hair I believe he have brown eyes he was more than six foot probably about six foot two he was leaning up against the wall talking on the phone claiming that he had paid $180 for the tickets as I was walking to the bathroom. These spy agents or whatever they are are extremely stupid. You think I don't know a rally is free? You're just trying to keep me out of there by claiming that people are paying for tickets. You look like idiots somebody took you for $180 to go to a free rally? You moron. He followed me around as I tried to enter the rally as I passed out my letters to people. When are we done able to enter I went to sit down at a French the tall more on that paid for the tickets followed me and sat down his bench next to me so that he can view what I was writing in my notebook. There are cameras all over the convention center and I do hope that you can access that footage. I got up from the bench and had a few more letters to hand out. I approach those sapd officers who claim to be both as a PD and Secret Service asked who they were and whether or not they were there with Donald Trump. It took quite a lot of effort to get them to admit that they are natives of San Antonio and they work for sapd. Then they followed me around nearly grabbing on to me continuously saying to me over and over again we need to talk to you over here and I don't care if you think that you need to talk to me I don't have to talk to you you need to get the hell away from me this is open to the public and I am a member of the public. You cannot claim that you need to talk to me and pulled me to the side. If I want to hand out a letter with my personal story on it that I most certainly have the right to do so. As I tried to hand it to that employee of the Fire Marshal's Office those for sapd Twits in suits were all over me saying we need to talk to you over here they kept reaching out their hand to grab me. They said can we talk to you know you most certainly cannot I'm leaving that's when I left because I had the idiots in suits from sapd chasing me around we need to talk to you. That's called harassment that's called stalking and terrorizing somebody who is at a rally for the president's campaign. You can bet I'm not the only one they did that to you because they were doing everything in their power to make sure that campaign rally didn't happen in the city of San Antonio. I look forward to their indictment.

The story of why the Secret Service knows who I am. While I was locked in my house I was contacting my friends or who I thought was my friend one of them is Megan I stayed with her at the prior house. She's a felon she was there transitioning into society. She worked at a bank and she was stealing money from the bank. The Secret Service investigated her they are the reason she went to prison. They were watching her closely and visited her once a week while she was at the prior house. It took months but I finally got the story out of her one of the Secret Service members hated her and wanted her in prison for longer than what she was. Apparently she lied your court of law and said that she had a drug addiction problem and that's why she committed the crime which lessened her sentence. She was lying. Because the Secret Service watch all of her phone calls all of her emails watch everywhere she went and everything she did they also watched her contact the FBI and inform them that I was locked in my house with the police officer trying to kill me. That's when the Secret Service was clued in to my situation and what was being done to me. It does not surprise me at all that all secret service members know who I am and what my situation is even the ones that work in Washington protecting the president and his family. They are well aware that I was locked in my house with a police officer trying to kill me. When Megan called the FBI and then visited the FBI the Secret Service watched her do it. If you were a member of secret service and you saw this happening on somebody that you were assigned when you become curious as to whether or not the story was actually true? When you look into it? All they had to do was show up at my house at night while Flores was there trying to break in through window they could make themselves undetected while they were watching all of it happen. It would be very easy for the Secret Service to see what was happening to me at my house and I believe they just just that.

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