It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The CIA director and Governor Abbott collude

 Of course the CIA director has always been out of control but now she's getting a little out of hand a little overzealous each day she sends a different killer to do a job that they are not equipped to do a job that continuously fail to do.
The Romanian rapist is still out here circling me in the park. I just had a woman approached me from Brooklyn New York another killer sent by the CIA director these people are being paid and they're being paid with the American tax dollars. Do you think American taxpayers are going to be very happy to find out that they are paying you're hired assassins to kill innocent people? The whole reason Governor Abbott hasn't told me to safety was because the CIA director was telling him not to she was telling him that she was going to take care of the problem she is too he's going to prison because of her she's taking care of the problem all right. Because we all see Governor Abbott as a problem unfit to be a member of society that's a problem.
It's the Hideous CIA director in my phone telling me I will never see my children again telling me that I will be on the streets of San Antonio for the rest of my life. This is the same arrogant and stupid woman that said waterboarding works well if it works so well why do you have to do it 47 times because she's sick people she's completely insane and if that isn't bad enough she's stupid on top of it.
I would really appreciate it if somebody would get control of her. In 2018 she was sending people to harm me calling up police officers telling them to stop and rest me and all of these killers in these minions in these rapists we're telling me that they knew Christopher Ray personally in other words she was framing Christopher Ray for her crimes. Unfortunately I believed it and I was yelling at Christopher Ray and it was the b word the whole time

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