It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Officer Christopher dech

running his mouth again with gas lighting stories trying to protect his horse Stephanie Walker who went and got an ID with my name and her picture went to Victoria Texas using my bank account renting an Enterprise rental vehicle driving around the state of Texas using my iPhones posting to my social media so that he could have an excuse to hurt me telling me that something was on Facebook that he didn't like and she was the one that posted it and he told her to post it so that he would have an excuse to kill me. then he had Stephanie Walker instructing me not to fight for my children not to try to be a part of their lives telling me that my children would be mad at me if I was fighting to be a part of their lives and fighting to save them from abuse and brainwashing. including sexual abuse that's how sick Stephanie Walker is she's with officer Christopher deck following me across the country stealing papers out of motel rooms and stealing papers out of an Enterprise rental vehicle so that I can't tell anybody my story and I can't tell the world about his crimes. ssee how it lists her as dating Loki he can unlock any car he wants apparently. her and him continue to call tow trucks to have my vehicle stolen and then she was claiming while crying that she was just trying to scare me well you're just going to go to prison and I'm not trying to scare you I'm trying to get Justice I'm trying to make sure that all other children are safe because you're unfit for society and you are a threat to the well-being of all children

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