It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, February 20, 2022

30 NSA agents

these dirty nasty NSA agents have been following me across the country here you see them at a Best Western that cost $350 a night and that's your tax dollars at work people they're not paying out of their own pocket that's your tax dollars. they're pampered assholes I was 30 ft away from this hotel sleeping in my car and I wasn't allowed to sleep because I was being tortured all night I was being violated all night they kept telling me I had to move around I couldn't go to sleep because they were afraid of what would happen when I did a download. 30 ft away and it was 15° out they couldn't even walk 30 ft to help me out and give me some money maybe some food how about some warm clothes you couldn't even do that I'm going across the country with these assholes on my ass looking for Good Samaritans and they're blocking anybody that might help me keeping me trapped in a bubble collecting my envelopes so nobody sees their crimes the debit card was stopped and it's a part of an investigation and these assholes did it right now I haven't eaten in 2 days and these stupid assholes won't restart that debit card they keep stopping it every time I try to use it the investigators need me to use it even when I don't need something I have to make a purchase I have to use the card it gives them access and they have a court order for that access these monsters right here staying at the Best Western in the mentor Ohio these monsters don't have a court order they are criminals sociopaths and psychos and they just interrupted a major investigation I look forward to your prison sentence keep playing around trying to starve me to death and cause me to freeze to death keep it up don't stop now dumbass

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