It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, February 7, 2022

Killers chasing me down

in the silver Ford kjw 0236. they're following me all over the place they're in the gas stations in the stores I'm going in they're chasing me down the highway. the woman led me to the country inn and she wanted me to get a room there just remember that some people that died in their room of a drug overdose they really die. when I was traveling down the highway that moron that silver Ford was chasing me down the highway was trying to cause an accident and run me off the road. I was terrified I didn't know what he was going to do so I headed back to millerstown because I knew that the firemen were outside. so I was going to go to the fire department and ask for help from the fireman and maybe he wouldn't shoot me in the head with a bunch of witnesses. as I was heading to millertown everybody was announcing that everybody in millerstown is my enemy. so when I was driving down the highway running away from the cold blooded killer the psychopath he drove away and did not take the exit with me. I was able to give a description to everybody and everybody could see it. I went into millerstown sat next to the post office so I could fill out cards and throw them in the blue box. a young lady who must have been hanging out at the fire department came to my vehicle and told me that I couldn't sit there or park there was no parking and the fire trucks couldn't get out on a Sunday she was smiling laughing and being a bit snotty. I didn't know what her intentions were and there's a warrant for my arrest in Pennsylvania because of a detective Kramer who claims I was trespassing on a public school system so I'm very careful about all of these Pennsylvania's calling their local PD because they are working very hard to have me arrested and thrown in their jail system.

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