It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 20, 2020


 Victor was dating This Woman's cousin in Romania. He claims his ex-girlfriend wants him back and she is ruining his life here in America so he will go back because she misses him and she wants to be with him. I don't think he's being truthful after having spent just 3 hours with him I can't imagine she would want him back he opened up Instagram and tried to go to the ex girlfriend's Instagram page he has been blocked and locked out.
I have recordings of Victor telling me that he was going to rape me he also shared with me that he raped his ex-girlfriend she was bleeding her cousin went to her house and asked if she was all right as it happened so on and so forth everything that you would expect to happen after a wreck. He painted a picture of all of these people you see here as attacking him and he some sort of victim. I believed him until I got to know him a little better I don't think he's a victim.
Victor says that he's the one people call to go knocking on doors to eliminate people which explains why he was sent at me. He claims that one of these musical groups attacked him knocked him out and I made a video about the crime they committed against him. Victor likes to smoke marijuana and it appears as though he might be doing some other drugs as well. Just started talkin vulgar to me I repetitively ask him to stop. And he kept doing it. He announced boldly that he was going to rape me then said he was just kidding his micro-expressions did not indicate that he was kidding.
He says the producer of global records will pay him $10,000 to be quiet about the source of the songs that were written about him. He says that he can ruin the reputation of all of these successful artists because they wrote songs about him. I've never heard of such a thing. Wouldn't you have to have proof?
He says all these people are hacking his phone that I believe I probably need to keep an eye on him to keep the ex-girlfriend safe. He said that she calls people and informs them that he sleeps around with many women and plays the field and plays women. From what I've seen that is probably true.
He said that he has hacked into their networks created a back door sent them pictures of a hand holding a watch he said the hand wasn't his nor was the watch. However he admitted sending pictures but he thinks just because the hand is in his hand watch isn't his then he can claim he didn't do it then why did you just tell me that you did do it?????
Just got off the Greyhound bus in San Antonio today. I've had other minions sent at me from Gray Hound bus drivers before. However this man is connected to Russia and Romania. He used to work at the farm restaurant here in San Antonio. He said he just got on the bus and decided to come back here and get his old job back when he went in there today to get his old job back the staff members that were there didn't want him back he said he'll go back tomorrow and talk to the owner and have his job back because he was always the best worker there and he makes the best food that's his words and his opinion. Obviously he didn't make arrangements before he got on that bus about getting any job back or finding housing here. Obviously he was talking to somebody who was asking him to come here for other reasons and I think it's pretty obvious what those reasons were.
He then told me that he is connected to the owner of Tobin Center and 35 Nations. The owner of the Tobin Center or the the ballet group right there the artisan she used to do odd jobs for that man going and cleaning up some homes that he owned here in San Antonio and some homes he owns in Austin. She says that she can't go back to work for him and I asked if the ex-girlfriend had called him to ruin his job. Might be the only bit of honesty I got from him when he told me that man called his ex-girlfriend to find out more about him.
When Victor was telling me how she keeps calling all of his places of employment and his old landlords it mirrored my story of what my ex-husband has done to me and is still doing to me that's why I thought he was a victim. If she is making any phone calls at all I think she's trying to warn people of a potential Danger.
I asked Victor if he can go back to work 4:35 Nation. He said f them they want me dead. Well after my very scary experience with you I don't feel surprised with that information

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