It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, July 3, 2020

SOCIAL Distancing

A 51 year old man went to a party when america started to reopen cities and loosen restrictions. He claimed to have caught the corona virus in June didn't start feeling the signs of symptoms for 2 weeks. That's hard to believe. When he finally went into a hospital they put them on a ventilator 2 hours later he died. He had the corona virus for 3 weeks and it didn't kill him but when he was put on the ventilator he died in 2 hours. So was it the corona virus that killed him or the ventilator? Just takes a little common sense people. Allow me to tell you my story to reinforce the obvious.
I've had the corona virus three times possibly more. I'm sure I've been fed the corona virus many more than 3 times but once you have the antibodies just doesn't matter anymore. I don't remember the exact date but it was before the corona virus lockdown america. I was fed the corona virus at the Episcopal Church. It only took hours before I was sick. I had no idea what was wrong with me I thought it was just another cup of poison coffee. The investigating officers in agents knew exactly what was happening. When I arrived at the church I noticed that all of their special spies minions and foreign agents were not there. They had been warned not to go because the corona virus was being put in the food. I got sick that evening and I walked 3 miles. The corona virus did slowed me down and it was painful. I kept going at the Sheep of my sinuses symptoms in the peak of my favorites I walked 4 miles I was being bullied chased by minions and feelings screaming and yelling at me trying to run me over as across the road. I did all of this and struggled through the adversity that I've been served up while I had to Corona virus. I never went to the hospital and it didn't take me long to talk to recover. I've had the flu, bronchitis, and laryngitis all of which was 10 times worse in the Corona virus. Had I made the mistake of going to the hospital I would not have survived the corona virus. And what people don't understand is not the corona virus that is killing it's the demons that work and I medical profession. Why do you think that all the cities are going nuts about getting ventilator and insisting everybody be put on a ventilator? Wake up america you'll survive the virus will you survive the ventilator?

Celestine prophecies describes the energy exchange between two human beings. This exchange can happen between many at one. 


Do you know that a newborn baby will die in a very short time without the touch of another human being. What do you think happens two grown people? 


All those people who ever been on a stage and receive the acceptance and applies from an audience understand the energy. If you don't feel a theater if you don't feel a stadium no more energy


During the Memorial Day weekend the parks were closed. Thousands of homeless that had nowhere to go where told that they had to go hide. They were filled with shame and guilt dirty police officers told them they don't matter stripping them off their energy and their power breaking their spirit like a wild stallions.


Why do we go to churches why do we pray to I chose you God why do we gather together. And most churches they speak of love and faith it's taking turn in the last few years. Why do we do this? Energy. Energy to I chosen God energy to each other


The human body has enough energy to power small City. If you use scare tactics if you break them down you lock them in a house you tell them they're going to die take the energy


When we stand together for what's right and we stand for a freedom our democracy are human rights and our Civil Rights. We tell each other we matter and that will we we will stand for each other we will stand for all. What happens? Energy


I saw a report about the Earth no longer vibrating as if that was some sort of good thing. Whoever said the vibration of the Earth was a bad thing? Why would you even think that? Vibration is energy. A famous Japanese scientist did water experiments I'm not remembering the proper names at this time but y'all know what I'm talking about the positive thoughts and positive speech toys of the water created the vibration in the ripples. That is energy. Stop the positive thoughts stop the positive thinking and you can stop that energy.


In our history we have proven over and over again the ants out number the grasshoppers. When we stand together with energy and we stand for what's right or civil rights are human rights being able to go freely, being able to express yourself with speech and dress being social. They're taking all of this from us and they're making sure that the ants don't come together and rise up against the demon grasshoppers.


They continue to tell us that we have to distance ourselves to stop the spread to strike the fear enough forces into a state of submission has anybody noticed they're not talking about a vaccine or antidote and they're going out of their way not to say antibodies.


That Smeagol judge wolf has decided on his own without the consent to the governor to continue to talk about $1,000 fine and up to 6 months in jail for not wearing your mask. We continue to allow this man to violate our constitutional rights to violate our democracy. Today I had to be subjected to his severe narcissistic personality disorder and it was a disgusting display. Nobody's rising up against him.


They are trying to weaken physically mentally and emotionally so that they can get control and maintain control


Those will have a powerful voice who can and will stand up against them they Target they attack. Have you witnessed the attack some Lady Gaga in the media and the demon Katy Perry lying in a court of law saying that she still Song That Never blond to Katy Perry that isn't attack.
Recently Dwayne Johnson suffered a loss of his father.
Kevin Hart nearly died in an accident that wasn't really an accident more like a plan
Hugh Jackman recently had cancer removed just before he made the greatest showman
Sandra Bullock has had a lot of hardship.
These are the scare tactics of the CIA before an agents and spies the New World Order


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