It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Senator cornyn his staff was manipulated

 I was sending emails I was making phone calls I was sending out faxes  every form of communication that could possibly be used to communicate with Senator cornyn I did it Facebook Instagram all of it constantly bombarding his office begging for help . His staff was manipulated they were called by Gregory Marshall Joaquin Castro they were told that I would  I would highly emotional but that doesn't make me insane that makes me a mother fighting for her children's safety fighting to be with our children that doesn't make any mother insane  that's an expected response from a mother going through adversity that most would not be able to  handle  most would not be  well-adjusted I jumped it at all . Of course I had no choice did I  up against dirty with Tina's like the Castro brothers and the dirty fat Hillary Clinton . In November of 2016 a man got on the phone claiming to be Senator cornyn I was using a friend's phone well aware that my phones were being monitored and manipulated the phone calls weren't going through to his office so I had to use other people's phones  I didn't actually talk to Senator cornyn it was someone lying to me . Literally took me years to figure that out .  I talked to young man in his Washington office who was extremely knowledgeable professional and cordial he explained to me what all of Senator cornyn's offices do  he gave me a real good education and he was extremely professional I really appreciate him believe he's a paralegal . Maybe he's an undercover agent . Just joking . 

So the young man in the Washington office told me that I had to contact the Dallas office gave me a name and a phone number. He informed me that it was the Dallas office that dealt with police brutality here in Texas all police departments in Texas they were supposed to deal with it in various ways. So eventually I made a phone call to the Dallas office and I asked for the particular person I was supposed to ask for when I get her on the phone she was the rudest person I've ever talked to and she said Senator cornyn's office doesn't deal with police brutality they don't deal with any police department they don't do that. Do you think she was telling the truth or do you think she was telling me what Julian Castro instructed her to tell me do you think she was telling me what Gregory Marshall instructed her to tell me.? How strange that the Washington office gaming her name told me what the office is responsible to do and she decided on her own what Senator cornyn was or was not going to do for the constituents of Texas she's a real piece of work. Senator cornyn I think that you want to look into this I think this is a serious situation. I always thought of you as a good guy I always thought I could count on you to help me I continue to contact your office I never stopped thinking I was going to get your help I use all of your social media. The Castro brothers are controlling you by controlling your staff. I don't know about you but if I were a man in your position I would be pretty upset. I certainly hope somebody informs you what's happening those phone calls made your office there recorded right now granted I'm going to tell you right now I was in a very emotional woman when I was talking to your staff because I was talking about my children and I didn't know where they were I was talking about the fact that a judge ordered that I be reunited with my children and your staff seem to think that if I was emotional then I must be insane they were thinking that because they had Gregory Marshall on the other telephone and I could hear them talking to him. she would hold the phone away from your ear talked to Greg and Marshall and say yeah I can hear that yeah she's very emotional she's very high-strung yeah she sounds insane oh I don't think you're staff has the proper education are credentials to be determining whether or not somebody is insane or mentally competent I personally don't think they are saying or mentally confident. so when you hire people they don't understand what collusion is they don't understand what HIPAA is they don't understand what the Privacy Act of 1974 is they don't understand that they should not be determining the help the senator give somebody based on what their ex husband wants or the lies that he tells they are not competent enough to know when they're being lied to how could you hire people like that that's a setup for disaster Senator cornyn did you want disaster

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