It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 20, 2020

John Anderson back on the street

Here we have John Anderson back out on the street and he should not be . John Anderson is a minion that was sent at me years ago and he was sent at me by Pastor Terrell Jackson .  Pastor Jackson  should not be called Pastor he's a criminal is very angry he has bigger anger issues than I do  he likes to tell stories about  killing people  his specialty apparently .  John Anderson went to prison for 18 years because he be a woman so badly she nearly died  it was never the same again . That's the one he was caught for  that's what he does that's what he's always done that's who he is a woman beater .  They sent him at me telling him to be all nice and friendly and make me think that he was there to help me well obviously at this point I don't fall for that crap anymore . He kept trying to kiss me and touch me and it was annoying  I would give him the grandpa kiss and play along  no. One of the reasons for this behavior and activity is so all the other homeless people hanging around watching would think that we were girlfriend and boyfriend . Then they would start rumors and that would be flying around that I was out here dating or you people are really desperate to ruin my good character I don't think that's going to work .  I went to stay at his motel room that was being paid for by FEMA . He was getting veterans benefits When technically he's not really a veteran he was in for two weeks and then he was out processed  because his brother was in and you know that  one of the males in the family as carry on the family name . When I stayed with him at the motel room I had no idea he had been to prison for 18 years for the crime I had no idea he was a drug addict I had no idea he was bisexual basically I learned a lot .  He was trying to get lucky this is a block of instruction he was given he was poisoning my food and he made it so obvious look I made you this bowl of soup  I don't eat soup not that kind I didn't ask for it you didn't ask me if I wanted it I'm not eating it . The following morning I made you this bowl of cereal I don't eat cereal with the hell told you I eat cereal I don't eat cereal I'm not eating that  I'm definitely not eating it when a freak like you made it for me you don't you people think I don't know what's going on I know what the hell's going on I know more than you do .  I started boiling oil  to fry some potatoes . Unfortunately I use the wrong oil a flame burst out John grabbed onto it I said don't move it I was looking for the cover I was looking for baking soda . He started punching me in the head repetitively over and over again  he grabbed the pan threw it in the sink and poured water on it . Everybody with a brain knows what happened next . The sprinklers went off there were already undercover police officers in the building busting some drug dealers and they were standing at the front lobby .so anyway the rest of the stories on the Block  today July 20th they sent him at me purposely  I'm in Travis park next to the drinking fountain  not hiding .  he came up and talked to me as if he was my friend we're not friends you were poisoning me it took me two days to recover and I didn't know if I was going to recover you were punching me in the head .  every time he poisoned me I received a warning signal .  I was getting ready to leave anyway thank God that happen .  The fire department showed up  the undercover cop saw that I was crawling out of the room on my hands and knees will yeah when you're just got punched in the head it's hard to see straight . And today July 20t walks up like he's my friend . I couldn't believe that he was standing next to me  I said oh okay  he started yelling and screaming at me what the f is your problem . The moment I saw that he was going to have an angry outburst and get violent I put up my hand and said stay back . When I told him to stay back he started taking steps towards me he was going to punch me in the head again . He tried to deliver  insults.  the man was saying things like you don't have a roof over your head you you're not welcome anywhere near my things I didn't ask. Then he started screaming at me from ten feet away that I'm a once-a-month bleeding b i t c h. Well actually stupid I haven't bled since I gave birth to my last child it's an insert.  
and he was watching the way he kept turning around taking a few steps back again so that he could yell at me various things which I stop listening it involved the f word in the B word  and I'm a piece of crap you can have whatever opinion you want .  I just got done complaining that I have anger issues clearly comparatively speaking I don't . they sent him at me the Castro Brothers Gregory Marshall Pastor Jackson and Prince  that team . They wanted him to pull me into the Holiday Inn motel room that he staying in which is paid for by the city and is provided to the homeless .  he made that very clear he made that announcement you're not welcome to my things it's not your thing  and his objective is underlying agenda was obvious .  let me tell you some of the rules of the Holiday Inn males and females do not stay in the same room unless they are legally married . you also can't stay there unless you've been registered through Haven for Hope Haven for Hope turns me away every single time . Let me explain to you what they were going to do he was going to sneak me into the Holiday Inn  exactly what they did with the Candlewood Hotel that FEMA was paying for  he instructed me to hide stay low don't let anybody know that you're in my room don't let those employees know avoid the cameras I didn't avoid the cameras I was waving at them, hi. that was a big plan as long as nobody knew I was in the room and he poison me to death they would send in the cleaners to clean up the mess and get rid of me  and they're planning it again it didn't work last time did it but they're going to do it again  because if you could just keep trying eventually you'll reach success  if you're stupid . John Anderson also made it very clear that he is a Hillary Clinton supporter loves her to death . Well I personally know that he also loves to death Prince . So either Prince and Hillary Clinton are a part of the same team  no they are I was about to say that they were gaslighting me into believing that the prince team  with Hillary Clinton team  but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it is .

 so while I was at the Candlewood with him. And he was instructing me to stay away from cameras and the employees first of all the employees already knew I was there and they're okay with it. the door facing the street the side of the hotel there's two cameras there the one at the opposite end of the hotel there's three cameras there the front lobby entrance there's four cameras,  the laundry room has three possibly four cameras when you use the laundry room I was calling all these cameras there's one single back door that has absolutely no cameras. When I try to use the key at that back door it wouldn't work I couldn't ever use that door. Now of course I've had a lot of experience with a mother computer and agents I knew what was happening I just followed instruction and I didn't use that door. It took me a minute to figure out what was going on but I did figure it out

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