It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Clint chicago veteran sent here by VA

Clint is a veteran from Chicago  he told me his story about his iPhone  and the various things that would happen to it the fact that it would shut down completely some days he was unable to charge it he continuously went to the Apple Store replacing it he's had four  i7 iPhones . Here in San Antonio he had to go all the way to the north side to go to the Apple Store to have his  iPhone fixed  and to use the warranty .  When the technician put all the information into the computer she got on her computer screen that it needed to be sent in this is pretty obvious to me the reason that it's being sent in is because of the people that are hacking into his phone and they need to collect the evidence from that phone he said that he has to go 7 to 14 days without a phone .  I'm kind of wondering if he's ever going to get another phone at all . It was the Veterans Administration in Chicago that put him on a bus and sent him to Corpus Christi and then he went to work in a small City next to Corpus Christi and  he was a combination of homeless and  motel room dwellers . And then from there he made his way to San Antonio in January of 2020  but he said he's been in Texas since January 2020 I don't know how long he's been in San Antonio . It's been 12 months since he applied for his veterans  benefits  and it's never actually been put through the system  they never processed it properly you couldn't even get a copy of his DD-214 he waited three months for that they said they had to wait 30 days to get it and I've heard that song and dance to but I did eventually get mine  he however never got a copy of his DD-214 . In Corpus Christi they told him that they had to contact Washington to get his DD-214  because  it wasn't in St Louis  which is very odd .  I don't know what his MOS was but I do wonder if that's how he became a Target he said he knows things but he doesn't say anything about what he knows until he's drinking and then sometimes you let the cat out of the bag .  Somebody's very hyper to keep Clint quiet  whatever government secrets he has  they're going to Great Lengths to make sure they stay Secret . 
While I was sitting there talking with Clint he shared that he was going to go to the veterans administration again  I told him the hospital was open in the Administration staff should be there and he said no no I don't want to go to the hospital want to go directly to talk to people . I don't know what the heck that means of course here in San Antonio we have the GI Forum but it's a dirty nonprofit that is soaking  the government the Veterans Administration out of every dime they can get out of them and they're only helping about 40% of the veterans that go through there . The apartment manager is here in San Antonio Texas are fed up and sick of trying to deal with the Veterans Administration veterans go in to get an apartment the VA has made promises and give documentation that they're going to pay  the background check and that they're going to pay the deposit and first three months rent and then the check never shows up the apartment manager never received any money from the Veterans Administration and they hold these apartments waiting to put the veteran in the apartment and they lose a lot of money that's how dirty the GI forum is. That grant money is lining mr. Martinez his pocket the owner of the GI Forum . Isabel has been there for about 10 years she has complaints almost daily against her  she still working there she treats people like dirt  she has no communication skills  she has no ability to work well with the public she has no business having the job she's not a veteran either  why is there a bunch of people helping veterans that aren't even veterans does that make any sense  how can you sympathize with a veteran if you don't know anything about being one???
so while I was sitting there talking to klin and I couldn't get my phone online  Seth pulled off and Seth is an employee of the GI Forum and he drives around the Streets of San Antonio looking for veterans . Clint had told me that he wanted to talk to the veterans administration today so I wave down Seth Seth over here there's a veteran sitting next to me that need your help so sad came over to the gas station pulled into the parking lot and he's talking to plant right now . I personally don't think it happened chance that Seth was sent over there and he looked pretty annoyed and irritated to see me  I hope you all have seen the stories about me dealing with Seth and the director of the GI Forum I believe that was last year 2019 yes in fact it was actually last year that I tried to once again get into the GI Forum and the director of the GI Forum was talking about some conversation I recorded I forgot completely about this recorded conversation and I was well within my rights  the director of the GI Forum and the assistant director of the GI Forum pulled me into a tiny room while I was staying there they shut and locked the door. Two large men in one small woman in a little tiny space I didn't want to be in there and they were standing above me while I was sitting down they were telling me things that I had done things I was guilty of and it was lies I didn't do any of that I didn't say any of the things they said I said the entire conversation was all about manipulating me into a state of submission threatening me and telling me I was going to be kicked out if I didn't allow the other female veterans that were there too abused me to violate my to continuously use their mouths inoffensive manner threatening Sarah and I and it was all about Black and White. and I'm sorry if you get offended but I'm going to tell you what was happening at the GI Forum those black females got treated special Sarah was Latino and I was White. Sarah and I were friends and we were being attacked and we are being threatened by things were being stolen and every time we were asleep they were loud on purpose waking us up. at 3 a.m. we would try to go use the only bathroom that it was available for the women and there was a black lady named Lisa who would start yelling and screaming at us pushing furniture around telling us we weren't allowed to use the only bathroom available for the women's at the GI Forum claiming it was her bathroom and her bathroom only she got away with it too because then the director and assistant director were attacking us doing everything they could to accuse us of violating policies of the GI Forum and we did no such thing. That's what the conversation was involved that's what was happening at the time I recorded the conversation and then later the director the GI Forum typed up some paper claiming that it was a summary of the conversation that we had that typed up document didn't reflect anything that was actually said he was quoting what I was saying and response in the conversation and it was just a pack of Lies something he pulled out of his derriere. I had dirty cops and agents in my phone and when I announced loudly that I had a recording of a conversation and the document didn't reflect it I went to my case worker Lily and I told her everything she told me that I should have had my caseworker with me and I said I didn't have time to come get you I didn't know if you were available they literally pulled me by my arm into the small office so then Rochelle from the Veterans Administration my other case workers stepped in and we had another meeting with the director and he tried to threaten me right in front of Rochelle the VA Administration case worker who had already got into people's fired from the Veterans Administration. Rochelle is an absolute awesome woman that goes to bat for fetching some does her job well and we need more employees at the Veterans Administration just like Photoshop she's not afraid to back down she'll go through a chain of command and Rochelle and I both learned that day that Serge Dickerson is a very dirty Veterans Administration employee and he knows how to cheat the system he came into the GI Forum and caught the GI Forum director Aaron Cavazos how to defraud the government you have to use all that grant money he said or you won't get more grant money they use the grant money to buy luggage and then they sold it later on eBay they bought the luggage claiming they were going to give pieces of luggage to the veterans no veteran never got any piece of luggage it was huge lie I'm going to be here all day telling me stories. so anyway today's test was sent over didn't look like he was happy with me and I think he was sent on purpose because they want to watch closely as the GI Forum continues to break the law to violate the civil rights of veterans 2 milk our government for every red Cent they can get and their underlying agenda isn't about helping veterans at all 

 in 2019 after I had reapplied for the GI Forum the psychos who enjoyed gaslighting me and giving me fake stories tried to convince me that Seth is actually an undercover agent working at the GI Forum I kept going back and forth teetering out of fence deciding whether or not I believed it well he had no idea what was going on with me he had no idea what my back story was so therefore there is no way he's an undercover agent one stupid story after another trying to create confusion as investigating agents watch them do it this is Gregory Marshall Joaquin

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