It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Victor thinks he is funny

Let me tell you some of the other things he told me that I didn't get recorded. He said that he was in Chicago working at a restaurant and he ended up living under a bridge. He blamed his ex-girlfriend for his homeless state of being. And of course I believed him because of my own situation but I don't believe him now. He said that the ex-girlfriend was hiring private detectives to follow him around and find out where he was. He claims that she loves him and wants him back that's why she's doing this. I think she wants you prosecuted for rape. He said he can't go back to his own country yet the ex girlfriend is trying to get him to go back. He's having trouble remembering his lies as the conversation goes on. I wonder how can Victor tell the difference between a private investigator and an FBI agent? Is he a fugitive of Romania? Did he leave to avoid being prosecuted for rape?
He told me to go into the Texas to bar and ask all of them about the Russian. He said that they were going to tell fantastic stories about him. He says that they were contacted by the ex-girlfriend and given a lot of stories that are outlandish. I don't really want to go into the Texas to and ask but I invite anybody else to do that very thing. When I first met him he kept saying he's the only Russian San Antonio knows him he's Baymax here. I tried to tell him that there are many Russians here but he said he's the only one like he's the most important. It was a very strange conversation.
There's two different music groups listed on the other page he said one of them had paid a Hitman of sorts to hit him in the back of the head and knock him out when he left a 7-Eleven. How does he know that they paid somebody to do that to him? Then he said they made a video about the crime they committed against him. That video doesn't really reflect him being knocked out after leaving a 7-Eleven. I repeated his words on a recording on his phone. It's very comical.
He said that he was renting a room in a boarding house. There was another man there from Romania he said that he's from an orphanage and there was a minister that got him a green card and sent him to America. Victor claims that everybody thinks that he is the one from the orphanage who got a green card from a minister or preacher. He said that is not him and they are mistaken. He ventured with me that his parents no longer talk to him because it's too much stress what he is going through. They're hard to contact even though he has attempted to do so. This statement that he made is the exact thing I'm going through with my parents. Isn't it amazing how he is stealing pieces of my story and delivering them to me as his own? I've had many people do this to me before and it is a sign of who sent them.

At one point in time Victor said that he had become famous in his country and that these music artist we're trying to ride on his Fame to build their careers. Now we see an image of him stealing their story trying to make it his own this man has some serious identity issues the kind of issues you would see someone have who grew up in an orphanage.

He kept talking about the owner of global records being from his country. He kept claiming that he could get paid $10,000 if he was quiet about the fact that these artists wrote songs about him. If this was an actual thing do you realize how many people would be running into Global records claiming that songs were written by them that weren't actually written about them? Okay he is not playing with a full deck.

He said to get off the Greyhound bus today and then he kept trying to prove it I didn't ask him to prove it. I never indicated that I didn't believe him. Somebody who's sharing more information than what was asked for and is getting hyper about proving something is lying.

He told me the ex girlfriend wants him back and she keeps writing songs about I miss you so much and I want you back she locked him out of her Instagram account. Her her cousin and another music group visited America and while they were here he had no idea they were here he found out later after they went back home. If she wanted you back so badly why wouldn't she look for you when she was here?
I feel that the only reason she's ever going to be looking for him is so that he could be prosecuted for the crimes that he committed against her. If she calls anybody here in the US warning them about him it's because she is concerned about other women being harmed that's what I see.

Victor said that the owner of the pharm restaurant had indicated that he was trying to be somebody he wasn't. Or it was the owner of the Tobin. So he has a friend who is a member of the Russian army he borrowed his uniform dressed up in the Russian military uniform use the picture to announce that he was now a part of the Russian army. He said he was trying to give them examples of him trying to be something he's not. You would think someone that is doing this is trying to intimidate others trying to scare them why else would you do that? Shortly after he told me about his friend in the Russian army and a lot of friends he hasn't Romania he then said to me he has no friends at all. This poor guy is lost he has no idea who he is. He also said that he doesn't exist he doesn't have any papers. He doesn't exist in Romania and he doesn't exist here. He said he came here as an exchange student and he is on a student visa. If you're on a student visa and you're no longer attending school well you're not supposed to be here. He gave me a demonstration of his roundhouse kicks and his martial arts forum. He was drunk when he did this and he did a pretty good job. It made me rather nervous.

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