It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 4, 2020

US Marshal Bay City Michigan

March 4th 2014 US Marshal and a lieutenant from the Bay City Police Department showed up at my house they had in their hand my divorce decree which my ex-husband gave them. Anybody with a brain would have known that they needed a judge from Michigan before they could just Waltz in and take children. But from the story I'm about to tell you will see that the u.s. Marshal had absolutely no brain at all and the lieutenant had to correct him over and over again. If the US Marshal would have done his job he would have read the divorce decree it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever I judge said it was in comprehensible and unenforceable in a court of law. So why couldn't a u.s. marshal read it and see that it was unenforceable and that it didn't make any sense? Why was he unable to read the divorce decree and see that that was not my legal name you don't know how to use a computer you don't know how to type my name in to see what my legal name is? You can tap ask Social Security Administration to give you my legal name? If you had done your job properly and called the Social Security Administration you would have seen that my legal name was not on the divorce decree and you had no right to take my children you idiot.
And here's another idiotic thing the man started going through my papers went directly for my computer he told me that he was looking for the passports I said what passports what are you talkin about. I was told that you have passports for yourself and the children I pointed to the divorce decree in his hand and told him that it was full of lies nothing and it was truthful there are no passports. Now I'm sure that all of you are asking yourself isn't a u.s. marshal capable of and responsible enough to go into a computer system make a few phone calls and find out if there's any passports for myself and my children? It should be pretty easy for a federal Marshal to do this simple thing. This moron did not have a search warrant you can't be going through my things looking for passports that don't exist. Did the foreign agent spy attorney tell him to collect passports that don't exist? At that point when he found out they don't exist simply because I told him not because he was smart enough to make some phone calls and go into a computer system and look then that court order that he was carrying around that divorce decree with Null and void as if it wasn't bad enough that my legal name was nowhere on it
Then do US Marshal decided to pick up my five-year-old child and start throwing around like a sack of potatoes accusing me of things that I have never done or said. He told me I was taking too long taking too long to say goodbye to my child taking too long to collect up his things so that he could take his things with him that's what a creep and a sociopathic pick the US Marshal is. And I'd like him to know that I have never forgiven him for it. In other words your balls are mine I'm going to squash them like grapes because you're a piece of s*** foreign agent spy who should never have been a part of our government and you should have never laid hands on my child. You piece of s*** and when I'm done with all of this I'm going to Rally this entire country against you and I won't be the only one that wants a piece of you every mother in this country will bear arms against you.
After I told this story on a Blog that no longer exist and a fake Instagram that was being viewed by 2200 people I had a group of US Marshals coming to San Antonio from Michigan. Apparently they were going to come here and Hunt me down and get rid of me so nobody knew how stupid they were and how unable to do their jobs they are. You might think that's okay because they're Federal Marshals and their jurisdiction is everywhere right not when they're breaking the law not when they're guilty of Espionage and treason and not when they're coming to San Antonio Texas so that they can help gang stalking innocent Mother fighting for her children fighting to keep herself alive no I'm sorry it's not okay. And it does fall onto the shoulders of Governor Abbott why is he allowing these criminals coming into our state to commit some serious crimes? Are they still here where are they? How long were they here how long were they chasing me around the city do you know? I promise you there are people that know.
Governor Abbott no longer has plausible deniability. I told him and now he's required to do something about it if I were him I would do something about it just because it would ruin my career and reputation.
There was a warrant out for the arrest of Gregory Marshall. Gregory Marshall went to the US Marshal the federal Marshal telling him he needed to collect his children and he needed his help so do US Marshal was breaking the law helping this Criminal Who was a wanted man the US Marshal ignore the warrant for his arrest in Michigan. That's one of the reasons the warrant was there so they could watch you break the law you stupid a*******.
The judge that I refer to that said that she was supposed to throw the court order out of a court of law. Then custody of my children were supposed to be given back to me Gregory Marshall attorney were supposed to go to prison. Just because of that court order they were guilty of so many crimes including kidnapping. That judge is no longer a judge after the James Comey investigation. That wasn't the only thing that she died there was a lot more she decided to cancel my court date and say that she was sick she was lying for the foreign agents by Tamer Morsi. That spy's a close personal friend of Julian and Joaquin Castro and they're the ones that made the phone call to the judge to manipulate her in her court of law and now she has no court of law.

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