Two days in a row when Oscar went to the Valero to get cigarettes the employee gave him a free Nicorette patches you can see them picture to here . It's Clash of the Clans again he's been attacked several various ways because he has been helping me . You can bet these Nicorette patches are evil and they probably cause heart issues that's why he's being given them in hopes that he will actually use them and become ill . 
Friday evening Oscar went to work and sunny the owner of the store said that he can't afford to pay him the same wages that he has been paying him and he was trying to reduce his pay. Sunny wants him to stock shelves and work security at the store 6 hours every night for $10 cash on night. At this time he is only making $20 a night for 6 hours of work. This is an attack Sunny was contacted and asked to do this one of the reasons they wanted Oscar to lose the position is to keep me penned up in the motel room so I wouldn't be taking pictures or telling stories there's a lot of stories to tell.
I tried to go for a walk at 9 p.m. and he claimed it was too late at night then he tried to claim that it was a bad neighborhood I assure you this is not a bad neighborhood the people that are staying at the motel are not good people. And when we went to the motel on Thursday many people were checking in at the exact same time and they all looked rather Shifty. Of course I have taken into account that this is the day that people receive their social security benefits and they go to get rooms. But two of these gentlemen looked very familiar they stayed there before at the same time as me and they have questioned me about what I was taking pictures of and they have followed me one of them followed me this evening.
The last time we stayed here somebody was messing with Oscar's bike and flattening the tire. One particular evening he left the bike inside the store for an entire day. Somebody flattened the tire. After feels that he just got himself some bad tubes three of them and that was the reason for the flat tire I know better.
Chris who lives a block away from the store and his friends with Oscar has a motorhome in his backyard. He offered to clean it up and hook up some electricity and running water so that I could stay there for $200 a month. Chris is the same one that brought poison tacos to the store and the following day he was at the park I stay at walking around and around the park CIA wonder why. Oscar had seen him there and said what the heck are you doing way over here. Most people would have put this together. They did the exact same thing with a man named Gerald galle.
Gerald Galle was going to try to frame me for the fire of his trailer. He planned on collecting on the insurance even though the insurance wasn't even in his name. The insurance was in the name of Walt Smith the trailer title was in the name of Walt Smith as well I believe oh no that's right the title was still in the name of the person that owned it previous. It had been donated to the Salvation Army and they purchased it from the Salvation Army the 2500 I believe we're a little bit more.
So there's no reason for me to believe that they're not doing the exact same thing now trying to get me into that trailer to cause my death or frame me for a serious crime that would put me in prison at this point I'm guessing they want me dead more than they want me in prison. Oscar asked if I would stay there with him and I said I would visit him. He became angry and irritated not very good at this game.
One of the reasons he's not very good at this game is because he doesn't realize I know exactly what's going on I understand all the people that are texting him all the people that are coming to physically talk to him with our little scheming in their plants
So about an hour and a half ago he was trying to get me to sell the phone that I just bought. Now they're trying to get rid of more evidence.
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