It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Officer Garcia arrest me July 2018

 I was charging my phone I was in the walkway between the candle store in the flower store of the kangaroo court not bothering anybody minding my own business. A maintenance man that works for mr. B walk through a couple of times he said a couple of rude things but he never told me that I had to leave. Apparently the dirty police officers had a big plan in mind for me they were trying to contact mr. B while I was sitting there asking him if he would press criminal trespassing charges against me mr. B didn't respond to the phone calls apparently he was busy. They sent into police officers and those police officers told me that I had to go so I started picking up my things to leave. I asked officer Garcia the very large Mexican police officer that was standing in front of me if it's open to the public then am I trespassing. I was just simply asking question he said it's clear to me that you're not going to leave he grabbed onto me slam me up against the wall put my hands behind my back and cuffed me. I was standing up I was putting my things away what on Earth in my actions would make this man believed that I wasn't leaving and that I needed to be arrested? You never had a civil conversation with me about the situation he lied to me and told me that they had talked to the owner of the establishment. He never asked for my ID he never id'd me he had me in handcuffs and his partner was carrying my things. You got me three blocks down the road and started screaming at me you need to identify yourself I need to see your ID. He was supposed to look at my ID before he had put the handcuffs on me. He was asking me to take out my ID while I was in handcuffs and he had his hand firmly around my left arm how was I supposed to get out my ID and show it to the Man? My first response to him was you know exactly who I am you people Target me you all know who I am. Then he started to scream failure to ID you're going to get another charge for failure to ID. How ridiculous you failed to do your job properly and I get another criminal charge on me. How was I supposed to ID myself while I was in handcuffs walking down the street? It gets better
I believe young man working with him as his partner was Johnson. But it was a while ago so hopefully there's documentation somewhere. They sat me down in the substation set my bag by the door the substation lobby area filled up with police officers. As I said they all know who I am what an accomplishment to have me arrested. An officer named Martinez walked over to my bag and picked up my journal and started reading it. Nobody gave him permission to read my journal he has no right to be going through my things in this capacity want to talk about a violation of privacy. He found some very interesting things written in that journal about the agents that I went to visit. I documented in the journals at there were some agents doing an investigation that were bringing their wives with them. I believe I wrote in that journal well I guess my case isn't so serious perhaps that's why they're bringing their wives with them. What I didn't understand is those were dirty agent stalking and harassing me but because of the way that it was written Martinez freaked out through the journal down and walked away. Another officer was getting phone calls from the mayor's office sitting across from me will he was standing I was sitting. And he kept showing everybody his phone all proud of himself it's the mayor's office calling they want to know if we have her in custody. He felt so special let's see how special you feel in a court of law.
After all of them said many rude things and kept going through my things they finally vacated the lobby area. Garcia was having difficulty doing the paperwork. His partner Johnson I believe said that he's not very good at paperwork kept rolling his eyes do you have it are you almost done. He literally didn't know what he was doing. I was there for a very long time they had to wait for female officers to search me. While I was in the lobby officer truthful was there with me we were waiting for the female officers to show up. He mentioned the fact that I had an Art of War Book. He raised his eyebrows I don't find this odd but the officer did. He said to me you seem to be educated. Okay? Then he told me you know that blog that was published in 2014 that was Chief McManus that did that. Chief McManus was in my computer I was trying to teach myself how to blog so I could do this I didn't know how to blog I had never done it before. So I had started writing a Blog that I had no intention of publishing. Chief McManus published it for me and then he spread it to all the officers which made it pretty clear that I had a crush on one of the police officers. By now everybody knows who that is. That's when all the officers started to ridicule me and I blamed the office for doing it. And officer truthful was trying to clear the air and help me understand who really did it.
The female officers finally showed up to Park police officers. They were very rude are we taking all the things out of my pocket they drop some of my things on the floor. They were unable to bend over and pick up the things because they're slightly overweight. She was going to leave my things on the floor cuz she couldn't pick it up and she wouldn't let me pick it up. I don't remember which officer had to come out and pick it up for her it might have been officer truthful. I don't know what I said be corrected me and said we are wearing bulletproof vest it makes it hard for us to bend over. Defending her claiming that it's not her fault she can't bend over. I hope that everybody can stop for a moment and think about what a serious issue this would be for this officer if she can't bend over what is going to happen to her out there when she's on patrol and she can't bend over. They need to be physically ready for anything and everything. I feel that she's endangering her life.
So after Garcia finally finished the paperwork and put me in the Patty wagon to take me to the Magistrate. They got me into the magistrate and I was being searched again. They had to take my bag to the property room they claimed it was too many things and too big to keep it at the Magistrate. While I was being booked fingerprints and pictures the woman that was helping me was nice and professional finally I mean a professional police officer that doesn't have a Vengeance for me. Oscar Garcia got a phone call while we were at the Magistrate. It was Mr B the owner of the kangaroo Court returning his phone call. Are those calls recorded? Remember that these officers lied and said Mr B the owner of Kangaroo Court called them and said I was trespassing. They were the ones that were calling mr. Be asking him if he would press charges against me for criminal trespassing I had never been told that I wasn't walking there I used to be an employee there and I was offered my job back why would I be guilty of criminal trespassing. According to officer Garcia Mister be complied with the request to press charges against me. That property is open to the public and in order for criminal trespassing to be pressed against somebody to be prosecuted for you have to be formally told that you were not allowed on the property I was never told that I didn't do anything wrong I didn't violate their policies I didn't vandalize anything.
It was a horrific experience being in the cells of Magistrate's Office. I have never been to jail didn't know how this works in my hometown when you go to the magistrate you are paying a traffic ticket. Things were different and the names of things are different it was going to take me quite a bit of effort to figure it out. When we finally were able to go in front of the magistrate I believe there was six of us the jailers kept telling us over and over again we were not allowed to speak we could not say anything at all not while we sat in the cell not when they walked us into the Magistrate's court. The jailers were lying. We absolutely have the right to speak. As a matter of fact because I was told that I wasn't allowed to speak I was unable to request veterans court. And that's exactly why the jailers were demanding that we not speak at all to make sure I did not get veterans court. I believe this was the time that I went in front of the female Magistrate. I have no idea who talked to her or what happened before I arrived in her Court but as she was announcing what would be done to each person and she got to me she gave me a special book and said very firmly good luck to you Ma'am. She knew what I was going through she knew that I had been falsely arrested I believe that she must have received a phone call asking her to throw the book at me or some such thing.
 I was told that I couldn't even find myself out even if I had the money in the bank. Of course I didn't have any money in the bank I didn't have any friends or family that can come in post bond for me. They do this to everybody you can't pay for your own Bond does that make any sense? I ended up getting some sort of bond they give to first offenders and it's on income basis or some such thing. They told me that I would have a meeting and 10 days after I was bonded out I had to go down to a courtroom they gave the date to my arresting officer and didn't give me the date the strange and when I showed up to this first meeting or whatever it is I was supposed to have 20 dollars. I had no money I had no way of getting any money remember I'm out on the streets where the mayor and chief of police put me all of my possessions are gone my house my automobiles my bank accounts are gone.
So when I was finally leaving they told me that I had to contact my arresting officer for the court date. gave me his number. can't remember it might have been written on the back of the ticket.
 then I had to go through the process of finding out where the property room was and I believe that I had to walk 12 miles to get my bag. Everything was in there I think they kept my ID and my phone and gave that back to me when I was walking out the door which was at 4 a.m. in a very bad neighborhood and apparently they have a bad habit of doing this they're releasing a bunch of people at 4 a.m. and as I said it's not a good neighborhood.
 I remember that I had to call the 1-800 number to find out what the court date was and they told me that they would call me back within 24 hours that's the policy I guess. I wanted to make sure that I made it into this courtroom because I was falsely arrested and there was a lot of crap happening he didn't even ID me before you put the cuffs on me. I never got a return phone call from that 1-800 number. I paid attention. And then I missed the court date and I received a call from that 1-800 number after I missed it informing me that I had missed it I was freaking out. They told me I had to call my arresting officer and I did over and over again and I took screenshots of the phone calls I made to him that he refused to return she refused to answer the phone when I called he knew it was me. He rescheduled a court date and didn't tell me when it was. He sent me a text message less than an hour before the court date before I had to be there it takes me 20 minutes to walk there and I didn't know what that text message was or what was going on. I tried to return the text message I tried to call the 1-800 number I tried to call his number nobody responded nobody returned any calls. And I missed that one too I couldn't get there I didn't know where it was I knew that if it was by the bear County Jail then it was going to take me 20 minutes or more to walk over there and I didn't have enough time. You see officer Garcia did this on purpose I'm sure I don't have to point this out you can see that. He wanted me to miss the second one so that I would have a warrant out for my arrest he wanted me to miss it so I didn't go in front of the judge and explain to all of them what he had done how he violated my rights he didn't even ID me before you put the cuffs on mr. Bean ever called him and told him to go arrest me he talked to mr. Be at the magistrate after I was arrested and being booked. He did everything in his power to make sure I was unable to tell the judge or anybody of authority over him. All of those screenshots and and everything I went through with this I posted on Tumblr and I kept posting it kept posting it and I was yelling and I was upset if you did it to me on purpose and he was getting away with it and now I was in serious trouble. I got so radical about posting it tumblr and possibly Instagram I don't remember that they had to respond everybody's with you we hear you it's okay. Finally I stopped. the whole ordeal was just so horrific I was so heinous and for an officer to be able to do this and get away with it.
When they arrested me on October 11th 2018 that's where the warrant came from but I was told that that warrant showed up out of nowhere. One of the officers said it wasn't there this morning but at 8 p.m. it's there that's not the way these things work. so somebody has a warrant out for their arrest and 20 minutes later they're under arrest not usually. I had sent out emails that day I have posted a lot of things on my blog I was informed that it was Christopher Wray FBI director that did all this. It doesn't mean he did all this that's what I was told. He was manipulating the system here apparently one of the emails I sent out or something I posted on one of my social media upset him to the degree that a warrant manifested and I was being put away so I couldn't send out any more emails or post anything more to social media. nothing like abusing your job

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