There are agents that circle mean this has been happening for you they are searching for information that they don't have they are listening to me tell stories my phone doing what I'm doing like email to the governor they simply don't know what's happening . Some of them refused to enter the phone so they cannot be seen others of them are blocked from entering phone . It's my belief that to this day this log cannot be seen by the masses that can only be seen by those who are involved . 
My fake Instagram. When I had my fake Instagram it took me awhile to understand that it was not being seen by the masses and that it was a very control I believe at one point I had 2,200 followers on that Instagram. When I decided to quit a post out there informing everybody that people that are viewing the Instagram are involved they are seeing they are being watched and investigated and they eventually will be indicted for the crimes that they are guilty of. After I posted that in more detail than what I just said I lost 218 followers finally they wake up and understand what they've become involved in and what it means for their future. My enemies and their teams of demons didn't like the Revelation that they were being given the attacks on me became increasingly worse for a couple of weeks after the post. I have continuously and non-stop pull people out of jail. And somehow I'm still alive and somehow they don't have enough common sense to understand why
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