It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The proof of insanity of foreign agent cops

So i keep getting messages that greg was the one that set up all the minions and perverts ready for attack in north star. A woman came to me to purchase a cig and pointed out that the 44 was coming that indicated they wanted me on it and when i saw constable office i decided it was more than one team that pushed me in that direction. Then the perverts were coming at me and nicole was handing me a line of bull about giving up on my kids. Which generally that ticks me off and motivates me but i only had two hours of sleep in the last three days so i didn't enough energy to become inflamed about it. There has been a new tacktic that showed up in the last two months people are telling stories about things that have happened to them but it is about me and directed at me. Like sheri said someone had broke a glass when doing dishes and she had gotten angry with that person and sat her down to yell at her for breaking a glass. I had broken a glass when doing dishes she figured it out and told me that story that may or may not have been true. Today nicole had received the same block of instruction to tell stories about herself pertaining to what they wanted me to do or not do. 

So because of this new method of passive aggressiveness I don't think Greg can take a 100 percent credit for all this and it is hard to believe he knows all the criminals in that or any area he doesn't know how to maintain relationships for extended periods of time even friendships. This that is being done is SAPD and I believe it is the group that wants the nation to believe they are investigating their own when in fact they are sociopaths like all the others 

They are continuously telling me that Greg is doing it so they can throw him under the bus. Well they have him on a mountain of crimes if this tactic is actually working so why are we still doing it? It is my guess their brilliant plan isn't working at all. Why do they keep going? Besides being insane and stupid I think they are stupid enough to believe James Comey is not really watching everything they are doing? How dumb can dumb be?

Ok now the bus is continuously pausing and there is no way he was that off on his time. He is making sure he gets me downtown at the precise time. I made the mistake of saying out loud i was going back downtown. That is fine Nelson I will allow you to play out your next attack so the Comet team can watch you and if the criminal he is sending at me gets too aggressive I will have to trust agents have my back. So is the SAPD demons dumb enough to believe the attorney general never sent an investigation team to watch them? Well know one said you had to be smart to be a foreign agent police officer and these freaks are proving it.

Sapd investigators made it clear approximately six months ago that they were rowing Greg under the bus. All this time they've been committing crimes and instructing me to pin it on him that's a whole lot of months of crime. If you were going to frame him and throw him under the bus for the crimes that you were committing and you believed it would work then why are we still doing it 6 months later? If it's not working and you're not saving yourself then why are you still doing it as a PT investigators made it clear approximately 6 months ago that they were throwing Greg under the bus. All this time they've been committing crimes and instructing me to put it on him that's a whole lot of months of crime. If you were going to frame him and throw him under the bus for
In the last paragraph you can see that officer Anthony Flores is still using his stupid tactic of repeating everything that I say and do the phone twice I'm leaving it there till all of you can see what a moron he is. He shouldn't be in this phone or any of my phone I assure you that the evidence will be presented in a court of law when he gets his life sentence

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