It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Pearl harbor veterans

one particular day when I was trying to build a Facebook page to reach the masses and tell them about my story I was feeling a bit nostalgic veterans weren't being treated right and there was so many attacks on her democracy that we're right in my face I decided to remind people about those who gave their life and how they suffered after serving their country and being a part of these wars because it seemed to me that America was forgetting. I shared a story about a veteran that I took care of when I was a nurse his name is Ambrose and I was working in Bay City Michigan.. Ambrose used to get away from us and run outside all of us would be come panicked scrambling to find him one particular day when I was his charge nurse he did this very thing I found him outside in the yard digging a foxhole he got himself and a little tiny hole and he was pulling the grass on top of himself. I asked him what he was doing and he told me the Japs are coming the Japs are coming Ambrose kept saying it over and over again the Japs are coming. I didn't really understand I was very young I had to talk to the other nurses and his family to find out what it was Ambrose was talking about. Ambrose was a Pearl harbor survivor and he was suffering a little bit of dementia during his end of life Ambrose made it very clear to me that he was reliving that war over and over again memories and nightmares. I did my best to help him through it and to make him comfortable. there were many days when Ambrose was unresponsive he was angry and he didn't want to deal with anybody. his family taught me a trick to ask him about the dancing girl and ask him if he can make his dancing girl dance. on days the Ambrose was upset I tried to lighten it a bit and cheer him up asking Ambrose if he could make that dancing girl dance and he would bring out his arm and try to flex his muscles and make her dance at that point in time she wasn't as clear as she probably once was but that wasn't the important thing that would make Ambrose smile and laugh and he would enjoy the rest of his day. Ambrose loved his dancing girl and he loved making her dance for everybody. I think it's important for everybody to focus on what's important to remember what we've lived through and how important are democracy is how important our freeway of life is and our constitution. it's important for us to remember those who have suffered and those that were willing to give their life when we talk about suffrage of veterans you remember people like Ambrose who have to relive the the heroin terror of war. I was happy to care for him and all the other veterans that I cared for to give back to them what they were willing to give to all of us. I shared this story many years ago on a social media platform to remind everybody why democracy is so important and why are free way of life is so important to remind them of those who thought it was important enough to give their life. after I shared this story I became worried about sharing his story without permission and possibly violating confidentialities that nurses are supposed to give their patients when I shared this out loud a particular congressman thought that it was a good avenue to attack me and he went to find Ambrose's family. he announced that I was sharing their grandfather's personal information and their father. he announced that I was violating HIPAA and I guess he tried to make me look like a bad person. I hope that it doesn't make me a bad person if I share these little stories about veterans that I love and hold so dear the memories that I cherish the time that I spent with them connecting with them and learning how important democracy is and how important it is to cherish our veterans most especially our wartime veterans. I have the honor of spending time with Ambrose's family thanks to a politician who thought it was an avenue to attack me thank you to you and thank you to your wonderful father and grandfather I cherish democracy freedom and our constitution as did yours

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