It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Thomas Dunnwald vs. Ted Cruz

Dawn Neering Attachments 2:14 PM (1 minute ago) to citycouncil This competency assessment is fraudulent, much of it was written by Rory Vance and his wife Michelle. There are perjurious lies here and much of it contradicts its own self . The doctor who's name is on it should be held in contempt of court it was ordered to be completed on May 2nd and it was not completed. The attorney I was working with who ordered the competency test was very threatening he was talking at me threw his teeth telling me that he "will keep interrupting me as long as he didn't hear what he wanted to hear". Many days when I was trying to talk to Thomas Dunnwald he would say what questions do you have I will only answer questions. So when I asked questions he would talk over top of me saying "NO" "NO", it was hideous like a child. When I had a meeting with him on May 2nd in the jail I said talking to him and arguing with him was like arguing with Ted Cruz. I then asked him if he knows Ted Cruz senator in Texas, he pressed the button to call an officer and said we were done. That answers that question now doesn't it? This is the dirty officer who's name was on my discovery information. He thought that it would be legal to accuse enterprise rental of renting out stolen vehicles and because of him and Officer Ryan Winegardner Enterprise Rental has a giant case against the state of Minnesota. I am sure they want to thank you for that. I didn't get this before I went to the Police Station because a dirty Officer Timothy Wilson kept telling me that I would be pleasantly surprised when I went to get my property. Timothy Wilson and Christopher Dech were telling the dirty officers of Eagan Minnesota to arrest me when I have not committed a crime and I have no warrants for my arrest. Also in the discovery information is listed Timothy Wilson dirty piece of... being charged with the same crime as I was and yet he did not go to jail I went to jail and did nothing wrong. We will review all that after I get away from the criminally insane people of Eagan Minnesota. I am so sad to report to all of you I have found yet another city full of monsters and evil criminals. I will need to leave immediately. I went into the police department needing to file more than one police report and of course I needed immediate help since I have been on the streets with no food. The first Officer I talked to had the exact same bodily lanuage as Officer Christopher Dech the cold blooded killer and rapist from San Antonio Texas. This officer was snarky and condensending. I was trying to talk to about bank fraud and he started talking about why I was here and live here he had to be redirected over and over again. Before I even told him a small portion of the story and I told about the dirty Texas cops staying at a Hotel down the road. He wanted to know why I was here. I told him that i was put in jail for driving an auto I rented that the dirty spies like timothy wilson and dan nelson claim was stolen when i rented it. I asked him if he wanted my case number. He said no I don't want to look it up. You don't want to look it up? Maybe the tax payers don't want to pay you. He wanted me to just give a short version of what it was about. Attorneys say this exact phrase on the phone I guess we have another moron who was impersonating attorneys on the phone major fraud. No moral compass everyone. Not surprising why this state started world wide riots. This guy was so nasty. He made statements that I have heard from Joaquin Castro and Ted Cruz alike. He said in all my 13 or 15 years of law enforcement I have never heard of a story like this. WHO CARES??? WHO CARES NO ONE ASKED YOU IF YOU HAVE EVER HEARD OF A STORY LIKE THIS. I need a police report not your take on my story. You never heard of a police officer stalking and harassing people??? what kind of officer are you? It's on the news everyday and people have been killed by stalking police officers that become obsessed with them. I picked up a piece of paper and said I need a police report for bank fraud he took all my money out of my bank I am broke straving and homeless. He says I need to call the bank I told him I can't. He said "well you have a phone why can't you call?" Moron I don't have service. And he knows my story because of Ted Cruz, Joaquin Castro and Officer Christopher Dech. wait until you see the video and you will see that too. This officer refused to write down my bank account numbers and he refused to take any of my banking information. He said well this is just to bizarre I can't do this. I needed help with bank fraud and he is repeating the exact same line I heard from a dirty Waco FBI agent August 3rd 2017. I had to go to the Waco FBI field Office to get help when McManus put me on the streets to cover up and hide the crimes his officers had committed against me. TED CRUZ YOUR DONE THIS IS IT YOU WENT TO FAR YOU AND YOUR PAL JOAQUIN CASTRO JUST SEALED YOUR COFFIN. SO TWO OTHER OFFICERS COME RUNNING OUT AND ASKED "IT'S DON RIGHT?" SURE WHY NOT. ONE OF THEM WAS THAT SUPERVISOR THAT IS LISTED ABOVE. THESE OFFICERS WERE SAYING THE EXACT SAME PHARSES THAT WERE STATED WHEN I WAS CALLING ATTORNEYS FROM THE DAKOTA COUNTY JAIL. I WAS TOLD THE CALLS WERE BEING REROUTED AND NOW I KNOW WHO I WAS TALKING TO. THEY ARE EVIL MONSTERS. WHILE I WAS IN THE DAKOTA COUNTY JAIL I MADE MORE THAN 600 PHONE CALLS TO ATTORNEYS AND I COULDN'T GET ANY HELP AND NOW I KNOW WHY THESE ARE MONSTERS. SOMETIMES WHEN I WAS TALKING TO WHAT I THOUGHT WAS AN ATTORNEY THEY WOULD TELL ME THAT THEIR RETAINER WAS 30,000.00, SOME SAID 25,000.00, ONE GUY SAID 42,000.00, THIS ISN'T LEGAL AND I AM REPORTING ALL THOSE ATTORNEYS TO THE STATE BAR ASSOCIATION AND THEY CAN THANK THE DIRTY COPS AT THE EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT. HE SAID THAT HE HAD READ SOME OF MY E-MAILS HE WAS UNABLE TO GET TO ALL OF THEM. THAT MEANS THIS MAN READ THAT IT HAS BEEN MORE THAN THREE DAYS SINCE I HAVE EATEN AND I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING ON THE STREETS. MOST NIGHTS I DON'T SLEEP AT ALL BECAUSE THEIR IS NO WHERE TO SLEEP. THIS MAN KNOWS THAT MY MONIES WERE TAKEN FROM MY ACCOUNT AND I WOULDN'T BE SURPRISED IF HE HELPED DO IT. WHAT A CRIMINALLY INSANE MONSTER. HE SAID THAT HE WANTED ME TO COME BACK TOMORROW. I HAVE TO COME BACK TOMORROW? YOU CAN'T DO YOUR JOB TODAY? I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET A POLICE REPORT FOR A WEEK AND NOW THAT I TALK TO OFFICERS THEY ARE CONDENSENDING AND NASTY. HE WAS PATRONISING "DO YOU HAVE SOMEWHERE TO STAY?" NO I DON'T ALL MY MONEY WAS TAKEN OUT OF MY BANK ACCOUNT. I HAVE NO MONEY OFFICER CHRISTOPHER DECH TOOK MY MONEY AND HE IS "BASKING IN THE GLORY THAT THIS SKANK IS HOMELESS AGAIN AND SHE WILL NEVER SEE HER CHILDREN AGAIN AS LONG AS SHE LIVES". SO NOT SURPRISING HE SAID "WHEN YOU COME BACK TOMORROW WE CAN GET YOU IN A SHELTER". NOT TONIGHT, TONIGHT I CAN GO INTO 4 DAYS WITH NO FOOD, DRINK, OR SHELTER. HE SENT ME OUT OF THAT POLICE STATION WITH NO WAY TO FEED MYSELF OR CARE FOR MYSELF. I HEARD A KATY WELLS STATEMENT FROM HIM AND IT SOUNDED A LIKE OFFICER CARLEY NOTCH. THAT'S STRANGE ISN'T IT? ALL THESE PEOPLE MUST BE FRIENDS. HE IS SUPERVISOR AND HE SENT OUT HOMELESS WITH DIRTY OFFICERS IN THE CITY FROM SAN ANTONIO TEXAS WHO HAVE MADE ATTEMPTS ON MY LIFE. WHAT KIND OF AN OFFICER DOES THAT? A COLD HEARTED, CALLIOUS SELF ABSORBED OFFICER. HE SAID HE WOULD HAVE A SOCIAL WORKER THERE WHEN I COME TOMORROW. THAT MEANS THIS MAN AS SICK AS HE IS, IS GOING TO BE ATTEMPTING TO WRITE AN EMERGENCY DETENTION. THEY ALREADY TRIED THIS BEFORE BUT CLEARLY THEY WANT TO KEEP GOING UNTIL THEY LOOSE THEIR BADGES. THAT'S FINE I AM HAPPY TO HELP THEM LOOSE THEIR JOBS AND BADGES. I TOLD YOU THAT ANDREA DOES NOT CARE WHO LOOSES THEIR JOBS. SHE DOES NOT CARE THAT THEY HAVE FAMILIES TO TAKE CARE OF, SHE DOES NOT CARE THEY HAVE BILLS TO PAY, SHE DOES NOT THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING TOWARDS A PENSION THEY WILL LOOSE FOR DOING FAVORS FOR HER. SHE WAS THERE. SO OBVIOUSLLY THEY REFUSED TO WRITE A POLICE REPORT OR DO AN INVESTIGATION INTO BANK FRAUD. NOW I HAVE TO WALK TO ST.PAUL. THAT OFFICER COULDN'T EVEN SPARE A BUS PASS AND HE DIDN'T CARE THAT I HAVEN'T EATEN ALL WEEK. THEY ARE MONSTERS. BUT I ALREADY TOLD ALL OF U THIS. ONE OF HIS LAST STATEMENTS WAS YOU DON'T HAVE TO SEND ANY E-MAILS TO THE EAGAN POLICE DEPARTMENT ANYMORE YOU CAN USE A DIFFERENT VENUE. SOUND FAMILAR.? SGT. GILES SAID THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND IT DID NOT EVEN APPLY. you should look up blog San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign Secrets and lies -- That which is in the dark always comes to light

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