It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Turnkey Dakota County Jail

officer pervert z. haley decided he was going to change all the rules in the jail. he became very upset when an officer was giving an inmate an income for free. they don't do that in Bear county jail they need to make them suffer to the point that they can't even have ink. and many of them haven't committed a crime I see a repeat pattern here in the Dakota county jail because you have officer Haley the freak. officer Haley then told everybody that they have to start taking these receipts away from people and they are not allowed to keep them. if my name is on it it's my property and you can't keep it from me and be a dumbass. he needed to do this because he was going to eliminate all the proof that I was ever in the jail. then when I started to repeat my story about being in the jail and all the things that happened when I was there I would look crazy because there would be no records I was even there. they did the exact same thing with Bexar county jail. then as i traveled the country talking about being put the jail for 5 months with constant abdominal pain I would look crazy because they removed all records I was there it backfired in their faces I didn't even put it in my envelopes only one statement about was made. they tried to convince New Jersey detectives that I was crazy based on a flyer about a little girl that was abducted that backfired in their faces because they are incompetent morons. becareful who you are getting involved with they muck up everything they touch. oct. 20th in 2bravo in the bexar county jail i was moved to mental health simply because i had a zoom meeting with attorney warren wolf. that evening i had so much abdominal pain and anus pain I was begging for death. officer Nick Doiser said "you want to die I will kill you" you think your cool nick? the source of the pain i was told was some thing named Elvis. I am experiencing the exact same pain. so let us all see the source is it E??????

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