It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, July 28, 2022

woman helping to attack in my phone and living with my children brainwashing them

This sick woman you see here is Greg's girlfriend who is the reason for the fake warrant and court order for michigan child support. This sick woman cut copied and pasted my name into a court order that belongs to Kari Coleman Robertson. when certain individuals look it up in the system it says her name not mine. When I was in Michigan a group of dirty cops were actually trying to arrest me for the court order that is not even mine. This woman was telling me stories that my children are dead. She was even giving me details of how my children died and how one of them was hit riding his bike and one of them was poisoned. This woman is sick. I was sending packages, cards, letters, and gifts to my children and she was stopping them. I was told she gave them to her children. Or the woman in the house with my children has three children of her own and that may be a dirty woman. this woman is special and looks familar. how alarming. She enjoys trying and failing to cause an emotional break down. This woman also played games with my bank account. When they were putting the money back because they was going to be an investigation she kept saying "Greg needs the money Greg needs the money". Greg Marshall needs to earn his own money and stop accessing other people's bank accounts. This is the woman that was on the phone with me last year pretending to be my mother. She was cold and callous yelling at me "are you on the streets or in a house?" She was acting as if she wasn't sure where I was living and digging for the information to give my ex-husband. They use to do this to my daughter Ariel. Ariel would call me being selfish and self absorbed and she was asking questions no teenager ever asks their mother. She was digging for information to give Greg Marshall and Joaquin Castro. Last year when I was on the phone with the woman claiming to be my mother it was heart breaking she was mean and nasty. I asked if Donald Neering had been in Texas recently and she said here always here, he has his garden he works on in the summer and fishes? She didn't mention the cabins at all like she didn't know he has cabins. She volenteered more information thatn I asked for which is indictive of a lie. She was covering up for him lying about the fact that he was in Texas when I was talking to her whoever it was. Donald always says "well did you want me to leave you with a empty coffin?" I don't know if he was joking but when i drove past my parents home there was evidence he had been there recently. The black pick-up was parked to the garage door, small door that it always has my entire life. The problem is that black pick-up isn't his that black pick-up is the one that followed me from city to city. That Black pick-up chased me all over Bay City 2 inches from my bumper trying to terriorize me. On I-25 he tried to slam into my auto as I was driving up towards essexville and I simply took a round about way to get around him. When I was in Penne. he was chasing me down and he stopped got out of his grey pick-up to read his phone. The pick up had a bed topper on it. There was a woman in the passenger side and I was told that was Maria Perez. He was never faithful to my mother and every time he was cheating on my mother he would come home and beat on her very severily. One he broke her nose in 52 places, once he beat her back while she laid in bed it created a giant black purple red bruise that covered half her back. At the time she was sleeping in the guest room and he walked clear across the house to do this to her. There are thousands of incidents to list just like this. When he lies to me claiming that was my mother in the passenger seat he created this all of your laundry will be aired. This piece of shit is molesting and raping my daughter Ava Marshall and he confessed and now he brags about it. He says it's not really rape is I am not in my body, he is sick. I guess I have a lot of anxiety surrounding the abuse from my childhood and the current involvement of this fat pig because I have many dreams he is in. He and Officer Christopher Dech are always together. Once he punched me breaking my nose and knocking me out. I was sitting on the floor he was on a sofa behind me and he put his feet up next to me, i reached up tickled his foot and he punched my face. in these dreams I am never allowed to have clothes, I TOLD I WOULD YOU DON"T HAVE TO STARVE ME TO FORCE ME I SAID I WOULD. GIVE MY MONEY BACK I WILL DO WANT I AGREED TO DO. RESTORE MY BANK ACCOUNT AND I WILL AVOID CHILDHOOD STORIES KEEP MY ACCOUNT LOCKED I WILL SCREAM IT ALL TO THE MOUNTAIN TOPS. WORK WITH AND YOU STILL HAVE YOUR REPUTATION IN TACK, FORGIVENESS. THIS WOMAN IS TELLING THE CONTROLLER OF MY ACCOUNT "YOU CAN'T GIVE IT BACK, GREG NEEDS IT".

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