It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Sunday, July 31, 2022

today's email to all mayors in minnesota

mes committed by employees of Catholic Charaties Inbox Dawn Neering 8:39 AM (6 hours ago) to paula.garza Hello My name is Dawn neering Marshall, I was driving from Texas to the state of Minnesota to visit the NSA. I had filed complaints against a Texas police officer who is committing very serious crimes against me. His name is officer Christopher dech badge number 456. Him and several other police officers in the city of San Antonio have been attacking me for many years and committing very serious crimes against me I reported all of these crimes to the NSA here in Minnesota. As they began their investigation the city of San Antonio denied them the information they were requesting about the police officer who is criminally insane. They had to go through Ken Paxton's office to get the necessary information to conduct their investigation. As I drove across the country I was stopping at every Police department City Hall and church sharing my story of the crimes that were committed against me by the city of officials of San Antonio Texas. Chief William McManus paid his police officers to chase me across the country. These dirty police officers were doing things like going to each police department and telling them they had to work undercover as a police officer because of me. Nothing they did was legal but somehow they were able to convince each Police department to allow them to commit serious crimes of stalking and harassing. each Police department became guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice including all your police departments here in Minnesota. Officer Christopher deck manipulated the Eagan police department calling an officer Ryan weingartner and lying to him saying the automobile that I was in was listed in the stolen registry that vehicle was not listed in the stolen registry at all these were charges that were made up. He had the help of social worker Jordan May. I was arrested on March 19th and put in the Dakota county jail. I talked to an attorney Thomas dunwald while I was there that man was threatening me talking through his teeth telling me that he would continue to interrupt me as long as I wasn't saying what he wanted to hear. He told me that he was the close personal friend of Ted Cruz and King Castro and he was ordering an assessment test as a favor to them. I sat in that jail for 4 months watching the crimes that your officers at the department of corrections are committing documenting it heavily. I never got a speedy trial I never got a fair trial I didn't get a trial at all. My case should have just been dismissed it should have been dismissed quickly the state of Minnesota is implicating a very large corporation Enterprise rental and some very serious crimes accusing them of renting out stolen vehicles I look forward to that lawsuit I look forward to participating and bringing Minnesota to its knees. It is no wonder that this is the state that started black lives matter protesting as I watch your police officers committing very serious crimes violating people's civil rights and their constitutional rights as well. Your police officers have not modified their behavior since the protesting and riots that reached the limits of the entire world. The Eagan Police department refuses to write a police report for me as officer Christopher deck has drained my bank account unlawfully accessing it taking every dime $15,000. Office of Christopher deck contacted that these police officers who don't seem to have a moral compass and told them that I was harassing him. That man is in Eagan Minnesota staying at a hotel here the only reason he is here is because of me that's him harassing me that's pretty obvious. I have been unable to make it to the NSA at this time but when I do get there I will be reporting a whole lot of Eagan police officers as well. They conducted no investigation they did not write any police report. They were talking to dirty officer Christopher deck and several other police officers. They talked to an Andrea who's a supervisor at sapd she was instructing them to get an emergency detention to have me thrown into a hospital the mental health unit. Apparently here in Minnesota you don't understand that an emergency detention is issued when somebody is a danger to themselves or a danger to others I'm not a danger to anybody go ahead keep manipulating the system and see what happens to Minnesota. I've been on the streets of Eagan since July 22nd with dirty police officers circling me driving past me over and over again trying to threaten me creating an emotional upset. Apparently the Eagan police officers don't know what trespassing means if an establishment is open to the public and as a member of the public I enter that establishment then obviously I am not guilty of trespassing. It's pretty obvious that your police officers here think they can do whatever they want. Officer Christopher duck has threatened me telling me that I'm going to die on the streets of Eagan Minnesota because he's not going to allow me to eat anything or have shelter. He seems pretty full of himself that he's never going to be held accountable for the crimes that he has committed against me including draining my bank account. If I can't find a police department in the state of Minnesota that will actually do their job and write a police report and do an investigation then he might be right I might actually die on the streets of Minnesota. I look forward to the next protesting that's happening because of the crimes of your police officers here in Minnesota I suggest you do something about this situation immediately

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