It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, July 25, 2022

Marshall Mathers physically forces to get what he wants

Marshall Mathers is so difficult to work with if someone doesn't do what he wants them to do he threatens them, then he turns to physical force. He doesn't know how to be nice and kind. Currently my bank account was froze and the funds were drained by him and Rory Vance. I haven't eaten in days I have no way of going anywhere. My account was accessed by these two men on my birthday July 22nd. I made a few purchases and got one night in a hotel. Rory Vance's excuse was that I was buying stamps and I would be sending a copy of the competency assessment to physicalogical services. So he decided by himself that he is in control and he would decide if I could have my money, MY money. He took all my money and he refuses to give it back and unlock it. The man is monster. Marshall Mathers was at the wooden nickel bar in Marquette Michigan in March of 2022. He was just 2 blocks away he knew I was starving too death and freezing too death he was only two blocks away and refused to help me. he pulled his silver pick-up into the gas station parking lot saying "I hate that F<>"+ B>+" I am not going to help her". He then left me there starving to death with no way out of michigan. These whores had taken over my account and refused to give my monies back knowing I had gone more than 2 weeks without food. What an animal a monster don't ever be fooled into thinking Marshall Mathers is a good person. He is not anything more than an animal. Currently my abdomin pain is becoming more severe. He wants me to go to the Dakota County Jail to collect the things they are suppose to have in their property room. The more he demands it the more painful it becomes. The property isn't there and if it is that means I will have to carry four large bags all over this city all the way to St. Paul to find a homeless shelter and a food bank for food because I haven't eaten since yesterday. These are the same animals that made me go nearly 3 weeks without food and I have to listen to their selfish self absorbed cries about how much trouble they are in if I don't cooperate with rape and starvation. They tell me it is a pleasant surprise at the property room and everything will be OK. These are the same animals and monsters that were freezing me to death and starving to death. Then they decided to have fake charges brought against me and have me arrested. March 19th 2022 I was arrested in Eagan MN charged with recieving stolen property worth more than 5,000.00 dollars. I was in that jail for 4 months and I never got a speedy trial, a fair trial or even any trial at all. I have extereme abdominal pain in the jail and I have extereme pain right now. I laid the grass at the community center where people have picnics and play. I had not slept in almost two days. Mysteriously the lawn mowers decided it was the best time to cut the grass. It's amazing this state does all the exact things that San Antonio does to attack people. Here are some of the monsters involved

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