It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Eagan Police department Dakota county

yesterday I could swear I saw officer Christopher deck he's in a hotel here big fat guy ugly. as I walk past him he was on the phone talking to somebody saying I just want to know where we're at with that thing that we're working on the warrant for my arrest in other words. so he went through every avenue to get a warrant for my arrest even though I'm not guilty of any crimes. and suddenly we all know what it was a child support warrant. this moron doesn't know anything about the law now does he who the hell does he think he is that's a cop that's a regular old cop who's stalking and harassing me he has no ties to Minnesota. he is here in Eagan Minnesota stalking and harassing me and I can't get the Eagan Minnesota Police department to do the right thing to do their job. as I said before the attorney general is conducting an investigation into that child support and while they are conducting that investigation child support is not owed so that means he went in and manipulated the system to make it look like I owe child support. it's a lie. and now what I need is a police report did that dirty cop came to Minnesota to chase me down my life is in danger because of that Christopher duck but the Eagan Police department won't help me. I need a police report that officer Christopher deck and his woman access my bank account and took all my money but the Eagan Police department won't help me. the Eagan Police department took all of my property on March 19th and they were supposed to hold it in the property room for me to collect. I am being told that Rory Vance went to the police department and collected all my property and took it with him. whether or not it's true I don't know because when I went to the Eagan Police department to collect my property they wouldn't give it to me. as you can see I have been declared incompetent in the state of Minnesota. do you understand what that means when there's a warrant for my arrest if I'm incompetent that means that I can sue you and win some woman with dementia was just arrested in Denver she won 3 million dollars. thank you Egan Police department you go ahead and arrest me I have a lawsuit. I don't owe child support right now not only that but Gregory Marshall has proven that he doesn't need child support every time I leave presents on the door for my children he forces them to take the presents to a Goodwill donation. he makes my children cry because he won't allow them to have the presence I purchase for them and a man who's doing that doesn't need child support. I purchased phones for my children and I took one of those phones to my son's school and I gave it to the vice principal and asked her if she could give it to my son. there was some rules and place that the children weren't supposed to receive any of the gifts that I left at the school so the vice principal being smart and kind put the phone in my son's hand in front of his father. that way she adhered to his stupid rules and Anakin still got his phone. Greg Marshall then ripped the phone out of my son's hands and said if your mother purchased it for you it might harm you. because he is that sick that's the most moronic thing I've ever heard. then he used that phone to send messages to the phone that was connected to it on the same bill which was my daughter's phone that I was never able to give to her. those messages he sent were very threatening in nature. that phone that belongs to my son Anakin Marshall ended up in Castro's office. the MetroPCS that sold it to me the owner was talking to both Greg Marshall when King Castro they required me to have a driver's license my credit cards a social security card and other information they are not supposed to ask for. then all of my banking information was given to waking Castro. that phone was being traced and monitored and tracked as it went right into the hands of Joaquin Castro congressman criminal. obviously this is not a man who needs child support if he can afford to do all of this ripping the phone out of our child's hands. so we can Castro why don't you go ahead and tell the world how you stopped the attorney general from conducting that investigation they were conducting and

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