It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Yellow Cab and Mario driver manager

Yellow Cab did the exact same games in January of 2020 they took all their taxis off the road for about two weeks trying to make me believe that they were shut down. My idiot enemies thought that I would announce they had been shut down by the FBI I am wise to your stupid games.
Yellow cab is guilty of all the crimes I listed for ETI however I only drove with them for 6 weeks before I was locked in my house with a SAPD freak trying to break in to kill me.
Yellow cab was contacted and told to take my taxi away from me which they did and it was against their policies. They are filled with foreign agents I think america is aware that we have demon spies from other countries coming here and driving taxi in all our big cities and this cities is no different hordes of drivers who barely speak English willing to killer when ever they are instructed to do so.
During my employment at Yellow Cab, my ex-husband and Joquin Castro were talking to Mario the sales manager lying to him telling him I don't pay my lease agreement they were lying of course. I had my lease agreement paid on time. A few times they were manipulating my computers in yellow cab trying to keep me from making payment when it was do. Officer Anthony Flores was also playing this game. He was in my phones and my yellow cab computers and he would repeat a fare that I had already done. I would arrive to pick up the fare and they were not there. Then they played a game with dispatch and they were sending three cabs to pick up one person. They were playing games with other drivers too and ALL of us were loosing a lot of money.
While I was driving yellow I had contacted SAPD about Officer Anthony Flores and they began an investigation into what he was doing and it had already been years this man had been doing this. I went to talk to SGT. Giliman at headquarters on May 19th 2017, I think it was the 19th. Anyway he had lied to me and told me that they would not investigate and he gave me an excuse. The excuse that he gave me was actually him repeating one of my emails Verbatim. I didn't catch on right away as he hoped I would I got upset cried from a place of frustration until I was brought to a place of understanding. You see he had to say they were not looking into it because Flores was in all my electronics listening. STING. So they were doing the investigation and Giliman was in my phones, computers, taxi dispatch watching every move Flores was making.
At some point in time they were attacking my guardian angel for being in there too, helping me. Until of course I was yelling and screaming that he is an invited guest and these are MY owned technologies and I bought them and I can invite who I like. Yes I did yell and scream, Well?
OK here I was thinking that Giliman was on my side and a good man. WRONG. He is a sociopath a cold blooded killer and he will be going to prison for a long time. He turned on me and was throwing me under the bus for McManus he was threatening me telling me they were going to have me locked in an mental institution if I was not quite about what was happening to me and the fact an officer was trying to kill me. Much Much more here as well.
Giliman was indeed doing the investigation before he went dirty he collected the necessary data from Mario at yellow cab. Don't take my word for it go to Mario and ask. The last time I saw him he let the cat out of the bag. He also is moronic enough to think I am insane because SAPD lied to him and said their officer wasn't in the Yellow Cab network. THEY LIED TO COVER UP AND HIDE THE CRIMES.

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