It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Bezos richest killer of millions

Bezos is focused on impulse control of consumers. He failed a lot on purpose before he built the empire that will be closed by the Mueller Probe.
I watched him close a diaper company that was small. He then started manufacturing diapers this was upsetting and to see here that he planned this from the beginning. Who was it that said small businesses are the back bone of America? Oh that is right everyone says that. He is closing them all on purpose. Now the sociopath is killing his employees as a favor to CIA, Foreign Agents and others that he wanted the favor of.

As I stood on the street taking pictures on my stalkers getting all their plates and delivering those to investigators semis were rolling in hundreds of prime delivery trucks into San Antonio. Those trucks were being used by dirty criminal CIA and other intelligence sociopaths. Just a few months after the trucks were rolled in here brand new they were on the auction lots. It made it appear as thou the government was cracking down on the dirty criminal traders at the CIA. I don't think that is true. Those trucks were in auction in November hundreds of Amazon trucks billions of dollars. Who paid for the losses of the trucks being auctioned off? The american tax payers. So when the CIA needed these trucks for undercover work somehow each agent had 5 trucks and the government is paying for this. That is what I am seeing. There is no way that Jeff took a bite in the ass for this thing that they will call a mistake later. Although I don't know for a hundred percent I think that Jeff got a huge kick back for each truck he supplied the CIA. He also has produced a residual income because they are using his name everyday they claim to be working undercover.
It is important to point out to add that all these trucks are Mercedes and did Mercedes benefit from all this corporation, all this fraud? OF COURSE THEY DID. until they are forcibly stopped this will not stop and free market is gone. 
Of course because of my vicarous situation I constantly look for the end of my suffrage I saw hundreds of trucks being auctioned and I thought that our government was finally getting control of the CIA pulling the CIA criminal sociopaths from behind the wheel and sending the truck to the chopping block. At the time I was being told that I would be done for Christmas and Bezos was in my phone he tried to make me believe that he was a double minion and that he was loyal to our democracy. Anyone concerned why this highly busy man had time to be in my phone? Look at your phone you think him and his employees are not in yours? I had HIM but anyone of u almost all of you have his halflings and minions. He not only thinks he is above the law he is showing with actions it is true. I was never being taken out for Christmas it was just more gas lighting and Bezos helped in this. The highest suicide rates are during the holidays and my situation is more grim than almost anyone else in the country they truly believed they could get me to kill myself and Bezos is more cold, callous, and  vicious than any of the other sociopaths that I deal with. Money is his God and he does not care about the 60 planned accidents that caused the deaths of CIA enemies and the enemies of NWO. He used the excuse that it was a contractor now that he owns the trucks and hires the drivers for Prime doesn't that excuse fly out the window.

Did everyone see the controversy of employees attacking each other in emails. They were stabbing each other in the back and they were nasty ruthless. This is not a team this is not a group of people that are focused on getting to the top of the monopoly. They are cutting each other's throat to get their and some of them are designing accidents that cause death. You think they won't kill the person sitting next to them to get to the top. Bezos has complied all the sociopaths in the world and made him his Top executives.

They went to Obama to investigate him that is his pal. He was never going to do that.

See what I mean finding all the sociopaths in the world bringing them together look at the killer the capitalistic cold calumnious

Another sociopath do I need to say more? See the pattern? He requires their SAT scores and EKG boy if there is a heart rate that is normal on the EKG you don't get the job. Just see the examples

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