It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mayor Ron Nirenberg

Mayor Ron Nirenberg of San Antonio

MAYOR RON NIRENBERG this man is a common criminal he is a thing running this city like he is a MOB BOSS he sends hundreds of residents to follow and stalk me. He sends criminals to sexually assault me and keep me from using accounts like this he hacks into my phone and every computer I use he calls up local businesses and instructs employees to do his evil bidding stalking me. Those are not your owned businesses and you have no right to manipulate the employees of all these businesses. But all these businesses have every right to sue the city of San Antonio and now you and yours just crippled the city.

They are setting him up he is the fall guy and he is not smart enough to see it. 
I was visiting city hall over and over again in Nov. & Dec. 2017. I was giving prints of my story outlining the entire thing so that the Mayor who had only been in the office for four months would understand what was happening to me and what was being done to me by Chief McManus, Sheryl Sculley, Julian and Joaquin Castro. I kept returning hoping that I would find a security guard that would actually do his job and deliver it to the Mayor. I went to the lighting ceremony so I could talk to the Mayor face to face and tell him what was happening to me and the crimes that were being committed against me on a daily basis. Chief McManus headed me off before I could talk to the Mayor. When I waited on the sidewalk for the two city officials to come up I took pictures of the Chief auto. The loose cannon driving it Joe, threatened me. He got out of the official vehicle wearing street clothes. He has such a huge gut he can not even tuck in his shirt. So professional. He literally got in my face asking me what I was doing he was invading my personnel space to intimidate and threaten to scare me into a state of submission. He told me I was not allowed to take pictures of the cruiser. Don't ever listen to these dirty cops trying to tell you there are laws that do not exist. 
The Chief came up and I took a video of my conversation with him and it is out there and it will be brought to a court of law when he looks at Capital Punishment. He pretended as if he didn't know who I was and this is going to look very stupid in court of law when the evidence of him being in all my computers and phones since early 2012. 
He told me to be at his office on Monday and when I showed up on monday he was playing games. It took the officers at the desk 45 minutes to finally lie to me and say he was not there. He was in my phone reading everything I wrote and he had those officers repeat my words to me. You see McManus doesn't have enough of a brain to come up with his own words he uses other people's words which will be proven in a court of law with extensive documentation. 
Wait until you see how Joaquin Castro took statements from my phone and repeated them on national TV because he is another who doesn't have the capacity to come up with his own thought process. 
I returned three times to the Chief's office that week because he said he was going to talk to me. The coward never talked to me. He is a yellow belly. 
I told him I was going to continue to go to the Mayor's office. I went a couple of times before Chief McManus had me grabbed and thrown in behavioral health for the second time to keep me from telling the Mayor and the rest of city hall. 
On January 4th 2018 two officers from behavioral health tracked me down and cornered me. Everything about what they did was unlawful and the fact that the staff of the Salvation Army was sharing my personal information means their organization will be closed. Those officers told me that I was not allowed to go to city hall again, they told me I was not allowed to file police reports, they told me that I was no longer allowed to fax the Chief's office. They said I had to call them if I needed to do any of these things. I called them two weeks later and they refused to answer their phone and they refused to return calls. 
The Mayor will be held accountable for all these crimes and having all my civil rights stripped from me. Mayor Ron Nirenberg was in my phone in Dec. 2017 he was pulled in because McManus and Joaquin Castro were arrogant enough to think they could convince him I was insane. That was not lawful and the fact that he is in my phone now is not lawful either. 
Nirenberg you are a patsy they are throwing you under the bus. I very long time ago I told Joaquin Castro that they were going to have to make sacrifices to make this thing work and he was going to be the sacrifice and Julian Castro his bisexual brother. Joaquin became angry sounded the phone off for thirty minutes and then he shut it down. 
He began to brain storm trying to make it out of this without consequence and his Patsy became the Mayor. 
Pulling the Mayor into my phone in 2017 when he had not been in office long at all was one of the many set ups he was using to throw the Mayor under the bus. 
They began with their gas lighting demonstrations using the cities emergency vehicles to play like there were emergencies when there were no emergency at all. Refer to Salvation Army Suicide attempt. This was a made up incident the staff lied to everyone at the homeless shelter saying she jumped off a bridge. No such thing happened yet there was a fire truck, an ambulance, a police officer. They used all these vehicles and personnel to make up this fake suicide. The director of the salvation army came in and she was screaming at people and acting like a combative fool. I wrote all of this up WHAT I SAW I emailed it to all the Salvation Armies. Now when I go there the staff is laughing. Yea it is real funny that all the cities emergency vehicles were their playing games. The Mayor will be held accountable for the abuse of city resources and this non profit shelter will close their doors for acting in a heinous and unlawful manner. Yep that is real funny Salvation Army I am laughing too you call yourself a christian organization stop lying to america stop lying to the world you are sick. 

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