It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, February 6, 2020

General Paul M. Nakasone

 I am I the street as his agents attack me I am stalked and harassed all day long and all night they are taking my food and cold weather gear hoping I will die I hope someone gets control of dirty NSA agents
I have no money and I am on foot and that raging lunatic Agent that was on Houston Street in July 2018 has been chasing me around the city for three days. The agents that say that are working undercover are liars that are guilty of treason and espionage. They are threatening and torturing an innocent woman so they will get away with all their crimes. The NSA has funded numerous companies in the city of San Antonio. That is 250,000 start up at the least people and that is your tax dollars. Trust me when I tell you what a criminal Clapper is and what a trader to our nation he is. Treason is punishable by death, let us all pray he gets the maximum punishment he has earned it.
These agents that are here and the numerous agents being brought in from Colorado are helping the CIA to kill off the finders, the criminals on the streets that helped them, innocent mothers fighting for their children that were taken from them so they could be tortured and sex trafficked. I am still on the streets and no one is helping me I can not feel my fingers or my feet and tonight it will be 19 degrees. My children are being tortured brain washed and poisoned and it is still sending his agents at me threatening me taunting me and finding themselves to be funny. All these agents are drunk every night I passed 6 of them downtown at 1800 hours and they were so drunk they were stumbling and slurring. That is our nation security people our nation is not secure it is in the hands of a bunch of drunks.
 These sociopaths that work for the NSA are flying US soldiers into this city so they can attack an innocent mother trapped on the streets. Many of these soldiers are hunting me like an animal on the streets they are psychos and your tax dollars are paying for this. They are on the streets doing illegal street drugs do you want to trust our Nations Security to drug addicts and drunks that is exactly what is happening. They filled all the motels and hotels here for many years lying to america saying they are doing a investigation. Those rooms cost 129.00 per night and they brought in more than 500 criminals in this city and they stay for much more than 6 months do the math people. Not only is this demon general spending all this money trillions of dollars spent on espionage and the invasion of our nation. While they bring in drunks, drug addicts, and pull people out of prison they put them in motels and make the tax payers pay for three meals a day and all night at the night clubs. I am starving to death barely able to out run these idiot psycho soldiers. I go an average of three days without food and today I will not have any food at all there is poison at all the non-profits because that is what the NSA and CIA have planned the answer to homelessness is to kill them off a slow painful death.

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