It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Gina Cheri Haspel child killer

This is a monster an animal. She is the reason that Trump will be going to prison. That was her plan from the beginning and he was dumb enough to put her in there unaware that she was planning his fall his impeachment and imprisonment. All the torture this witch has subjected me to he will be prosecuted for. I am still be tortured by this BIA at this moment I have no food, no money, no way of getting any of these things. She is planning my death by starvation, I have no money so she can put poison cigarettes, and food in my path hoping that I will be desperate enough to take it. Everytime she poisons me Trump has another count of torture on his lap he will be looking at Capital Punishment.
 She looks sweet right? WRONG this is a monster she tortures and kills children. 7 dead children in a house in Michigan this is a an animal she has no human qualities. That is just 7 children she had tortured and killed wait until the full truth of how many children she has caused to be tortured sex trafficked. She decided to fake Epstein's death. She covered up his crimes of child molestation and rape. This is a monster. I will make sure that the entire world knows what a monster this thing is and all the death and torture she has caused and ordered. This BITCH thinks she is going to kill me by starvation and poison so she can frame Trump. Mean while Trump is incapable of doing his job and pulling me to safety as this monster he put in charge of the CIA tries to kill me. I will be testifying against all of them and Trump will go to prison he can not even do his job too busy manipulating congress to acquit his impeachment. Your pals in congress will be indicted for their crimes. This MONSTER will be looking at  Capital Punishment and this is what Trump gets when he tries to fill our government with foreign agents the sickest people on the face of the earth. He trusts these monsters. They all planned his demise the NSA Director and FBI director. He did it to himself.
America protested when he was putting this thing in charge of the CIA saying that she had a bad habitat of  torturing innocent people. In a perfect world all the people she tortured and the parents of the children who are dead because of her would get the opportunity to give it back.


I am still on the streets because of this animal the nights are very cold and this animal keeps me out here because she is arrogant enough to think she will cause my death and her little CIA puppets do as she says without for a minute to see that the orders are inhumane and unethical.

This is a child killer america and it is time she goes to prison like all other child killers. My children have been tortured for six years because of this demon this monster.

I will rally the entire world and everyone who can empathize with having their children tortured and killed by this monster this animal with no human qualities there will be lynch mobs to see her indicted.

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