It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Faith Based Institute Church

Collusion and obstruction of justice. These PEOPLE helped my ex husband the rapist, killer, child beater, the man that killed his parents and tried to kill his wife and ALL three of his children. He has our children now and he is brain washing them to hate their mother . He lies to them telling them their mother was abusive to them. He was removed from the family home for abuse. Ava Joe Marshall was told by her father she is not allowed to tell anyone the stories of abuse. When CPS confronts him about the abuse he tells them that is between him and his children and none of their business. What do you think america is the fact the man is sociopath hiding his children from their mother none of the business of Child Protective Services. The fact that he is poisoning them daily and stunting their growth causing tooth decay and bone density issues for them is that none of the business of CPS?
The Jackson family help him to get away with these crimes and they laugh in my face rubbing the sorrow I feel in my face like the monsters they are. In October 2019 Jackson who calls himself a man of God agreed to tell stories of how he had only one parent growing up and how much pain it caused him. He told these stories purposely and he was instructed to do so by Gregory Marshall, Joaquin Castro and foreign agents here in San Antonio. They were hoping for an emotional break down. It made me angry and I began those letters. Jackson and his wife have been informed that Gregory Marshall had made several attempts on my life and our children's live during the marriage. They are well aware of his confessions and the proof and they continue to help the man to attack me they are bullies and they are cruel, cold, and callous. These people have poisoned my food and when I was consuming the poison there was an agent there taking pictures and documenting the event. These were new investigators that had just arrived in early 2019. When I was taking their pictures and calling them out for what they were they threw a fit yelling "She is ruining us." The pictures and detailed documentation is what I have been doing for years and no one told me to stop and you most certainly did not give me good reason to stop. From the time you arrived to this day you are allowing me to be poisoned. My body hurts and I can barely move. My arm hurts and I am sick to my stomach. Anyone who knows the slightest bit about medical knows this is me moving closer to a myocardial infarction. Now let's just stop to think the skill set of these investigators. Before you started this thing you claim to be an investigation perhaps you should have taken notice to how I operate all the crimes committed against me, how much effort would it take for you to look and see that is what I have been doing for years. People who can not seem to pay attention to these details do not have the attention to detail that will lead to a successful investigation that will save their pals from prison. These investigators came from Colorado (many of them), I call them fifty percenters because although they were doing an investigation to bring down all the criminal city officials they plan to leave me on the streets until I die so they can get away with their own crimes and save their fire department pals. The announcer is one of many of this team. Look through the blog see the posting about the woman I call the announcer.
This church calls themselves F.B.I. and they use that acronym in that fashion. Now it only takes a tiny bit of common sense to know that acronym is taken legally by another organization. There is nothing OK with this, I tried to make excuses for them to make it OK. It simply is not OK.
I don't appreciate these people laughing in my face as they help to attack me as I seath in pain daily missing my children knowing they cried in the middle of the night for their mother they were denied. I want all of to stop and try to conceive of the cruelty of these people thinking my situation is funny and the pain they help to cause my children and I FUNNY. SICK.
They took Gregory Marshall into their home for homeless men and they listened to him talking to our children on the phone lying to them saying he was homeless living on the streets. Our children were crying and trying to help him. How is this OK and why would they promote this behavior that is child abuse. Then the Jackson family helped Gregory Marshall to defraud the system lying about being a victim of domestic violence. He received an apartment free from more than a year.  That grant money is designed for actual domestic abuse survivors. They knew he was lying and helped him to do it. He received furniture, food, clothing, and other free services and the Jackson's helped him to commit this fraud. We are talking about a man that killed his parents, beat on his children, raping his wife, enlisted the help of foreign agents to kill his new born children and their mother. The only reason I am alive is because of intelligence agencies that have been watching him and his crimes since 2001.

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