It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The UFO non-sense and where it came from.

He also announced that I am insane and that I was talking about UFOs; as you can clearly see in these e-mails there is no mention of UFOs and I have no idea what this man is talking about. Grandma always said the accuser is the guilty party and it is as true for Mr. Sanchez as anyone else. It raises the question WHY IS THIS MAN TEACHING ANGER MANAGEMENT AND PARENTING CLASSES? He is promoting violence and he is violating the privacy of the members of his classes if he is willing to do this to me and partake in gossip that he surly will be doing to all other students who attend his classes.

I learned because of Vincent and his poor manner that my ex-husband is currently telling everyone that will listen that I believe in UFOs and I chase them and consume my time with researching them. Lies; I believe in UFOs yes and I am sure more than half of the country believe in UFOs. I do not spend my time searching them out or reading and researching UFO encounters. My ex-husband is grasping at straws to find something wrong with so he can justify taking our children and hiding them to from me refusing to allow me to speak to them or be apart of their lives. He started this after a judge informed him that he was responsible for maintaining a relationship between our children and myself and she indicated that he was in a lot of trouble so he began this ridiculous story.
To all you UFO believers my ex-husband thinks that we are crazy and we shouldn't be parents.
This is how it started and what gave the unstable man the fuel to twist an innocent thing.
It was June 2010 and I had no choice but to file a police report against my husbands' mistress she was calling and threatening my life. He was at work when I did it and I knew the officer was calling Lisa Vanackeren so I was afraid of the repercussions of my actions and the beatings so I packed up the kids, including my two teenage nieces who were visiting from Michigan and we were leaving town for site seeing. I went the wrong way on I-10 as I often do and soon we were looking at boarder control. That's site seeing for you look kids. It was storming out and there were big clouds Kelly my 15 year old niece was in the front seat with me, we both looked up at a cloud and saw lights in a circular formation. We wanted to confirm what we were seeing so we pulled 13 year old Candice and  twelve year old Ariel to the front of the Van and asked them if they saw what we saw. They infact saw the lights and we decided it was a UFO. We all took a vote based on all the stories we had heard about these things should I drive towards it or should I pull over and buy them pizza at the dominoes just a few feet ahead. We decided on pizza and when we were finished the lights in the sky were gone. I don't think any of us could think of a positive and uplifting UFO story and because of that it felt scary to go anywhere near what could be a UFO.
So that is it simple cut and dry a matter of minutes and it was a part of history and my ex-husband is desperately trying to convince the country that I am crazy and UFO activist.
So if I were a UFO activist than I couldn't be a mother? Really?
Gregory and Vincent have another thing coming when actual UFO activists hear of this they will be none too impressed with your small minds and very low mentality levels.

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