It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

November 2008 responsible father?

In November 2008 I had been taking care of 2 toddlers, 9 year old, and a new born with no help from my husband. I begged him to help me to just watch the toddlers for 4 hours so I could get some sleep. I finally got him to agree after asking over and over again. He had a contagious I had to take the new born with me. I went to bed with Anikin and he was suppose to watch our toddlers.

It took me months to find out what happen that evening because he made all of our children swear to secrecy. What happened was the moment that he agreed to take care of his children he turned on the TV and fell asleep on the sofa. Exactly what he always does after work, to this day. Our children were running around the house unattended. Aadyan 5, Ava 2, and Ariel 9. When they got board tearing apart the house all by themselves they decided to take a stroll outside down the street, it was well after 11pm and when the Officers found them and brought them back to the house it was close to midnight. The officers were pounding on the door and Greg was ten feet away from the front door and didn't wake up. Lucky my daughter's room was directly above the front door she came running downstairs and answered the door to find two officers holding our toddlers who had been more than two blocks down the road. Greg still wasn't awake as the officers were talking to Ariel. She was asked by the officers to wake Greg up she went over and was shaking his body and as usual he woke swearing at my 9 year old daughter for waking him up. S.....O.....B..... was his favorite swear words at that time but he fluctuated over the years.  He went to the door and the officers shared with him what had happened and that they had to bring our babies back to the house. Thank God Aadyan knew which was our house. When the Officers looked at Greg with accusing eyes and he turned to Ariel and started screaming at her in front of the officers as if it were her responsibility to take care her brother and sister (she was only 9 years old), he made her cry and you can bet these officers knew that a 9 year old should not be responsible for two toddlers. Thank God those Officers were on patrol when they were think of all the unthinkable things that could have happened to my babies.
Greg then proceeded to swear all the children to never tell mom.
Over the next few months Ariel was treating Greg differently and she had clear disdain for him; when finally shared the whole story with me it was clear why.
They were State Troopers because of how far north we lived and at one point I had found those Officers and talked to them. I don't remember their names now but some how I think they would remember to this day(they didn't like Greg much).

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