It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Pleading with Mr. Morsi that he made a mistake taking my kids, silly me I thought he was human and he is not

Dawn M Neering

Mr Morsi, I have become aware just recently that my husband has been accusing me of being abusive to him. I did not know he was lying and saying that I had been hitting and beating on him there was only one isolated incident that I hit my husband. he pinned me up against the wall and was screaming hit me, hit me, if it it will make you feel better i want you to hit me I gave into temptation and I hit him. I will regret doing it for the rest of my life. Three days after the incident we went to our marriage counselor and told her of the incident in it's entirety. Her, my church group, and the grievance counselors at the rape crisis center agreed that he planned it this way so he could use the incident to control and manipulate me. It worked in evil way I was riddled with guilt and no matter what I tried to make amends it didn't work and he said now that you hit me there will be no date nights and I will not be going to the pawn shop to get your wedding ring back. My daycare parents wittnessed my husband abusing me and that is when and why the cps investigation began. When I told my daycare children that Mr. Greg would absent for a short time until the investagation was finished they jumped up and cheered. The children began to share with me how and when Mr. Greg had been mean to them. I felt like a big dummy because I was unaware.

    February 27
    Dawn M Neering
    Dawn M Neering

    My five year old is suffering, at the beggining of this month Gregory talked to my five year old and told him he was going to texas to live with him. Then Gregory went on to tell my son that he was from Texas and mommy stole him. My five year old is yelling at me telling me that I drove to Texas and stole him and brought him here. Last night he woke at 3am screaming trying to find me. He had a night mare his Daddy ate his mommy and she is gone forever. Anikin has been falling asleep at school because it so difficult for him to sleep. Isn't bad enough I will have to pay him alimony for the rest of my life and my children being taken away from me; is it necessary to pycologically torture them with the reality that they are loosing their mother? Do we need to paint a portrait of me like I'm some sort child theif and I never deserved to be their mother to begin with. Isn't there more healthy and kind way to ease my children into this life changing event?

      February 27

      Dawn M Neering
      Dawn M Neering

      Mr. Morisi; Hi it’s me again! I have a lot more for you however I get the feeling that I have defecated and peed sufficiently and effectively all over your facebook page. I feel like I have made a new friend, hee hee It was fun and amazingly therapeutic; you are a great listener.

      I promise I do understand that I am not a victim but a big dummy. And Oh boy was it pretentious to think that I could take on the arduous task of navigating my way through the legal system. But I think I was actually telling myself I had no choice. I have learned so much so maybe it’s not all for nothing.
      Until death do us part! OMG I missed the finish line again! And I didn't know it would become a goal to shoot for when I said it on the altar.
      So I bid you farewell dear sir, but before I go Mr. Marshall Hijacked one of my e-mail accounts and it had all my medical records in it that I needed to turn into VA and SSI so I would love to regain access to it. Your right!, he would deny any involvement and it would be a waste of hot air. I Know – how about this if I get access to much needed recorders I would get my benefits faster and he could take them all away from me faster. Greg has always enjoyed watching me just about get my head above water just to yank me back down again. So if we outline a plan for him to do that to me yet again then he won’t be able to resist the temptation! Wow I think I just gave myself a headache.
      I hope you have enjoyed our interaction as I have. I know what you’re thinking Greg’s right she’s crazy, yes probably but one thing is for sure I’m not nuts!, because I don’t have any. Hee hee God Bless you too Bye Bye


        Dawn M Neering

        Mr. Morsi there is dozens of email addresses being developed bearing my name there is numereous social network profiles being developed and the pictures that are being put on them are pictures that were on my laptop that gregory took from me. There has been a credit opened in my name(which is surprising because my score sucks), and several people i use to know when i was in texas have recieved communication from me. one of them is a real estate agent i lived across from and he was told that i was looking to rent a house in SA is Mr. Marshall going to be putting my name on a lease? Mr. Morsi i'm sitting in a giant black abysis of debt when will there be enough vengence? At what point will he feel satisfied that I have suffered enough?

          Dawn M Neering

          Yesterday i learned that Mr. Marshall's godmother/aunt is dieing. He was here and he didn't even go see her, didn't apoligise to her for not speaking to her since 2007 and he didn't brother saying "I love you", and holding her hand as she left this place? Who does this? This is so disturbing and I can't wrap my head around it! I'll send you that correspondence from my former neighbor.

            Dawn M Neering

            OK i just that I have been put in numerous dating websites and the nightmare just keeps getting bigger. Mr. Marshall has the security key code for my wiifi he asked my son to give it him I'm calling ATT and seeing if they can trace the activity

              Dawn M Neering

              My phones have been shut down apparently someone called them and told them my phones have been lost or stolen and the service needs to be stopped. I'm also sure that Gregory has covered his butt so it can't be pinned on him.

                Dawn M Neering

                I've boxed up my children's things I can't shipped right now because it's going to cost me more than 250 dollars. Don't you think it would've been the civil and just thing to do to work with me to take the items with him rather than creating another large bill? I tried to give most of the things to the police officers but they weren't forthcoming.

                  Dawn M Neering

                  Animal control was just here to follow up on a complaint about a aggesive dog at the residence, and one of people who called drum roll plz........Yes that's right gregory marshall a concerned father. I'll add to my anormous stack of papers.

                    Dawn M Neering

                    Here's something you don't know I never wanted to leave Texas i loved Texas i was crying when was packing up. I had no choice my babies and I were destined to take up resisdence of a card board box -- the investigating cps agents assured me they would not have approved these living conditions oh darn. I begged Gregory to help us stay to help us get the daycare going again, and then when CPS agents said My children would take my children away and put them in the system if Mr. Marshall returned to the home this was no longer an option or a solution. my landlord can confirm this he can also confirm that Mr. Marshall took my rent money when he was removed from the home. I had cash in my purse for the bill we always used cash because we would drive to landlords bank and deposit it. He also took two laptops and I'm now just finding out that he took some of my checkbooks that were laying in my closest and apparently someone has written bad checks from those accounts-some of the accounts had been closed for a long time. Then Mr. Marshall went down to my bank and drew out my money that was in my bank account my name was the only one on it. I faught the bank on this but i lost because Mr. Marshall had previously done banking with my buisness account i couldn't stop it from happening. The bank has record of this mess. I was never trying to keep gregory from his children my babies love their dad and they need their dad. I was terrified, cps said that if i didn't use the appointed agency for supervised visitation they were taking my babies away. I have the reciept I paid this agency 300 dollars so my babies could see their dad. An attorney told me that if my children went into the system they would be there for a minimum of 6 months and it would cost me close to 35000. my buisness was being shut down on my head how on earth would ever come up with those funds--I did everything the cps agents told me to do and i talked to them constantly i think it even got to a point where i was calling to say things like i'm going to grocery store(with children) i'll be gone for two hours and I'll call you when we return. I was being squeezed from every angel and there was no way i going to be able to please all these people. The neighbors started to voice their concerns because you could see that I was falling apart emotionally and physically. I was trying fight back and regain a sense of power and ability but every time i was just about to turn it around, some other entity would find something wrong, it was never ending. Now that I think about it this struggle was only a two month period but when i revist the struggle and feel it again it feels like it was years.

                      Dawn M Neering

                      There has never been 4 men living in this house and never any sex offenders nobody has been abused and no threats of possible abuse. I'm well aware of Mr. Marshall's special gift of recording conversations and downloading them onto his computer so he can manipulate them to say what he wants them to say. I watched him do it when he was trying to prove harrassment at one of his jobs. He claimed they were laughing at him and treating him badly because he was hard of hearing. I have the same software on this computer because he put it on here. I was actually playing with him during some of our conversations his accusations were so crazy that I started making stuff up--but then i relized i was being childish and stopped it. I thought the best thing to do was turn the other cheek. may not have been the best scripter to use to guide me through rough waters.

                        Dawn M Neering

                        I am not an alcoholic i did indeed have trouble with drinking on occasion but i addressed that issue and i am better now One thing i can prove is a phone call made to my doctor telling her i was abusing my meds. How the heck do you abuse antidepressants. I have had three psycriatric evaluations done and i will gladly supply those to you i am not violant and i don't have constant anger outbursts however i have wittnesses of mr. marshall's angry outbursts It's projection nice? And speaking of projection

                          Dawn M Neering

                          Mr. Marshall is trying to avoid some sort of lawsuits out there and he is giving out my parents phone number as a way to contact parents are not happy and they are seeking suit. They have a team GM attorneys and I'm sure that they will have better results than i had when i was trying to protect myself. have you seen the jodi arias trial? do see a resembalance with factional expressions and the lies. Well I certainly do and I wonder what will happen to me when all this comes to surface.

                            Dawn M Neering

                            If you continue to work with Gregory this is something you learn about, Mr. Marshall stands in the mirror and practices statements to make sure he is using the proper facial expressions, he told 3 different threapists at Family Services Association in San Antonio that he has an inability to feel empathy. Your an attorney i don't need to tell you what kind of people lack this. You ever see that movie malace or something where nicole kidman plays the psycopath she looks in the mirror to copy other people's emotions that's it that my gregory

                              Dawn M Neering

                              I loved my husband so much my entire exsistance revolved around him, and when the marriage started to crumble so did I oops my codepandance is showing I have the records of all my classes I was taking at CBC church in San Antonio I can't give you contact info for the people that were in there with me but I can prove that was almost living at church for the much needed help. Sometimes it was three days a week and twice on sundays. No really I mean twice on sundays. Mr. Marshall went to couple of threapy sessions there too, he wasn't a memeber but because I was I was able to get pushed through. The last time he went the minister said that he owed me and had a lot to make amends for. He never returned to my church again, it hurt me badly that he was going to quit trying


                                Dawn M Neering

                                two more facebook pages just opened, could you ask him to stop? Are you advising him to do this? Is this how you get dad's to win custody of their kids? do u use any type of ethics in your law practice? He has my kids i can't talk to them i don't know where they are and I'll probally never see them again so now it's it time for him to stop harrassing me? What other things do you tell dad's to do call all their in-laws and threaten to sue them, is this best for the children? do you even care about the kids, ? You don't do you.

                                  Dawn M Neering

                                  There are probally having nightmares right now screaming for their mother asking when they will see her again. This is justice ? Putting my kids through this emotional trauma? They have no family and friends in Texas I thought the courts press the importance of family in the kids lives. They were yanked from their school and all of their friends. Your patting yourself on the back for winning and my kids are going thru hell? Wow good job

                                    Dawn M Neering

                                    ya know the cps investigation was never completed when i was moving they moved it to michigan I guess i should let them know that they are going to have to complete it.

                                      Dawn M Neering

                                      He told my daughter she wasn't allowed to tell anyone he hit her I guess you told him to do that too, my son is convinced he has changed I didn't argue with him I simply said "yes I'm sure he's changed" Aadyan said"i'm sure we won't have any bruises anymore". Wow

                                        Dawn M Neering

                                        Sergio Guerra 130 Impala Trace San Antonio Tx. 78258

                                        Steve Malouff
                                        Broker/Owner 210-325-9807 Email Me Visit My Website Sergio Guerra 130 Impala Trace San Antonio Tx. 78258
                                        Steve Malouff Broker/Owner 210-325-9807 Sergio is my former landlord and Steve is man that lived across from me both men know all the horrid details of my marriage, I can't find sergio's number but Steve will give it to u if you ask or you can call him at the dealership. I still owe sergio a whole lot of money.

                                          Dawn M Neering
                                          Dawn M Neering


                                          this is one of the many cps investigating agents she came to my home and interviewed the kids and I and was lining up in home counseling, which reminds me can we get the kids counseling again? PLEASE Pretty Please?

                                            Dawn M Neering
                                            Dawn M Neering

                                            yvette's number 1-210-370-7541


                                   another cps investigation agent i have to thumb through my journels and get her cell phone #

                                            Jennifer Lomas

                                            this is one the school counselors helping the kids

                                            The school police officer was helping us too I'll find his buisness card I put in a scrapbook yea I know weird

                                              Dawn M Neering
                                              Dawn M Neering


                                     This is connie at child custody solutions she was arranging the supervised visitation for greg, he got angry told these people he wouldn't work with them because they were a rip off. I don't know why? well i guess the price was steep but i paid it he didn't have to pay, why didn't he just go with the flo? They have to make money too they have a large staff and have doctors coming in and out. I just don't get it sorry.

                                                Dawn M Neering
                                                Dawn M Neering

                                                child nutrition

                                                At child nutrition Ashley and Pam were working with my daycare when greg was still working the books he had to have constant communication with these women. Pam has a story that you need to hear exspecially if he is really working for you which my cousin said to me yesterday. I can't find Pam's cell phone number a lot of e-mails have been deleted thanks to greg getting in there

                                                  Dawn M Neering
                                                  Dawn M Neering

                                                  I'll look through the hard copies and see if I can find it

                                                  Albert D Jones 1419 Summit Crk, San Antonio, TX 78258 210-481-2026 this one of the neighbors that was bidding me fairwell he'll tell you i didn't want to go and he'll also tell you i had to leave most my positions behind and i gave his family hords of stuff.

                                                    Dawn M Neering
                                                    Dawn M Neering

                                                    Briana Burns Child Care Licensing Inspector IV ph: 210-337-3110 fax: 210-304-7711 This is my DHS childcare handler but she doesn't work for DHS anymore and I don't if we're gonna be able to talk to her. She knew I was visual spatial learner most people don't know about that stuff she's highly educated.

                                                      Dawn M Neering
                                                      Dawn M Neering

                                                      Paige Lewis took over for Briana and she was there when i was going through that cps investigation and she handled my case when i opted to close.

                                                      Paige Lewis DFPS Licensing Inspector 210-262-6136 Cell
                                                      210-648-2938 Fax
                                                      3635 SE Military Dr. SAT TX. 78223

                                                        Dawn M Neering
                                                        Dawn M Neering

                                                        Brigitte A Westermann 210-694-0233 1426 Summit CrkSan Antonio, TX 78258-1916

                                                        This is another neighbor who was with when I was packing she can confirm that I didn't want to go but I was spent and couldn't turn it around

                                                        Brian is one of my daycare dad's he came over to help and he listed my garage sale for me and was saying goodbye to my babies Darn can't find his number I'm going to find one of the old Texas cell phones and go through the contacts

                                                          Dawn M Neering
                                                          Dawn M Neering

                                                          This is the school my children were attending and they were aware of the CPS investigation The teachers listed below were helping us and visiting our home and they gave a wonderful christmas Principal: Lola Folkes 22900 Hardy Oak Blvd. San Antonio, TX 78258 phone: 210.407.3600 fax: 210.481.4004 DUNLAP, BRIDGETT TEACHER FLORES. KATHERINE SPEECH LOOMIS, BARBARA, TEACHER TIPTON, COLLEEN, TEACHER

                                                            Dawn M Neering
                                                            Dawn M Neering



                                                              Dawn M Neering
                                                              Dawn M Neering

                                                              To Patti Cummins

                                                              Dec 22, 2011
                                                              Hello Patti, Sorry I was unable to call. I was hoping there would be another day that would be good for us to talk. Thank you Dawn Neering
                                                              From: Patti Cummins <> To: "" <> Sent: Monday, November 28, 2011 5:09 PM Subject: Hope for Survivors of Abuse Dear Dawn, Thank you for your interest in our group. I would like to speak with you about the group. If you could call me tomorrow after 2 at the number below I will be able to tell you about the group.
                                                              Patti Cummins Director of Support & Recovery Groups Community Bible Church 210.477-1741

                                                                Dawn M Neering
                                                                Dawn M Neering

                                                       or call 972-200-0504 This man was my instructor for my directors class I'm sure he remembers me I kept in contact. His name is Tym

                                                                  Dawn M Neering
                                                                  Dawn M Neering

                                                                  by Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D.

                                                                  People in abusive relationships want peace, safety, harmony and well-being. Yet, the things they do in the spirit of pursuing their peace, more often than not, bring them conflict that compromises their children and themselves.
                                                                  Read on to discover your options to end domestic abuse...
                                                                  (Please copy and paste URL in your browser if broken upon delivery.) Visit and Like Us on Facebook...
                                                         Please feel free to leave your comments on this article.
                                                                  Kindest regards,
                                                                  Dr. Jeanne King, Ph.D.
                                                                  Partners in Prevention

                                                                    Dawn M Neering
                                                                    Dawn M Neering

                                                           To Me,Hidden Rd,Hidden Rd

                                                                    Feb 12
                                                                    I called and texted Greg. No answer. He has not called me. Not my job to chase him. Money needs to be deposited.
                                                                    Reply, Reply All or Forward | More 989-225-1801 he can also tell you that there has never been 4 men living here and he did a background check on william he's not a sex offender, he has no criminal back ground. I wanted him out because the landlord didn't want his dog here we went a short spell of not getting along he was stressed going through his own divorce

                                                                      Dawn M Neering
                                                                      Dawn M Neering

                                                                      I sure will Call me tonight 893-3986 This is Kelly she has known me my whole life and she has seen me in this last year with my kids ask her anything you would like.

                                                                      My Aunt Dianne's number is 616-717-1761 616-458-8846 she has interacted with my children and I in the last year she can tell what kind of mom I am

                                                                        Dawn M Neering
                                                                        Dawn M Neering

                                                                        5809195701 Kevin Peckham this man has known me my whole life and I was in communication with him in Texas he knows what I was going through my marriage. I needed people to talk to I think the thing that bothered kevin the most was my wedding ring, he's a very god fearing man.

                                                                          Dawn M Neering
                                                                          Dawn M Neering

                                                                          Mr. Morsi i'm looking through this decree i don't see where it says i'm not allowed to talk to my kids can you point that out to me

                                                                            Dawn M Neering
                                                                            Dawn M Neering

                                                                            Mr. Morsi Greg's phone is turned off I was wondering if someone might be able to give me a paticular day that I will be allowed to talk to my children

                                                                              Dawn M Neering
                                                                              Dawn M Neering

                                                                              So Greg called he wanted to get me on the phone to gloat--see dawn i told you 10 months ago i was going to take the kids -- now everyone knows ur a bad mom. Mr. Morsi I'm not a bad mom==oh no wait I let the abuser take my children I am a bad mom I should be shot

                                                                                Dawn M Neering
                                                                                Dawn M Neering

                                                                                i am not going to talk to him again and subject myself to psychological abuse and torture. He's slandering me and telling hundreds of people lies, I will come forth with the truth and he will be stopped. Ever notice how hard it is to keep telling lies because you can't remember the exact lie you previously told. And it is so easy to tell the truth because it comes from memory listen to him close Mr. Morsi ..... I will not go quietly into the night

                                                                                  Dawn M Neering
                                                                                  Dawn M Neering

                                                                                  Theresa, we need to find all the women who have been victimized by this fatherhood cult; but be really sure they are victums we don't want this to go the wrong way. your excellent at picking out narc's find the narc and his wife is surely a victum. I'll see you soon luv u

                                                                                  oh crap wrong person scratch last message

                                                                                    Dawn M Neering
                                                                                    Dawn M Neering

                                                                                    The divorce decree says i have an income of 1300 monthly(I haven't had an income in the last 14 months), and Gregory has a monthly income of 1000.00 dollars. So the man with a masater's MBA makes less than the woman who has an expired associates degree wow that speaks volumes as to what kind of person we're dealing with. He told a police officer he would flip burgers before he pays me child support, well i guess he didn't have to stoop to the grill

                                                                                      Dawn M Neering
                                                                                      Dawn M Neering

                                                                                      I attempted to call again and still am unable to talkk to my children, my children know how to use a phone -- I don't to talk to him as I told you before I can't handle the psycological abuse. maybe somebody can simply tell me if they are driving to Texas There's a storm and the roads are bad is everyone OK? So I guess this is what you call best for the children? Well as long as he is getting sufficent vengance who cares about the kids.

                                                                                        Dawn M Neering
                                                                                        Dawn M Neering

                                                                                        Never mind it's not going to do our children any good to hear their mother sobbing on the other end. I can see it doesn't matter that he lied only that he won. I'll step back and have faith that they'll be ok

                                                                                          Dawn M Neering
                                                                                          Dawn M Neering

                                                                                          Greg called but when I asked to talk to our children he wouldn't let me

                                                                                            Dawn M Neering
                                                                                            Dawn M Neering

                                                                                            I talked to Ava she said she asked her Dad several times and he wouldn't let her, in the back ground he was saying don't say that say you tryed to call her several times. I asked if he understood that teaching them to lie is causing them psychological damage and he doesn't agree. I'm afraid this will take place repeatedly to the children during our conversations. He said I'm not allowed to know where there living or where they're attending school. When Ava started to tell me the name of her new school the phone was taken away. It's not surprising behavior

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