It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, December 11, 2017

Officer Shannon guilty of Official Oppression and falsifying legal documents

01 December 2017 approx. 1600 hours 
Chief's security detail sent for Officer Shannon she was instructed to take me to behavioral health no matter how I answered the text book questions and she ignored the fact I did nothing wrong. 
Shannon did take me in from the river walk and she told huge lies on an emergency detention form falsifying a legal document, obstruction of justice, and Official Oppression. 
Officer Shannon shared with me that her partner is Kasberg and we all know the lies this man told and the fact he took me in when I was not a danger to myself or anyone else. His partners lies were much bigger than his perhaps she taught him. She said that I had a disorder of Schizoaffective disorder I have no such diagnosis and had never heard of this until Shannon put it on a legal document. Then Shannon went on to say that I was non med compliant. How can I be non compliant when I do not take meds and have not been prescribed meds ever.  Gee shannon how hard will it be for me to prove in a court of law that I didn't have this diagnosis and I was never prescribed meds?
Shannon listed that I approached Chief McManus and wanted him to answer my questions I did not ask the man any questions I was answering the question he asked me. She went so far as to accuse me of going to his house I have not gone to his house and where did she pull this information from thin air I am sure. 
Shannon then went on to say that I sent emails claiming that I was Chief McManus. No I did not, this woman in going to great lengths in attempt to find me guilty of something anything. I sent emails about homes that I found that would suit my family. Both the Chief and a sergeant in his office asked me what I wanted and this is one of many things I want and I was simply being specific about what I wanted.
Shannon listed on this form that I hear voices and I see things. Really Shannon? I sure wish you would tell me about these supposed voices because I know nothing about them. It sounds as if Shannon is projecting her dysfunction onto me.  Shannon then said that I think there are bugs in my phone. Well Shannon I think bugs haven't been used since 1996, what I think is that you need therapy and meds so you can join the rest of us in the 21st century. 
During our talk Shannon shared that her and Kasberg visited my home to do a follow up in November. They knew full well I was out of that home in July. They were only doing a follow up because Chief McManus told them to come and harass me. Now Chief knew better than anyone the day I was out of that house and it appears he was sending his officers on a wild goose chase. Wasting gas and many other resources these are your tax dollars at work time to start paying attention people. 
Shannon took me to South West General where she was talking to the Nurse as if I was not even there and she mysteriously pulled the nurse to another room when she was lying to her telling her I was hearing voices and delusional. I can still her you Shannon you don't know how to whisper. Then she was giving the Nurse my information as if I was unable to speak and give it myself. Shannon is real good at degrading people, disrespecting them, and robbing them of self worth. Pack your desk.   

I just lost my freedom and I will never see my children again and i did nothing wrong. The judge ruled in favor of the VA doctors because they never ask for forced custody well they are only asking because they received a call before I got to hospital and we all know who did that. Ask the chief give retribution for the crimes he committed against me is not an infraction of the law but calling South West director and telling them to give me a diagnosis that matches what his officer wrote is most certainly a crime. I will get Justice and I think it is important to add I had no legal counsel or advice the woman that told me she was there to help told me to tell my whole story and hang myself then she asked me questions in front of judge that were completely unrelated to why I was in hospital. The attorney that was prosecuting me was much more professional.
The judge said a very stupid thing I am sure the doctors will release you right they sent me to court to hold me
Please notice that the judge ruled in favor of VA simply because they never file court orders. That speaks volumes about the fact that Resident Madison was filing it because she was instructed to do so in a phone call she received. She received a call from Doctor Miller from South West I had never seen this doctor and never talked to this doctor but yet this doctor was telling the VA resident to give me the same diagnosis that shannon put on the detention form, and file a court order. I wonder who else called Madison? Your a real busy beaver making calls aren't you Chief? 

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