It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Birth of Anikin

Abuse and proof of abuse:

On August 22nd 2008 I began having contractions and labor pains, I informed my Husband that our baby was coming and he told me “you’re not having a baby go back to bed”.
On August 23rd my contractions and labor was steadily increasing I asked my husband to help me and try to make arrangements to get me to the hospital and he said “you’re crazy you’re not having a baby and would then leave the bedroom to watch TV downstairs. My nine year old daughter was left to help me because my husband refused. She helped in and out of the bathroom and with a bloody clean up. I called my doctor told him what was happening even though I was three weeks early I was sure I was in labor. My doctor told me to start to head to the hospital and he would meet me there, he asked me to call when I was on my way. I called my husband in the bedroom again and begged him to please call somebody to get to the hospital. He lay on the bed and laughed at me then he left the room. 45 minutes later I asked my daughter to check to see if he had contacted anyone. Ariel returned to tell me that he had not called anyone and was lying on the sofa watching TV as if nothing was happening.
I then called 911 dispatch when I was talking to dispatcher Mr. Marshall returned to the room and told to hang up and he would try to call someone. It was 5:30pm now and he asked two neighbors and he called his boss Lisa Vanackeren she was unable to drive me to the hospital because she had been drinking all day and was unable to drive.  I then tried 911 dispatches again Greg asked me to ask her if it was not an emergency if we would be strapped with the bill; she told us that we would be. I opted to not have an ambulance come get me because my husband was angry about the possibility of bill. I began to call a taxi service and when I was trying to get a taxi to our location I would have a contraction and stop talking and the dispatch would hang up on me. I tried to three times and then asked my daughter if she could talk for me, she said I don’t know how and then she went downstairs to where Mr. Marshall was in front of the T.V. again. Ariel proceeded to yell at her step-father you call a taxi and get my mother to the hospital. At that time Mr. Marshall called for a Taxi and I had him call twice more because 35 minutes had passed and I was well into transition and believed I was dying. (Come to find out I was).
Once we were in the hospital Mr. Marshall suddenly wanted to help me walk and hold me during my contractions (when others were watching him). The nurses rushed me into a delivery room and contacted my doctor because I had been unable to do so. During examination we learned my baby was breach and it was policy to never deliver a breach baby naturally I was too far into labor for them to do a caesarian. The doctor that was on the floor didn’t want to do it and when the doctor came in the room he put his finger towards Gregory Marshall and yelled 10 more minutes and your wife and unborn child would have died.
My delivery room had 17 members of the medical staff present during the delivery of my son.  When he was finally delivered they immediately rushed him to the NICU, I was even able to hold him. After the staff had left the room my husband said well if I had gotten you here in time they would have cut you open so I were lucky it was the last minute. My husband did not even bother to say he was sorry. When I was questioned by doctors I lied to protect my husband about why I waited to get to the hospital. I don’t know why I did this but I found out later that my nine year old daughter was at the nurses’ station telling all the nurses and doctors the events that lead to the birth of my son. 
Two police officers came to my room and asked if I would like to press endangerment charges against my husband but I didn’t want to and explained to the officers that he had been under a great deal of stress which caused him act badly.
Four hours after delivering my baby my family and I were standing in the lobby of the hospital, because my husband was going to a rental car which I had scheduled for the following day. He began swearing at myself and my oldest daughter when we told him he needed to take the two toddlers with him. He was angry because did not want to have to transfer the toddlers and their carseats from a taxi cab to a rental car. Mr. Marshall expected me to chase my toddlers around a hospital after giving birth. When insisted on taking my nine year old with him and she refused to go with him he was screaming “son-of-a-bitch and God Damn-it”, very loudly in the lobby of the hospital.
Mr. Marshall went and got the rental car with our two toddlers but did not return to the hospital until the following day.
My new baby was in the NICU for 10 days and once I was released from the hospital I was unable to visit him because Mr. Marshall refused to take any days off work, and I was not allowed to bring my other children into the NICU. I was forced to visit my baby in the middle of the night and on two occasions Mr. Marshall went to the bar after work, claiming his bosses wanted to take him out and celebrate the birth of our son. Gregory came home intoxicated and I was unable to go to the hospital, I was fearful of his ability to tend to our other children.
I have contacted the hospital and have been able to obtain my medical records and the contact information for the Doctor that delivered my baby.

Birth of Anikin continued:
So when I was calling 911 Greg must have heard what I was doing because that was the first time he moved from the sofa all day. Talking to the dispatcher was hard enough because my contractions were 4 minutes apart and each time I would have a contraction I would stop speaking. Then my husband came barreling through the master bedroom door screaming you are going to make us bills we can not pay. Gee I thought I was trying to save the life of our unborn child, and myself. If those 911 call recordings still existed you would clearly hear him screaming in the back ground. However they are so old I think they probably no longer available. The dispatcher told me if it was not an actual emergency I could be billed 1700.00. I opted not to get the ambulance to come get me even I most certainly should have. He left the room again and went back to the sofa. I attempted to call for a taxi even though I didn't know if I could even make down the steps to the door. My nine year old daughter was still at my side and I hated doing this to her but I had no other choice. When I called the taxi dispatch I would stop speaking during my contractions and the dispatcher would hang up on me. I made this attempt twice and then asked my daughter to call and she yelled I am nine I don't know how to do that. I begged her to just try I have to get the hospital. That's when the fire was lite in my little Ariel and she went downstairs and was screaming at her stepfather.."you get off that sofa and help my mother". I think she then called him some choice names that of course she knew because he used them on a regular basis.
He then called his boss/mistress Lisa Vanackeren to get a ride to the hospital who told him she was too drunk to drive and it was 4pm. He asked the neighbors and they couldn't do it. He suggested to ride his bike to Lisa's house of that would have taken hours and the baby and I would have been dead by then. I demanded he call a taxi since he made it abundantly clear I was not allowed to have an ambulance. The taxi took forever, when it arrived it was Ariel that helped me down the stairs and her stepfather stood at the bottom of the steps yelling hurry up the taxi is waiting. Our three young children were loaded and we were off. I informed the taxi driver that I was in labor and the need to push was unbearable, he drove faster and each time I was breathing through a contraction I could see beads of sweat dripping down his face he thought he was gonna have to pull over and catch and if Anikin had not been breach baby he would have had to do just that. 
We arrived at the hospital and for the first time in several days my husband actually offered to help me out of the cab and into the hospital, when I had a contraction he let me hold his shoulders. Why the sudden change in the monster well I'll tell you.....there were other people watching and when others are watching this sick man turns instantly into a golden child. When he got me in there a long walk no wheel chair(he a brainyack), the nurses checked me and then went into a complete panic. Then got me a bed quickly and before I knew it there were 17 nurses, however there was only one doctor on the floor that day, Doctor Mark Thompson. My doctor was on his way but had not arrived. My three children were whisked away to the nurses station as a party began in the delivery room. Dr. Thompson was very angry and he finally came in to deliver a breech baby which no doctor ever wants to do because both mothers and babies die. Dr. Thompson started screaming at my husband with his finger held high ten more minutes and your wife and unborn child would have died. After Anikin was delivered my doctor showed and another doctor I did not know. They said we told you to come in hours ago what happened? I lied I told them that our vehicle broke down and we had to get a taxi. What I didn't know at the time was my nine year old daughter was at the nurses station telling every member of the staff in great detail (more detail than listed here), the events of the day that had lead to her mother's near death experience. So those doctors knew I was lying and that is why all of them looked at my husband like the monster he is. He turned to me after our baby was whisked out to the NICU and said "Well your lucky I didn't get you to the hospital in time because they would have cut you open". Nope he did not say sorry, he did not see anything wrong with the way he had treated everyone that day.
Four hours after I gave birth he was due to go get the rental car we all walked down to the lobby of North Baptist Hospital because he was getting another taxi and we left the car seats in the lobby. He told me I had to keep our toddlers with me four hours after giving birth. I told him I could not chase our toddlers up and down the halls of the hospital after just giving birth. He began screaming loudly calling every name in the book in front our children and this time when people were passing through the lobby he did refrain from yelling and screaming. Then he isn't on taking his 9 year old stepdaughter with him because he was going to make her take care of the toddlers. She refused, he of course called her names and said some other ugly things; after all he had done he could not even take care of our children. They got in the taxi to go get the car rental and while they were gone and it was just Ariel and I two police officers walked in the room. They asked me if I wanted to press endangerment charges on Greg, of course I refused and delivered some excuse that he is under a lot of pressure at work and that is why he treats of all like shit. Big mistake as you can imagine I wish now that I would have done it. He had us all convinced that we would never survive without him and that we would surely die. 
So I had an extended stay at the hospital because I had some sort of infection, each day Greg brought our three some children for me to take care so he could go to work. So I could not leave my children alone in my hospital room and I could not take them to the NICU with me to see Anikin. so I went long extended periods without being able to spend time with my baby, because my husband refused to take even one day off work. Please bear in mind we had gone months already without receiving a pay check from his boss/mistress and there would be long extended periods of no pay after this as well. Yet he couldn't get a day off after his wife had a baby. 
I was released from the hospital on Wednesday and I went home to a train wreck he had not cleaned one inch of the house. I was told I could not do anything at all however I was left with no choice it had to get done. The washer was broken and as everyone knows there is always laundry to be done with kids. I dragged the washer to the garage and tore it apart to see if I could fix it. It took me two days but I got it done it was the belt and I decided since I had it apart I would clean the slug from the drum casing. I put it back together and asked my husband to help me get it back into the garage. He said yes but then he never helped me at all. Soon after this in our marriage he would start to telling he would help on weekends only of he knew I wouldn't wait. This was all his little tricks to avoid physical labor. He said over and over that he went to school so he never had to do physical labor again. Please stop to imagine the health of someone who plans on never doing physical labor again in his life. I got the washer back in the house and proceeded to do 22 loads of laundry non-stop. Remember I just gave birth and was bleeding with the complications complied I had no business doing all this but again I had no choice.
On Friday I had been home from the hospital two days and our new baby was still in the NICU he called me from work to tell me that his boss and her husband were going to take him to the to celebrate the birth of Anikin. So basically they were celebrating him nearly killing us. I told he couldn't go because that was my only time to go see Anikin. If he wasn't home with the kids then I couldn't see the baby. He was very angry but agreed to return home after work. The time came for him to come home from work and he never showed. I called him several times at the bar and he came angry. When he did return home he was drunk and he drove the rental car home drunk. I went another day without seeing my annie. And this was just the beginning of me having to call all the bars to find my husband and yes he was always with Lisa.

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