It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, December 1, 2017

South West General Hospital

I was taken to South West General by Shannon on December 1st at approx. 1730
I was taken to ER they did a urinalysis and a blood work up I actually received food at this hospital not like NIX who did not feed me. I waited in a be seen by a doctor and there were 5 other people in the ER for the same reason I was there. I was just 4 feet from the nurses station when the phone ran and the nurse was talking to the director that is what I was told I am assuming she was talking about the director of the hospital but she didn't say. What they did say was they needed more urine because apparently they are set on finding drugs in my system and there simply are none. Then she said they were moving me to the 2nd floor and I was being admitted . I was the only one out of the six people that was admitted. I worked the ER for more than three years 2nd and 3rd shift the Director of the hospital never called us we got emails and messages through charge nurses never the director himself.
Let me reiterate I am not a danger to myself or anyone else.
I was taken upstairs went through my lovely strip search. and they washed my clothes and amazingly let me wear my own clothes and I did not have to be viewed during showers. South West General was much nicer than the NIX.
The following morning I saw a nurse practitioner who told me I wasn't being released and she was filing a court order to hold. Of course that is what Chief McManus called the Director about. I was upset and after I thought about what she was doing and asked to talk to her again she refused to make herself available. She had only talked to me for 5 minutes and her mind was made up she was doing the court order no matter what I said during our meeting. She didn't check my heart or my vitals and she was trying to throw meds down my throat this not the way that is done. I have never taken any of these meds before I refused them I do not need meds I need a team of attorneys and a safe place to be.
I requested to be transferred to VA to a nurse and they said no. I had a social worker come in and I talked to him about the transfer and he said he didn't know how to do that. I then became upset because I knew I legally had the right to be transferred to VA. and I didn't have to wait. I called Rachel a minion and asked her if she could call the VA because my civil rights were being violated. She did that for me and she said they already knew I was coming over. Apparently the social worker figured it out and all I had to do was wait for an ambulance. It was a Saturday night I am surprised we were able to get one at all. I arrived to VA at 2200 hours and saw resident at 2240 she was not pleasant and was telling me the same thing come to find out she received calls from South West General doctors and director and I had never talked to any of this people ever. The court order thing again and a diagnosis of something in which I had no signs or symptoms.
Look at all these careers McManus is tainting and possibly ruining.

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