It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Seaworld outburst and punishment

In July of 2009 we started our seaworld membership it was our first time there. Greg decided that he was going to go on the rides with our 5 year old and my niece Kelly who this year was 14. He instructed me and the two babies to sit in one spot and not move. The heat was blazing and I had a 8 month old and a two year old who wanted to know why they couldn't go have fun and why had to sit there and wait for them to get off the ride and with a combination of lines and the length of the ride the babies and I could have been waiting for hours. So Anikin ended up with a dirty diaper and in that heat I could not let him sit in it for any length of time I decided that we would change it and come right back to the spot we were commanded to be at. So we did just that and as luck would have it the rest of my family got off the ride while I was changing the diaper. They didn't see us and they didn't wait right there either.
We ended up being lost for hours looking for each other. I found out later that Greg was yelling at my niece as if it were her fault he was calling her FU$% BI%^&. She was a 14 year old child and he was calling her these names and then started yelling at her that Auntie Dawn spends too much money when she comes to visit. Another thing that is not a 14 year old child's fault and she should not be yelled at by him at all especially these names. And continued to use the B word for the near two hours we were separated. My brother found out from Aadyan my 5 year old who was listening and witnessing the whole thing.
I and my two babies were very hot and Greg had all the money and I nor the babies could get anything to drink.
We finally found each other at the entrance of seaworld. Greg walked up and back handed me across the right side of my face. Security was near by and they rushed him. As usual I cleaned up his mess and told security it was OK and he wasn't going to hit me again if he valued his jewels. Of course mine was all talk and no actions. He started stomping towards the exit and left me and our 4 children walk alone. Our three children and my niece. My daughter Ariel was in Michigan visiting family.
When he finally calmed down I talked to him about what he was so upset about and he said that he would miss work. It was 8pm and he didn't have to be to work until 9am the next morning. Bear in mind he was having an affair with his boss the owner of the company.
Never once did I hear my husband say that he was worried about the well being and safety of myself or our two youngest children. Two babies and his wife were missing and not once did he have a concern that something terrible happen to us. He didn't go to the office and check if the medics had come to get us. He didn't go see the officers to see if there had been an incident involving a mother and two babies.
Isn't he great.
Greg was the worst monster this summer more than any other summer and there will be more stories about this summer.

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