It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Officer Martinez

To whom it may concern;
The attached police report written by Samuel Martinez was falsely written with bias to the suspect in my case.
When I went to the substation to file a police report I had plate numbers and vehicle descriptions dates that I had been followed and locations that I had been followed. I even showed Officer Martinez pictures of my ex-husbands’ automobile that when he came face to face with me. I explained to Officer Martinez that there is a court order in place that states my ex-husband is not to be within a thousand feet of me.
Instead of including all of this information in the police report Officer Martinez chose to call the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and speak with Gregory Marshall (my ex-husband), and Tamer Morsi (his attorney and co-worker), at which time officer Martinez wrote in his report that I appeared to be insane and that I was claiming the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign had been following for the past year. I had only been in the state of Texas for 2 months when I filed the police report so how could I have been followed for the past year. I will gladly provide proof that I was only in Texas for two months when this report was filed.  I never stated I was paranoid however Officer Martinez felt he should include in the police report that his opinion was an actual statement I made when it was not.   I know seasoned psychologist can not make a diagnosis of insanity based on appearance alone , so why it is Officer Martinez seems to think he is qualified to make presumptions. I do appreciate Officer Martinez giving me sold proof that the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign are guilty of deformation and slander; however I believe Officer Martinez is guilty as well.  Officer Martinez made the statement that I had never contacted to the Police when my ex-husband was calling to threaten me and this is an untrue statement. I will gladly collect all the 911 calls I made in Michigan when my ex-husband was calling to threaten me, and there are a lot. So if I had made so many calls and filed so many police reports when I was being threatened by my ex-husband; why would I tell Officer Martinez I didn’t file any reports or make any calls? Because I did not say that to Officer Martinez he in my opinion was falsifying this police report to help the SAFC and its members. Officer Martinez also stated that there was a injunction filed against me and yet he was unable to see that injunction states that my ex-husband and I should not be in 1000 feet of each other yet he failed to include the pictures i had of my ex-husband coming right to my door step violating that injunction. Just because my ex-husband says that I have been aggressive does NOT make it true.
I thought the mission statement of SAPD was to Protect and Serve, but Officer Martinez has made it look at though the actual mission of Officers is to do favors for their friends.

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