It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Friday, January 6, 2017

BBB violence prevention

Contact Us

Name: Dawn Neering
Phone Number: 2105893947
Contact Pref: No Reply 
Subject: The coercion of nonprofits in SA
Comments or Question: Family Violence Prevention Services, INC I first contacted family violence prevention services in june of 2014 at which time I was informed they would not help me with shelter even though I was being chased by my ex-husband and several members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign however at this time I was told I qualified for legal services. For the following year and half I was jumping through hoops filling out applications and sending documents and my case files. Around July 2014 Mary Ann at the Salvation Army called Gregory Marshall and she had him on speaker phone while I was in her office. He told Mary Ann that he was working closely with the Battered Women’s Shelter and he went on to say that he and his three children were staying at the Shelter of course it was a lie the Shelter is for women and his claims of being a victim of domestic violence are nothing more than pumped up lies. In November 2015 I was told verbally on the phone when calling The Family Violence Prevention Services that I would be receiving legal assistance. I went into a court of law on March 04th 2016 and I did tell the judge the Family Violence Prevention Services would be helping me to reopen my case. Tamer Morsi attorney for the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign became angry and said this case will not be reopened. After this hearing I called Family Violence Prevention Services INC. I talked to Nailya Fuller who then informed me that I was denied services. She claimed that she had sent me a denial letter certified mail. I never received any such letter and certified mail is supposed to be signed for so where did she get a signature because it wasn’t my signature she had. I then had to ask several times if she could email the denial. I find it very odd that I was qualified and I was told that I was getting services until I made the mistake of telling the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign I was getting help from this organization. My ex-husband who works for the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign has said over and over again that he works closely with organization and it Is my belief that he works on making sure that mothers don’t get legal services and most especially myself. It is very upsetting that this organization would deny a mother services just in an effort to do favors for fellow nonprofits. The fact that I had solid proof that I was in fact a victim of domestic abuse and years of beatings should have been enough to bring to light that Gregory Marshall of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign was lying and cheating the system. Gregory Marshall has received large amounts of assistance based on his lies that he was a victim of domestic abuse when in fact he was the victimizer, defrauding the city’s grants and other programs that are designed to help domestic abuse survivors. As you can see in the letter it says that I have ten days to appeal however this was post dated December 17th 2015 and I never received it until April 2016, she was clearly making sure I would never get the much needed legal assistance I was seeking. I find it very concerning that the employees of this organization are abusing their positions violating policies and procedures to do favors for friends.

1005 La
Phone: 512.445.4748, Fax,:
Posada Dr. . Austin, TX 78752
512,445-2096 .
Product or Service Involved
I Pnrt ] Styiu"rr fA Name of Comoanv
contact A fi'l , ,rt Etlftt,r
Purchase Date
Amount Involved 3 small children

BBB contacts the
about this case?
a complaint. Would
a you be willing to allour the media to

Your signature
gives BBB permission to release this/nforma(on)to regulatory
Family Violence Prevention Services, INC
I first contacted family violence prevention services in june of 201,4 at which time I was informed they
would not help me with sheltereven though lwas being chased by my ex-husband and severalmembers
of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign however atthis time I was told I qualified for legalservices.
For the following year and half I was jumping through hoops filling out applications and sending
documents and my case files.
Around luly20L4MaryAnnattheSalvationArmycalledGregoryMarshallandshehadhimonspeaker
phone while I was in her office. He told Mary Ann that he was working closely with the Battered
Women's Shelter and he went on to say that he and his three children were staying at the Shelter of
course it was a lie the Shelter is for women and his claims of being a victim of domestic violence are
nothing more than pumped up lies.
ln November 20L5l was told verbally on the phone when calling The Family Violence Prevention
Services that I would be receiving legal assistance.
I went into a court of law on March O4th 2016 and I did tell the judge the Family Violence Prevention
Services would be helping me to reopen my case. Tamer Morsi attorney for the 5an Antonio Fatherhood
Campaign became angry and said this case will not be reopened.
After this hearing I called Family Violence Prevention Services lNC. I talked to Nailya Fuller who then
informed me that I was denied services. She claimed that she had sent me a denial letter certified mail. I
never received any such letter and certified mail is supposed to be signed for so where did she get a
signature because it wasn't my signature she had. lthen had to ask severaltimes if she could emailthe
I find it very odd that I was qualified and I was told that I was getting services until I made the mistake of
telling the members of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign I was getting help from this organization.
My ex-husband who works for the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign has said over and over again that
he works closely with organization and it ls my belief that he works on making sure that mothers don't
get legal services and most especially myself.
It is very upsetting that this organization would deny a mother services just in an effort to do favors for
fellow nonprofits. The fact that I had solid proof that I was in fact a victim of domestic abuse and years
of beatings should have been enough to bring to light that Gregory Marshall of the San Antonio
Fatherhood Campaign was lying and cheating the system.
Gregory Marshallhas received large amounts of assistance based on his lies that he was a victim of
domestic abuse when in fact he was the victimizer, defrauding the city's grants and other programs that
are designed to help domestic abuse survivors.
As you can see in the letter it says that I have ten days to appeal however this was post dated December
tTrh 201,5 and I never received it until April 2016, she was clearly making sure I would never get the
much needed legal assistance I was seeking. I find it very concerning that the employees of this
organization are abusing their positions violating policies and procedures to do favors for friends.

Ms. Dawn NeeringMarshall

San Antonio, TX 78204
Ilrar lr,{s. }i**ring-$,{arshall"

Family Yici*ne* Preventiun Senices, Ins.
T9l i Frondx,ay
*5an Antoni*, TX ?8?Sg
Tel: 3i[t-3 iCI-3?41
Fax: ?10-31S-XCI1S

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