It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city

It takes a group of Monsters to corrupt a city
julian castro promotes a corrupt organization that causes child abuse

Monday, January 16, 2017

Hubert Clifton Robertson the 3rd

Hubert C. Robertson assisted Gregory J. Marshall in attacking the mother of his child. This man is so sick he thinks it is perfectly OK that three small children have lost their mother and are unable to speak to her or see her.
Hubert C Robertson is the father of my oldest child Ariel Jade Robertson and Gregory J Marshall of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign is her step-father. Since Ariel was old enough to speak and understand what people are saying her father has been bad-mouthing her mother right in front of her he has never had anything nice to say about or to her mother since the beginning of Ariel's life. He has for many years been saying that her mother is an Alcoholic and he tells this lye to anyone that will listen. This is a perfect example of projection considering this man has had three DUI's and has had court order AA classes that he never did finish. I was never able to make sense of the fact that he would go out and get fall down drunk after he attended Dr. Baker's AA classes. I am sure Dr. Baker could explain this in a more formal manner than I ever could it is her area of expertise and she is the one with the psychology degree.
From the time Ariel was born and I had custody he never paid a dime of child support we had an agreement that we would work out between us however now that he has decided to help Gregory J Marshall attack me he has filed a child support claim against me lying to the courts about my income levels. It will be thrown out but this is one of many things Tamer Morsi of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign has advised the people involved in my case to do. The other is he advised them

However this man's sickness goes deep his daughter told him she felt like dying and she was suicidal. He drove her to his mother's house got in his truck and left the state to work. Work is more important than our daughter's life because that is what these men think money is more important than human life and they have shown their ability to make the trade over and over again. He did not take our daughter to the hospital he did not get her a doctor or a counselor and to this day she does not have a counselor. When she tells him she needs a counselor he says "Do you know how much that costs?". "You say you need a counselor and that is your mother talking". No you small minded person that is the entire medical community talking. People go to counselors to dump the things stressing them bothering them. People who are church goers and have a love and respect for god go see their pastors and priests. You think you are healthy because you claim not to need such things all that does is prove how sick and pretentious you are. Father of the year this one. SICK
Hubert C Robertson even went so far as to put our daughter in the middle of the battle between Gregory J Marshall of the San Antonio Fatherhood Campaign and myself. He instructed our teenage daughter to dig for information from so the members of the SAFC would have something to use against me. Of course she fell short being able to obtain anything that I may of been doing that was wrong, unlawful, or unethical because I simply do not participate in any of this in the manner that Gregory J Marshall or Huey Robertson do. My daughter went so far as to make up a lie that I was drinking when I was not. She is rewarded with material possessions when she supplies these men with dirt on her own mother. In the year 2013 she was told that she would be given a limousine to go to the Homecoming dance if she moved out of my home and into her fathers' home, of course she complied with the request. It is hard enough being a teenager trying to deal with changes in our bodies and being accepted by our peer groups and then these two men come along pressuring her to stab her mother in the back and only talk to her mother when they need information about a legal battle.
The last time my daughter texted me pretending to want to talk to me, was coincedently the very same day I filed a complaint against Officer Flores with Captain Smith of the South Substation. I did not respond to my daughters text, it took some time for me to figure out what was happening however I did and I feel she will continuously be put between a rock and hard place if her and I continue to talk to each other and I do feel I am protecting her by staying clear of her because these are very sick men in our lives. Of course Officer Flores walked into the Captains' office claiming I had some sort of mental disordered in his defense claiming my allegations were false and had done nothing wrong. Flores to this day is still hacking in my phone listening to me and reading all my text messages, however even if he were to check out the evidence is there. If he were so innocent then why did he feel the need to attack my character.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah thanks for ignoring all my texts. Not like a I wanted a mom or anything. Not like I was actually trying to build a relationship with you.
    Good to see you at my graduation though, oh wait you werent there. That's all sarcasm by the way.
